Stylized wedding sessions and themed weddings are becoming more and more popular every year. No wonder! The times of the gray and brown era of the Polish People's Republic are long behind us 😉 Young couples are increasingly choosing the main theme of their wedding reception. The topics are usually related to the personal likes and preferences of the young spouses. However, after the success of JK Rowling's book and the film adaptation of Harry Potter, young couples are more and more willing to be inspired and take on characters from the fantasy world.
Themed weddings require the right setting. As the wedding expert of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, emphasizes: "It is worth mentioning that during each photo session and the wedding ceremony itself, a minimum of involvement will be needed, i.e. appropriate props, makeup and a bit of acting will be required." A place that, for obvious reasons, should not be too modern is also important. A castle, a palace or a manor house will suit perfectly. It would be best if the place we chose had a garden for games and an outdoor wedding.
Ideas for themed weddings, i.e. the main theme of the wedding
Let's take a look at the two most popular motifs taken by the wedding industry from the world of magic:
Lord of the Rings - Here, as in the world of Harry Potter, we have a lot of room to show off. The Bride and Groom can impersonate Aragorn and Arwen. Children are dressed as hobbits (loose tunics, paws imitating hairy feet). The father of the Bride and the Groom are, for example, Gandlaf and Saruman, who, after the first toast and the joint dance of the Bride and Groom, reveal their true colors and fight a magical battle.
We are in the world of Middle-earth, so on the tables there are soups in cauldrons (instead of vases), roasts, cheeses, fruit on platters, as well as the famous elven lembas (a type of bread). We decorate the room with magic balls, fairy pollen and flowers, which are not lacking in Tolkien's world. We change the alcohol bar to "Under the Prancing Pony", where you can order mead, wine and beer. Some of the smoking guests are served with pipes stuffed with a suitable mixture of dried herbs.

Lord of the Rings-style wedding games include: forming the ring team, "Two Towers": volunteers build constructions, e.g. from empty bottles or other material, going to the cellar (or other underground room) for dwarven wine, drinking dwarven beer on time, looking for a ring hidden, e.g. in a fireplace, carrying playmates on the back (a reference to the last scene of the trilogy). Outdoor games: archery, pony riding. We can also ask the bridesmaids to dress up as elves - they will look phenomenal!
These are just a few suggestions for fantasy-style wedding games. You can find more inspiration by reading or using your own imagination. Remember that this is a world of magic, so there are no limits 😉
A dream wedding?
We make all dreams come true - see for yourself!
Harry Potter – it is the undisputed leader among themed weddings in recent years. Not without significance is the success of JK Rowling's novel (the second most read book in the world after the Bible!). Faithful readers and fans of Harry Potter have never stopped dreaming of a letter from Hogwarts, and when in London, the first thing they check is the authenticity of platform number 9 ¾, located at King's Cross railway station. So it's no wonder that they can't imagine an ordinary Muggle wedding and reception.
But where to start? An interesting idea is to send invitations stylized as a letter from Hogwarts. We distribute the guests to the tables using the Sorting Hat (in this role, for example, a ringleader dressed as Dumbledore reads the names from the hat) according to the names of 4 houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin). We serve dishes inspired by the world of Harry Potter, e.g. pumpkin patties, casseroles and savory pancakes, mashed potatoes, roasts, beer, pumpkin juice, and beans of all flavors for children. We decorate the table with magic books, bubbling cauldrons and magic potions.
Instead of typical wedding games, we offer guests a Quidditch match on a broom, a wand fight or a search for a (previously hidden) mandrake in the conservatory. You can also try to organize various pranks, as the famous Weasley Brothers did in the novel. Useful props: wand, cauldron, wizard hat, cape, broom. Magical animals (can be artificial): owl, cat, rat, unicorn, phoenix, centaur, hippogriff.

Movie theme
Many couples also choose other wedding themes. One of them is the movie theme. It can be associated with one title or simply cinematography in a different edition.
A great idea is a wedding in the style of James Bond, the famous agent 007, serving Her Majesty. Such a party will certainly be accompanied by many elegant dresses and decorations of the room in the glamor style. We know perfectly well what the British agent's favorite alcohol was, so it's worth supplying the drink bar in Vesper Martini, shaken, not stirred, of course. In addition, as in Casino Royale, instead of traditional vignettes, we can distinguish the names and surnames of guests on casino chips. It is not a very high cost, and the delight of guests is huge!
In addition, we can spread a red carpet in front of the entrance, and scatter imitation diamonds on the tables. Well-chosen light will complete the whole and create a unique atmosphere! And if the Bride and Groom drive to the wedding in the famous Aston Martin, the guests will be speechless!
Certainly in these leitmotifs you can see how important it is to choose the right attributes for the style of the wedding. Sometimes a few small props are enough to make the leitmotiv recognizable at a glance. An introduction to a specific theme can be an invitation that will give guests some clues about what to expect at the wedding. It will also inform them what the dress code will be during the ceremony.

In the second part of the article, the main topic will be themed weddings inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Game of Thrones and Star Wars! It promises to be a real feast (not only) for fans of beautiful fantasy-style weddings! Be cautious!