For many people, spring is the perfect time to get married. The world begins to take on colorful colors, the first buds appear on the trees, delicate flowers break through the last patches of snow, and the air smells fresh. Everything comes to life, blooms again - just like the love of lovers blooms. Spring is also Easter time. Or maybe it's worth combining these two events and organizing a wedding on Easter? How to prepare such an event?
Can you get married on Easter?
We associate Easter with family gatherings and cheerful feasting at the festive table. Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are days of joy, making them the perfect time to get married. In the Code of the Catholic Church, we will not find any provision prohibiting marriage during this period. So lovers can confidently plan a wedding on Easter. Interestingly, in the past it was on this holiday that young couples got married most often.
Unfortunately, we will not have a church wedding in Lent, which the Catholic Church celebrates very restrictively. It is especially forbidden to marry at the end of this period, i.e. during Holy Week.
What about the ceremony at USC? Can you get married on Easter? Theoretically, the office organizes weddings throughout the year. However, the ceremony on Good Friday or Holy Saturday may be poorly received by family or friends. We must not forget that we live in a country where the main religion is Christianity, which prohibits celebrations during this period. If we care about a large attendance at the wedding, it is worth postponing it to Sunday or Monday - of course, if the selected office performs weddings at that time.
Why wedding and wedding receptionis Easter a good idea?
A wedding is a joyful, exceptionally family event. And so are Easter holidays. The combination of these two events is double happiness! According to beliefs, the Easter period is the perfect time to get married. Some people say that couples who get married during the holidays are happier!
Couples who decide to take a makeover wedding on Sunday or bank holiday Monday, they don't have to worry about low attendance. On Easter, practically everyone has a day off, which makes it possible to joyfully celebrate the wedding day in a large family circle.
An Easter wedding is a guarantee of beautiful Christmas decorations! Easter is dominated by pastel colors and delicate, fresh flowers that perfectly fit into the romantic wedding style and are perfect for decorating the wedding hall. It's the same with the wedding menu. The young couple can confidently use the delicacies that reign in this period. White borscht, Christmas salads, mazurkas and eggs in various forms will be perfect for wedding tables.
The last, but no less important, advantage of an Easter wedding is… the awakening of nature! Spring is a time of rebirth, hope and a new beginning, making it the perfect time to get married. The first spring flowers, the rays of the sun pleasantly warming the body, the grass that begins to take on its most intense colors and the wonderful singing of birds that have returned to the country after a long winter - all this creates an exceptionally romantic aura, perfect for promising eternal love for a wedding carpet. A spring wedding can be an amazing experience.

Wedding on Easter - minuses
Easter is a special time that each of us wants to spend with our family - photographers, members of music bands, hairdressers and make-up artists as well. When organizing a wedding on Easter, you have to take into account that it will be harder for us to find subcontractors who are usually needed to make this day special. Some service providers do not work at all during this period, while others may offer a higher quote.
It is worth remembering that all organizational issues must be closed before Christmas - incl spring room decorations, stationery, flower collection, etc. Many companies do not work on Holy Saturday, which may make it difficult to finalize the details before the ceremony.
Some guests may not like the idea of attending an Easter wedding. Many people are used to spending Christmas with their loved ones. An Easter wedding is associated with a forced change of plans, which can be a reason for dissatisfaction.
It is also worth remembering that Easter is a movable feast. And while in April we have a good chance of beautiful, sunny weather, the end of March can surprise us with snowfall or a slight frost. However, let's remember that a wedding in such an aura can be equally magical and romantic. The key is to change your attitude and plan the celebration accordingly.
Pastel Easter wedding
Many future young couples give their wedding day a specific theme. The leitmotif connects each element and creates an amazing atmosphere. An atmosphere full of love and magic.
The perfect leitmotif for an Easter wedding and reception are pastels. In order not to overwhelm the wedding arrangement, it is worth choosing 1-2 colors and combining them with wedding white. A combination of powder pink and light green, or blue and gray will look great.

On pastel wedding delicate tablecloths and table runners with subtle patterns, decorative garlands, paper pompoms, elegant candles in glass candlesticks or jars and fresh spring flowers cannot be missing. In spring, you can bet on tulips, freesias, lilacs, buttercups or lilies of the valley. Pastels perfectly match decorations made of natural wood. Wooden coasters, inscriptions, cake topper and other elements will perfectly match the spring style of the event.
You can't forget about pastel stationery, pastel additions to the Bride and Groom's creations and pastel church/office decorations.
Do you want to organize a wedding on Easter?
Dwór Korona Karkonosze gives you such an opportunity!
An idea for an improvement on a lazy Monday
Decydując się na ślub w Niedzielę Wielkanocną, w lany poniedziałek można zorganizować niezapomniane poprawiny weselne! Śmigus-dyngus wywodzi się z dawnej tradycji słowiańskiej. Przez długi czas dzielił się na dwa odrębne obrzędy. Śmigus polegał na symbolicznym biciu się witkami wierzby po nogach i oblewaniu zimną wodą, co symbolizowało oczyszczenie się z brudu i chorób oraz sprzyjało płodności (dlatego głównie oblewało się panny na wydaniu). Dyngus zaś dawał możliwość wykupienia się pisankami od podwójnego lania. Nasi przodkowie w ten sposób świętowali odejście zimy i przebudzenie się wiosny. Dziś śmigus-dyngus traktuje się jako zwyczaj ludowy, który głównie polega na oblewaniu wodą – wszystkich, a nie tylko panien na wydaniu. Bez wątpienia jest to wyśmienita zabawa, która idealnie wpisuje się w radosne świętowanie zaślubin.
Use the custom at weddings! Prepare a set of special gadgets (water guns, water balloons, etc.) and a few towels. Before the party, you can organize a snack in the form of a bonfire with delicious, roasted sausages and regional beer. Celebrating the corrections in this way can be an unforgettable experience for both you and your guests!
The perfect wedding date? This choice is an individual matter. If you dream of getting married on Easter, nothing stands in the way. Book your dream wedding hall, set a date in a church or office and start planning this special day.