Regardless of how you plan to serve alcohol at your wedding reception - a fully open bar, select drinks or just vodka, wine or beer - it's important to make sure this area is well looked after throughout the event. So if you are wondering if a bartender for a wedding is a good idea, consider the following points.
A bartender or team of bartenders to oversee the bar is the best way to avoid long queues at the self-service bar or disgruntled guests who can't create tasty cocktails themselves. If you hire a bartending company, the team can help you plan and complete the necessary drinks and accessories. It may even have developed relationships with suppliers who will accept returns of unopened bottles left over from the wedding, saving you money. Once the wine, beer and other liquors arrive at the wedding party, the bartenders will be responsible for checking everything and making sure that the correct charge has been made for the products delivered. The bartender for the wedding also takes responsibility for the amount of ordered drinks. It's already his head, so that no one lacks anything.
When is one bartender for a wedding not enough?
The task of the bartender is, among others. keeping the bar and cocktail area clean – no empty glasses, napkins or used straws. If you know that you can only include one bartender in your budget when planning a wedding, ask the team at his disposal wedding hall, to delegate someone who could support the bartender in his duties.
By the way, if you succeed to you have at least two bartenders, willyou much more satisfieden Withe service provided because one person can help the other - bring ice and extras With another room or putsworn out dishwasher glasses while the otherand the person manages the bar. Rememberyouthat the number of bartenders there will beyou need varies depending on the number of guests and the layout of the place. There's nothing more frustrating for guests than a wedding where no one can get to the bar because the bartenders can't keep up with the demand.

Only a bartender can make a "decent" drink
Although it may seem obvious, in most cases only a bartender for a wedding will provide really tasty drinks. Few guests know exactly how to prepare, for example, Long Island. Even if he has the recipe at his disposal, it will certainly take him a long time. And the other guests behind him will eagerly await their turn. Meanwhile, bartenders are professionals. They know the exact proportions and when it comes to wedding drinks They know most of the ingredients and proportions by heart. They can also come up with various types of cocktails on the spot, depending on the taste preferences of the ordering party. It is worth noting that a bartender for a wedding is also a great option for those who are planning wedding without alcohol. After all, he can conjure up colorful cocktails from juices and syrups as well as from tequila. Not to mention the show of skill that can accompany the preparation of drinks.
The self-service bar is not self-service
Although the self-service bar sounds simple and uncomplicated, don't be fooled by appearances. You still need someone to oversee everything. He supervises, intervenes in the event of any failure and makes a balance of what is running out all night long. In addition, you need someone who will constantly ensure that guests always have access to clean dishes. Just as well, and usually even better, a hired bartender for a wedding can do it, and you don't have to wonder during the opening whether the ice is running out. Leave it all in the efficient hands of the bartender and the bar will run smoothly, making your guests happy and "taken care of".
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Check how many of these things you can entrust us with!
Hiring your own bartender for your wedding has numerous advantages
The responsibilities of a bartender at a wedding go far beyond simply opening bottles and pouring drinks. In essence, it's about giving your guests an amazing experience. Professional bartending service will also help the Bride and Groom decide what to serve the guests so that they are happy and at the same time do not feel overwhelmed by the multitude of choices. Experienced bartenders also know about the details that will help you stay within your budget and at the same time get what the newlyweds want.
Here's the question alcohol for the wedding and how many to choose, gives sleep to many couples. You don't actually need five kinds of vodka. Professional staff will advise the right amount for a specific number of guests, and will tell you which brands provide both taste and quality, not necessarily at the highest price.
It seems that a bartender for a wedding is a service that has only pluses. However, one point should be noted - tips. dtellyou like your bartender he comes to it. Some contain agreement point, allowing for placement jarand on tipand by bar. However, some par I do not wanteto make their guests feel they must tip, so they decide to include the tip in the deal.

Before you decide to hire a specific company or person to operate the bar, conduct "research". As with any supplier you will be using for your wedding, find out everything you can. The more you know, the better. And when your big day comes, nothing will surprise you.