Wedding preparations are as exciting as they are stressful. The young couple has to make many important decisions, one of them concerns the menu. Are you wondering what dishes to serve for a wedding to pleasantly surprise guests and charm their palate? We have prepared some suggestions for you!
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Jedzenie to jeden z kluczowych elementów udanego wesela! Jakie dania na wesele się sprawdzają? To pytanie, które nurtuje wiele par młodych w trakcie przygotowań do tego wyjątkowego dnia. Wybór odpowiednich potraw może być wyzwaniem, zwłaszcza gdy staramy się zadowolić różnorodne gusta naszych gości.
W tym wpisie przedstawimy kilka propozycji na niezapomniane dania na wesele oraz podpowiemy, jak skomponować menu weselne, które zachwyci wszystkich obecnych. Gorące dania na wesele to nie wszystko – liczy się także odpowiednia kompozycja przystawek, deserów i napojów. Dowiedz się, jakie dania na wesele wybrać, aby każdy kęs był pełen smaku i zapadł w pamięć na długo!
What are the wedding dishes?
Wondering what your wedding guests will like? Remember that composing the menu is just as important as the choice of music, attractions or decorations. This is a big challenge, especially if you want to organize a party for several hundred people. The more guests you invite, the harder it will be to please everyone. However, you can introduce a few solutions to make the menu leave an overall positive impression.
each wedding hall proposes its own menu. In some establishments it is more extensive and in others less so. It was usually dominated by broth, meat rolls, Old Polish bigos, chicken legs, as well as Silesian dumplings with pork chops in sauce. And how is it today?

Hot dishes for a wedding are not everything
Most couples opt for 5-7 hot dishes at a wedding and cold appetizers for a wedding. Popular cold snacks include cranberry pâté, Greek-style fish, vegetable salad or pork chop in jelly. They are also a good idea wedding snacks, e.g. a cheese and cold cuts board, especially at a rustic party. In addition, the menu should include cakes, desserts and fruits for the wedding.
Your menu should also include hot snacks, such as skewers, stuffed cabbage, bogracz or red borscht with croquettes. You can also think about stuffed peppers with smoked cheese, stroganoff, baked ham, goulash soup or baked dumplings.
How to compose a wedding menu?
Among the wedding dishes, soups play an important role. Most often, the premises offer chicken soup, traditional sour rye soup, sour soup and tripe. Cream soups, especially vegetable and mushroom soups, are also becoming more and more popular.
Are you looking for ideas for meat dishes for a wedding that will please your guests? In then take advantage of our suggestions. If you don't want to serve breaded pork loin or rolls, consider tenderloins in mushroom sauce, chicken fillet, roulades or cutlet de volaille. They go perfectly with potatoes (from water or baked), fries, potato dumplings, Silesian noodles or rice. Beetroots, sauerkraut or fried cabbage and a bouquet of fresh salads are perfect for such a dish.

What wedding dishes to choose?
When preparing the menu, include both classic dishes for the wedding and original ones. Many guests will be happy to try something new, so you can safely serve a cream soup or a fish dish. On the other hand, vegetarians will surely like dishes based on tofu, soy or groats.
If you have a bigger budget, give your guests a choice. Instead of serving only broth, you can also suggest mushroom soup, sour rye soup or red borscht. Thanks to this, everyone will choose what he likes the most. You can do the same with a hot meal. In addition to the traditional breaded pork loin, you can include baked cod, rolled roulades or tenderloins in dill sauce in your menu.
Food is one of the key elements of a successful wedding!
With us you will be sure that your guests will be enchanted!
A few suggestions for unforgettable wedding dishes
If most guests do not eat meat, pay attention to vegetarian dishes for the wedding. Mushroom soups and vegetable creams can be prepared without meat broth. You can also ask guests if they eat fish. If so, all you have to do is replace the meat with cod, salmon or halibut. On the other hand, you can easily replace the classic tartare and pate with a cheese board, herring or salmon tartare, as well as zucchini, chickpeas or lentils pate.
When setting the menu, you don't have to limit yourself to traditional Polish dishes. Surprise your guests by serving something from Italian, Chinese or Spanish cuisine. Bet on variety, thanks to which everyone will choose something for themselves. If the place where you are organizing the party does not employ cooks, you can hire them yourself or hire a catering company.
How to arrange a wedding menu?
When composing the menu, do not follow the rule "the more, the better". If you have any questions or concerns, take advantage of the experience of the ballroom manager and chef. They will be happy to advise you on how many appetizers and dishes to serve for the wedding, taking into account the number of guests.
Dishes at the wedding can be served on platters or served. It should be emphasized that each option has its advantages and disadvantages. The first solution allows guests to freely compose a meal. The second version, on the other hand, is more elegantnck. It wonderfully emphasizes the unique nature of the party.
Zastanówcie się, jak czasowo rozplanować poszczególne potrawy, szczególnie gorące dania na weselu. Postarajcie się zachować podobne przerwy. Nie dopuśćcie do sytuacji, w której trzy posiłki będą serwowane co godzinę, a na czwarty trzeba poczekać kilka godzin. Nie chcecie przecież, by Wasi goście zrobili się głodni. Upewnijcie się, że ciepłe dania zostaną podane co 3 godziny.

Choć niektórym parom wydaje się to dziwne, podawanie posiłków warto rozpocząć od członków zespołu weselnego. W ten sposób unikniecie sytuacji, w której najedzeni gości będą niecierpliwie czekać na muzykę. Skonsultujcie z wodzirejem, o której zostanie podany kolejny posiłek. W przeciwnym razie zespół może zaprosić gości do zabawy akurat wtedy, gdy ciepłe danie będzie wnoszone na salę.