Do you dream of organizing an unforgettable one? wedding for 50 people? Regardless of whether you made such a decision because you value an intimate atmosphere, you have a limited budget, or you have a small family, you certainly want to spend wonderful moments with your loved ones. We have prepared a handful of tips to help you plan a romantic party!
What will you learn from the article?
Planowanie wesela to jedno z najważniejszych zadań, jakie stają przed przyszłą Parą Młodą. W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej par decyduje się na kameralne przyjęcia, ograniczając liczbę gości do najbliższej rodziny i przyjaciół. Czy warto zorganizować wesele na 50 osób? W tym artykule przyjrzymy się temu, dlaczego małe wesela zyskują na popularności i jakie korzyści mogą przynieść.
Na początku omówimy, co składa się na koszty wesela i jak je zoptymalizować, aby zorganizować niezapomniane przyjęcie bez nadmiernego obciążenia budżetu. Następnie przeanalizujemy, kogo nie może zabraknąć na tak kameralnym wydarzeniu oraz jakie są główne zalety mniejszego wesela. Pokażemy również, jak zaplanować niewielkie wedding party krok po kroku, od wyboru sali weselnej aż po rozważenie opcji organizacji wesela w górach.
Zapraszamy do lektury naszego poradnika dla przyszłych Par Młodych, który pomoże Wam zorganizować idealne wesele na 50 osób!
- Why is it worth organizing a wedding for 50 people?
- A wedding for 50 people: a guide for the Bride and Groom
- Co się składa na koszty wesela?
- An intimate wedding for 50 people: who can't miss it?
- What are the advantages of a small wedding?
- How to plan a small wedding party?
- How to choose a wedding hall?
- Sale weselne na 50 osób – gdzie ich szukać?
- Czy warto rozważyć wesele w górach?
Why is it worth organizing a wedding for 50 people?
Many people say that the era of lavish weddings for 200, 300 and even 500 people is slowly coming to an end. Young couples are increasingly organizing intimate parties for their closest family and friends. If you want to spend the most beautiful day of your life with your closest family and friends, plan an intimate ceremony. In this way, you will devote much more time to all guests than if you organized a party for 200-300 people. If you care about an intimate atmosphere, consider a less boisterous wedding.
Are you organizing an intimate wedding?

Before you start organizing a wedding for 50 people, think about who you want to invite. Think about who will come alone and who with an accompanying person. Decide whether you will hand out invitations to work colleagues or limit yourself to your closest friends. Think about what you're going to say to someone who's a bit offended that you didn't invite them. Organization elegant wedding for 50 people, however, is not as stressful as throwing a grand party.

A wedding for 50 people: a guide for the Bride and Groom
When organizing a wedding for 50 people, you can allocate more funds for fashionable wedding hall decorations and accessories. Think about whether the individual elements of the wedding hall decor match wedding theme. In this way, you will show your family and friends that you took care of every detail. That the wedding, even if it is not a typical, boisterous event, is important to you and you want to "finish" the aesthetic side of this celebration.

If you are organizing a smaller wedding, it is worth considering an away wedding. Guests gathered in one place for a wedding, for example in a charming place in the mountains, will be able to integrate without any obstacles. The two families get to know each other better and maybe even become friends? Wedding with an overnight stay is always a good and convenient option. More and more wedding venues offer at least a few guest rooms, so when booking a venue, ask the manager or owner if it is possible to rent guest rooms. An intimate wedding in the mountains it has an extraordinary charm.
Co się składa na koszty wesela?
By organizing a small party, you can save a lot. Before you make the final decision, carefully analyze your budget. Include both fixed and variable costs. The first category of expenses includes:
- wedding dress, jewelry and accessories,
- groom's suit,
- wedding band/DJ,
- wedding bouquet and boutonniere flowers,
- decor,
- wedding attractions,
- hairdresser and beautician,
- photographer and videographer,
- administrative fees required for a civil wedding,
- fees related to a possible church wedding, if you decide to have it.
When setting the budget, you should also include expenses depending on the number of invited guests:
- invitations,
- room rental,
- menu,
- cake,
- sweet buffet, bartender, gifts for guests (optional).

An intimate wedding for 50 people: who can't miss it?
If you are organizing an intimate party, you are surely wondering, who to invite to the wedding, by nie żałować. Chociaż przyjęło się, że po obu stronach powinna znajdować się taka sama liczba gości, nie zawsze jest to możliwe. Przygotowując zaproszenia, należy uwzględnić rodziców, dziadków i rodzeństwo. Z drugiej strony rodzi się pytanie, how to seat guests at a weddingfor everyone to be satisfied. Start with the presidency table when planning the seating of the wedding guests. The bride should take a seat on the right side of the spouse, and a witness with an accompanying person can be seated next to her. On the other hand, next to the Groom should sit the witness with her partner. According to the rules of wedding savoir-vivre, the closest people should sit near the bride and groom. Also remember to seat men and women alternately at the table.
What are the advantages of a small wedding?
By organizing an intimate party, you will spend a long-awaited day with people who are really important to you (and each other). Then you don't have to force yourself to run the so-called small-talk or fake smiles. You can behave naturally in the company of your loved ones. When you decide to have a wedding for 50 people, you can also spend more money on a dress, suit, rings, renting a luxury wedding car, attractions for guests or a honeymoon.
If you have some free time and feel like it, prepare some things yourself. In this way, you will not only save a lot, but also get away from everyday worries. Look for elegant designs for invitations, place cards, alcohol tags and table plans that will make your task easier.

An intimate wedding always guarantees great photos. Ze względu na mniejszą liczbę gości, fotograf i kamerzysta mogą skupić na poszczególnych osobach, fascynujących detalach i wzruszających kadrach. To będzie wspaniała pamiątka!
On the other hand, for the master, band or DJ, a wedding for 50 people is a big challenge. However, if they perform their duties well, it will bring them great satisfaction. At a boisterous party, someone will always come out on the dance floor to a given song, and the rest will simply join in. In the case of a small celebration, you need to be creative to hit the wedding guests' taste when it comes to dancing or games.
How to plan a small wedding party?
You dream of having yours adoption stayed in the memory of guests for a long time? Then organize a spectacular red wedding. The proposed leitmotif is associated with passion, love and passion, i.e. feelings that should accompany every bride and groom. When weaving red accents, keep moderation, otherwise you can achieve a slightly kitschy effect. Combine these decorative elements with traditional white to create a delicate contrast. Look for red balloons, candles, flowers or napkins, thanks to which you will give a wedding for 50 people a unique character.

How to choose a wedding hall?
Some young couples reserve a room for 200-300 people even two years in advance, if you don't want to wait so long, think about an intimate party. Chances are there are at least a few in your area premiseswhere small weddings can be held. Before you make your final decision, read it carefully wedding contract. Pay close attention to the fine print to avoid surprises and unplanned expenses.
The wedding reception is an unforgettable part of every wedding. Some couples decide to have an intimate wedding, which is a great alternative to large, entertaining parties. Thanks to this solution, you can gain more privacy and intimacy, as well as focus on what is most important in a wedding - love and relationships between people.
Organizing a wedding requires choosing the right place. The possibilities are wide - from small, intimate restaurants to spacious, atmospheric wedding houses. When choosing a menu for a wedding party for 50 people, it is worth focusing on quality and elegance, and at the same time ensuring a variety of dishes and appetizers. Good food is not only the basis of good fun, but also an element that stays in the guests' memory for a long time. Therefore, it is worth ensuring that the menu is varied and adapted to the taste of each participant.
During a wedding reception for 50 people, it is worth taking care of various attractions for guests. These can be games, competitions, dances, as well as additional attractions, such as a photo booth, a fireworks show or a bartending show. It all depends on ingenuity - it is worth remembering that a smaller-scale party gives more space for individual ideas.

Wynajem sali weselnej – jak to zorganizować?
To avoid unnecessary confusion, ask a few questions related to renting a wedding venue. First of all, find out how much you pay for a "plate" and how much for children up to 10-12 years old. Determine whether you need to make an advance payment, and if so, how much and is it refundable? Also ask if you should settle the total costs of the wedding for 50 people before or after the party. Ask if you have to pay for guests who for some reason did not show up at the wedding. Finally, find out if the price includes:
Lokal na wesele – to musisz wiedzieć
before you book wedding hall, talk to the manager or owner. Remember to call ahead and make an appointment. Thanks to this, you will be sure that they will find time for you. By the way, cross out from your list premises where the initial conversations are conducted by a random person from the service or receptionist. This approach does not reflect well on the image of a given object.

- serving coffee and tea,
- bridal room,
- room and table decorations,
- taking care of cake, pastries, juices and fruits.
Regardless of whether you are organizing a modest wedding for 50 people or a grand party, when looking for subcontractors, pay attention to their experience and quality of services. Ask your family and friends if they can recommend a confectionery, florist, catering or wedding band. If they don't recommend anyone, look for reviews on wedding forums and Facebook groups.

Sale weselne na 50 osób – gdzie ich szukać?
Planning a wedding is a real challenge, especially when it comes to choosing the right venue. The wedding hall is one of the key places that affects the entire atmosphere of the party. Weddings for 50 people are currently a very popular solution, so it is worth considering what kind wedding halls are available and what criteria should be taken into account when choosing.
Przede wszystkim należy zacząć od wyboru lokalizacji, która będzie dogodna zarówno dla Pary Młodej, jak i dla gości. Istotnym elementem jest również wybór sali, która pomieści 50 osób, ale jednocześnie nie będzie zbyt mała, aby zapewnić wygodę i swobodę podczas przyjęcia. Warto także zwrócić uwagę na styl sali – czy ma ona charakter klasyczny, rustykalny, czy może nowoczesny.

Another criterion when choosing a wedding hall for 50 people is the availability of parking lots and other amenities. It is worth checking whether the hall has its own parking lot, and whether it is easily accessible. Another important element is the equipment of the room, which should be adapted to the needs of guests. It is worth checking if the room has air conditioning, access to toilets, a wardrobe and adequate lighting.
Wedding menu
One of the important elements when organizing a wedding party for 50 people is the choice of menu. It is worth paying attention to the catering offer. The wedding hall should be able to provide a variety of dishes and appetizers that will satisfy the tastes of all participants. The availability of a bartender or barista is also an important factor that affects the quality of the party.
The last but no less important criterion when choosing a wedding hall for 50 people is the price. It is worth paying attention to the cost of renting the room, as well as any additional costs, such as decorations or waiter service. An important element is also to determine the date and duration of the party to avoid possible additional costs.

The cost of a wedding and reception for 50 people
A wedding is an important event in the life of every couple. Unfortunately, it can also be quite costly. Organization of a wedding, even a small one, weddings up to 50 people also involves some expenses that must be taken into account when planning.
The cost of a wedding and reception for 50 people can vary greatly, depending on many factors. One of the most important factors is the location of the wedding. A wedding in a larger city, in an elegant restaurant or in a wedding house, will cost much more than a wedding in a smaller town or in a private house.
Another important element is the choice of catering. choosing catering, warto zwrócić uwagę na jego jakość i na oferowane menu. Oczywiście im bardziej urozmaicone menu, tym wyższy koszt. Ale też wesele ma swoje prawa. Nie da się go zorganizować, rezygnując na przykład z obiadu weselnego czy słodkości.
The cost may also depend on the amount of decorationthat will be needed at the party. Flowers, garlands, candles - these are just some of the elements that can add charm, but also significantly increase costs.

Please note that in addition to the cost of the party itself, the Bride and Groom will also have to incur other expenses, such as a dress, suit, wedding rings, invitations and photos.
When it comes to the cost of the wedding itself for 50 people, it is worth considering the catering and decorations. Depending on the selected catering, the cost may range from several dozen to several hundred zlotys per person. When it comes to decorations, the cost can range from several hundred to even several thousand zlotys, depending on their quantity and quality.
The cost of a wedding and party for 50 people does not have to be high. You can go looking for savings where possible. It is also worth remembering that the most important thing is that this day for the Bride and Groom is special. Everyone probably prefers to remember how beautiful and successful their wedding was, than, for example, the savings they managed to make on dessert...
Obiad weselny – co się sprawdza?
The wedding dinner is one of the most important parts of the party and should be appropriately tailored to the tastes of the guests and the style of the party. In the case of a wedding for 50 people, choosing the menu may seem easier, but you should still make sure that the meals are interesting, nicely presented and varied.
At the beginning, it should be determined whether it will be a served meal or a buffet. Such a variant can be chosen, for example, when organizing outdoor wedding. In the case of a served meal, you should consider choosing a few main dishes that will be suitably varied, but also adapted to the needs of guests. In the case of a buffet, you can choose a larger number of dishes that the wedding guests will simply impose themselves.
When organizing a wedding dinner, it is also worth paying attention to the dietary preferences of guests. Many people follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, and some also have intolerances to certain ingredients or food allergies. Therefore, it is important that the menu contains a variety of dishes that will be adapted to the needs of all guests.
In the case of a wedding dinner for 50 people, you can choose several types of meat, such as chicken, pork or beef, but also fish or vegetarian dishes. It is also worth remembering to diversify the menu with additions, such as various types of salads, potatoes, rice or pasta. Don't forget about the appetizers.

Wedding for 50 people - wedding house
Choosing a wedding house for 50 people is a decision that will affect the entire atmosphere of the party. An important element is the choice of a room that will accommodate the right number of guests. In addition to the size, it is worth paying attention to the style of the room - whether it is classic, rustic or modern. Wedding houses offer not only a properly equipped hall, catering and decorations, but also additional services, such as music or a photo booth.
The organization of a wedding for 50 people in a wedding house gives many possibilities, and at the same time allows you to maintain an intimate and intimate atmosphere. Many wedding houses offer a choice of different rooms, depending on the number of guests and the preferences of the Bride and Groom. Wedding houses offer a variety of wedding menus that can be adapted to the preferences of guests and the assumed budget.

Another advantage of wedding houses is that they offer full service throughout the event. The employees of the wedding house deal with all matters related to the organization, including serving meals, serving the bar and decorating the hall. Thanks to this, the Bride and Groom and their guests can focus on having fun. In addition, such places often offer many amenities, including the availability of a parking lot, appropriate room equipment, or the possibility of organizing accommodation for guests.
One of the greatest advantages of wedding houses is the fact that they are specialized in organizing wedding receptions and have the appropriate experience and facilities that allow for professional guest service.
How much alcohol for a wedding?
Organizing a wedding is a huge undertaking that requires many decisions. One of the most important elements of a wedding reception is to provide the right amount of alcohol for guests. First of all, you need to consider the type of wedding. Will it be an all day party or just an evening party? In the case of an all-day wedding, you need to provide more drinks, including alcohol, so that guests have something to drink throughout the day.
In the case of an evening party, the amount of alcohol may be less, because the guests will spend less time at the wedding. The second important factor to consider is the age and tastes of the guests. If many people prefer beer, then you should provide more beer than wine or other spirits. If, on the other hand, there are many wine lovers among the guests, it is worth taking care of the right selection of drinks. White, red, pink, dry or semi-dry - the choice is huge. It is important to properly estimate the amount of alcohol and ensure that guests have something to drink, but at the same time not to overdo it to avoid unpleasant incidents.

Czy warto rozważyć wesele w górach?
Organizing a wedding in the mountains is an ideal option for couples who want to create an unforgettable experience on their big day. Wedding in the mountains for 50 people is an intimate and intimate wedding party that allows you to create a unique atmosphere among picturesque landscapes.

One of the main advantages of organizing a wedding in the mountains is the unique atmosphere and beautiful views. In the evening, during sunset, we have an amazing atmosphere that delights everyone. It is also worth remembering about the possibility of organizing an outdoor session - the photos will certainly be unique.
When organizing a wedding in the mountains, it is worth remembering to choose the right place. What to look for? The best climatic wedding hall. Another important element when organizing a wedding in the mountains is the proper preparation of the space. You have to take care of decorations, lighting, power supply. It is also worth taking into account the weather and preparing tents or umbrellas that will serve as a roof in the event of a change in the weather.
An intimate wedding in the mountains?

In the case of a wedding in the mountains for 50 people, the menu should be adapted to the nature of the wedding. It is worth focusing on regional dishes offered by nearby farms and restaurants. The menu should be varied to satisfy the tastes of all guests, and at the same time remind of the character of the region.
It is also worth remembering about other elements, such as games and attractions for guests, which will help create a unique atmosphere. These can be, for example, competitions, quizzes, games or activities for children.
Wedding in the garden for 50 people
Organizing a wedding reception in the garden is a beautiful and romantic option for young couples who want to organize a unique and unforgettable wedding reception. In the case of a wedding for 50 people, organizing a wedding in the garden, in harmony with nature, can be the perfect solution, because it allows for an intimate and intimate atmosphere, while allowing fun and dancing in the open air.
When organizing a wedding in the garden, it is worth remembering about choosing the right place. It should be a place with a large area that will allow you to arrange tables for guests, a wedding table, a dance zone and other elements of the wedding, such as a children's corner or a barbecue area. Another important element when organizing a wedding in the garden is the proper preparation of the space. You have to take care of decorations, lighting, power supply, as well as the safety of guests. If there is no proper infrastructure in the garden, it is worth hiring a professional company that will rent equipment, such as tents, chairs, tables or sound systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wedding for 50 people
Wesele na 50 osób ma swoje zalety i wady. Na plus należy zaliczyć kameralną atmosferę i możliwość zorganizowania bardziej intymnej uroczystości. Większe wesele zwykle wiąże się z problemami organizacyjnymi i większymi wydatkami, jak również z koniecznością zapewnienia odpowiedniego cateringu i rozrywki. W mniejszym gronie jest to o wiele łatwiejsze.

However, a wedding for 50 people also requires careful organization and planning. All elements of the celebration, from invitations to decorations, must be adapted to the number of guests and should be carefully thought out to create beautiful and unforgettable memories. A wedding for 50 people doesn't have to be less solemn or less magnificent than a larger wedding. Appropriate music, decorations and decor, as well as good food and drinks will create a wonderful atmosphere that will remain in the memory of both the Bride and Groom and the guests for a long time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a wedding for 50 people?
How much does an intimate wedding cost? The cost of a wedding for 50 people depends on many factors, such as the location of the wedding hall, the number of dishes and drinks, music, decorations and many others. Other costs that are worth considering when organizing a wedding for 50 people include: the cost of invitations, flowers, costumes, hairstyles, photography and film, transport for guests, accommodation, gifts and renting additional equipment (even tents in in case of bad weather). Thus, the cost of a wedding for 50 people can range from a dozen to several dozen thousand zlotys, depending on the selection of individual elements of the wedding.
Karpacz wedding hall and its surroundings?
The first step when looking for a wedding venue is choosing the right location. The Giant Mountains with their spectacular panoramas will be perfect. It's good when the wedding hall is close to the wedding ceremony site, so you can save time and reduce transport costs. An important element of choosing a room is also the menu and catering. Near Karpacz, in Sosnówka, we will find a wedding venue with professional service. In Dwór Korona Karkonoszy we have several wedding halls to choose from and a garden for weddings and outdoor weddings. Nearly 780 weddings have already been organized there, so we can be sure that many years of experience will also pay off during the next event.
How much for a wedding?
How much for a wedding? Contrary to appearances, the answer to this question is simple - as much as we can afford. It is customary that guests give the young couple the equivalent of the so-called plate, i.e. the cost of catering. However, the closest family or friends often put more in the envelope. However, if we can't afford too much expense, don't worry. After all, nobody does a wedding to make money.