When everything is finally buttoned up and the important, long-awaited day finally comes, the future spouses have to face one more obstacle - wedding barriers set on the way to a new, life together. What are wedding gates? How to prepare the original gate? We explain and advise.
Organizing a wedding is a big challenge. Future newlyweds have to find the perfect wedding hall, choose their wedding outfits, invite guests, set the menu, order subcontractors and complete a lot of formalities related to the ceremony. It doesn't always go smoothly. Sometimes there are smaller or larger problems that need to be solved efficiently. Fortunately, having a proven organizer, a lot of preparations are assigned to him. However, there is one thing that no one will do for future spouses. It's breaking through the wedding gates.
Wedding gates past and present
Once upon a time, wedding gates were an inseparable element of every wedding. Today they are cultivated less and less. This is one of those wedding customs that is loved by some and considered unnecessary by others. Nevertheless, traditional wedding ceremonies can spice up the wedding day, relieve stress and tension that accompany the bride and groom. It is worth to include at least some of them in your wedding schedule.
Wedding gates are one of the wedding customs. Barriers, slogs or pledges - this ritual has different names depending on the region. However, the idea is the same in each case. Where did the tradition of making wedding gates come from? As it turns out, this is quite an old custom. According to tradition, the groom, before meeting his beloved dressed in a solemn wedding dress, had to buy her out. On the way to the chosen one's house, the future husband came across barriers made of various types of ropes or ribbons, set up by villagers, neighbors or relatives who were not invited to the ceremony. The young man, wanting to redeem his bride, had to give them a wedding cake or alcohol.
Dreaming of a traditional wedding?
Do you want to implement an unconventional idea?
Nothing is impossible for us - see for yourself!
Today, the custom of setting up barriers for the Groom is not as popular as it used to be - but many people still cultivate it. Wedding gates are made both on the way of the future husband to the house of his beloved, and at later stages of the ceremony - e.g. on the way to the church (office) or to wedding hall. What do the gates look like today? Usually they are very simple - ribbon or string with decorations. The Groom does not have to perform any special tasks to force them. The witness gives the people gathered at the gate alcohol (wedding vodka) or sweets, and they let the car through in gratitude. Sometimes they also place a bouquet of flowers or other small gift for the Bride and Groom on the hands of the witness.
Wedding gate decorations
How to decorate the gate? When it comes to wedding gate decor, you can bet on minimalism and choose a subtle ribbon decorated with colorful balloons. Such wedding gate decorations are easy to make and look very impressive. An interesting idea is to prepare a barrier in accordance with theme of the wedding. To create such a gate, first of all, you should ask future newlyweds what wedding style they have decided on. It's not worth leaving it to the last minute. It is better to do it in advance to complete all the decorations calmly.
Wedding gate idea
How to match the gate to the style of the wedding? Down For a rustic party, jute twine decorated with delicate twigs and white or cream flowers is the best fit. Young people are planning a wedding and style wedding glamor? is the perfect opportunity to prepare a gate made of a shiny, thick ribbon decorated with shining crystals or gold or silver elements. And what decorations for the wedding gate in style boho? Feathers, lace, fringes, white flowers and all other elelements referring to the earth and nature.

Unusual wedding gates
Nothing stands in the way of going a step further and preparing a wedding gate in an unusual style. The gate was supposed to be something surprising. That's why it's worth letting your imagination run wild and make a detention that the bride and groom do not expect. One that will make them laugh and be a nice memory of that special day. There are many ideas for wedding gates! The only limit is the imagination of the organizers of the whole project.
An interesting solution is the gate referring to the profession of the groom. Instead of a string, you can put a fire engine decorated with streamers and colored lights (if he is a firefighter) or two police cars with a siren (if he is a police officer). The barricade of company cars will look like a real detention! The groom's friends can play a short scene that will add authenticity to the whole event.
An idea that will surely surprise the newlyweds is a gate referring to their common interests. Bicycle barrier? Organizers dressed as characters from the Bride and Groom's favorite movie? Or maybe a pen made of backpacks decorated with colorful banners with warm wishes in different languages? If the bride and groom organize wedding during the carnivalyou can dress up in a variety of costumes. There are many possibilities!
How to behave at the gate?
Above all with class! A wedding is a solemn, very important event that can generate a lot of stress and nerves. It is not worth adding additional worries to the Bride and Groom. The newlyweds should wish for a new way of life. It is worth giving them a small gift that will be a souvenir of this amazing, magical day.
wedding gate ideas
The Bride and Groom should not be kept for longer. Any exchanges of kindness and affection are best kept to a minimum. The wedding day schedule is usually very tight. And we don't want future spouses to be late for theirsyour own wedding, right?

Is it worth organizing wedding gates? It all depends on preferences, the nature of the ceremony and how well we know the bride and groom. Gates can be an interesting addition to a wedding. Remember that the newlyweds are the most important couple on this special day and should be treated with respect. Behave with class at the gate. Bad mood is not recommended! A wedding is a joyful, romantic event. And so should the gate.