A wedding is a very solemn ceremony. It is a unique, extremely romantic event that the Bride and Groom celebrate together with their loved ones. You shouldn't go to a wedding empty-handed. Finding the perfect wedding gift for the Bride and Groom is not an easy task. What to give newlyweds: cash or some material thing? We suggest how to choose the perfect wedding gift.
A wedding gift for the newlyweds
One of the wedding traditions is giving gifts to the newlyweds. In the past, newlyweds were given basic household appliances, furniture or home accessories. Unfortunately, it often happened that the Bride and Groom ended up with 4 irons, 10 identical sets of bedding, 3 wall clocks and 2 vacuum cleaners. What was it about? First of all, from the availability of few products on the market. Giving envelopes with money was not a popular custom, so guests opted for practical gifts.
Today, such gifts tend to be a thing of the past. The exception is when the future newlyweds themselves request material products for gifts. Many couples prepare special wedding gift lists to present to guests when they ask for a wedding gift. Guests can choose a specific item from the list and "reserve" it. This will avoid duplicate gifts. What could be on such a list? Practically everything - from small household appliances, through home furnishings (such as bedding, towels or kitchen accessories), to decorations (e.g. paintings). Not only is it a great solution for couples who are in the process of arranging a new house or apartment, but also a great convenience for wedding guests.
More and more often, special markings can be found on invitations, suggesting to guests what gifts the newlyweds expect. They usually take the form of original graphics or humorous inscriptions (rhyming poems, etc.). For example, it can be a picture of cash and a bouquet of flowers crossed out, which suggests that the Bride and Groom want to get money, and the flowers are rather worth giving each other. The markings on the invitations are a very subtle and at the same time extremely accurate suggestion regarding wedding gifts.
Wedding gift or envelopes?
Cash is undoubtedly the most popular form of wedding gift. Such a wedding gift will certainly come in handy for a young couple. They can use the money however they want. From parts they will be able to cover, for example wedding expenses. How much should you put in an envelope? Wedding Tipsthat can be found in this topic are different. It was assumed that the envelope should contain at least enough for the Bride and Groom to pay for the "plate". The cost of food for one person at a wedding is PLN 150-250. Therefore, the couple should give the newlyweds about PLN 300-500 as a gift. Of course, this rule is conventional. If someone cannot afford such an amount, they should give the Bride and Groom a gift according to their abilities.
It is different with godparents. It is customary that gifts from godparents should be more impressive than those from other wedding guests. How much to put in the envelope should be consulted with the other godparents. Joint determination of the amount will allow you to avoid disproportions and unpleasantness associated with it - the person who gives less may feel inferior. What is the most appropriate amount? About PLN 1,000 per person. It's not worth exaggerating. Too high an amount may embarrass the Bride and Groom.

The envelope with cash should also contain an elegant gift card with handwritten wishes. What to wish the Bride and Groom on a new way of life? First of all, love, mutual understanding, support, happiness and as many wonderful moments as possible.
5 ideas for a unique wedding gift
What if you could give the newlyweds something special? Something that will remind them of that magical day or generate lots of great memories? A wedding is a unique event worth celebrating well. Therefore unique gift for newlyweds may turn out to be a hit.
An interesting idea for an amazing gift for the Bride and Groom is a voucher for a weekend stay in a luxurious SPA to be used at any time. The package should include romantic attractions - such as a relaxing massage for two or a bath in a bathtub full of rose petals. Newlyweds will undoubtedly appreciate such a gift. It will be a great opportunity for them to rest after many months of crazy preparations for the wedding. The moments spent together in such a place will certainly be extremely romantic and extremely relaxing.
The bride and groom can give a wedding gift with adrenaline. A voucher for a bungee jump, a paragliding flight, or maybe a ride in a super-fast sports car? There are many possibilities! It is a perfect gift option for lovers of crazy activities. The Young Couple will surely experience unforgettable moments using the voucher.

Another proposal for a unique wedding gift are things with personalization. Boxes full of good wishes are very popular. They are usually wooden, elegantly painted boxes with a special engraving (e.g. with the names of the newlyweds and the wedding date), in which there are carefully prepared gifts. What to put in such a box? The contents of the box of good wishes should be ideally suited to the Bride and Groom. You can put in it, for example: a lottery ticket, a bottle of good wine, two cups and a set of tasty coffee, a baby pacifier, a bundle of cash and a box of exquisite pralines. Each item should be marked with an elegant ribbon and a small label containing a personalized inscription - e.g. wishes or an anecdote. A sentimental gift will move you, bring smiles to your faces and warm the hearts of newlyweds.
Choosing the perfect wedding gift is not an easy task. If we run out of ideas, let's not be afraid to ask future newlyweds what they would like to get. Maybe they have a special gift list prepared?