Spouses will remember their wedding day for many years. They will remember every detail, every word that will mean a lot to them. Every smile and every moment that showed their great, everlasting love. A wedding is an event that should embody the dreams and needs of a couple in love. How to organize a unique celebration? We present wedding ideas that will make this event one of a kind.
wedding customs for many young couples, they are an inseparable element of the ceremony. They accompany the young people throughout the wedding day - from the blessing at home, through greeting with bread and salt before entering the wedding hall, to the crazy openings at midnight. One of the popular customs is to shower the newly-weds with rice or small money. This tradition has deep symbolism. It used to be believed that sprinkling grains of rice on the young ones would bring them happiness and healthy offspring. Coins were supposed to symbolize success and abundance.
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However, nothing prevents you from exchanging rice or money for something else. One of the options is a romantic exit from the church (or office) among butterflies. A thousand colorful butterflies will not only enchant guests, but also make the couple in love enter their married life in an unforgettable style. Newlyweds who decide on such an amazing attraction, unfortunately, have to take into account quite high costs. Its price can reach even several thousand zlotys - depending on the species and number of butterflies. is it worth it? Without a doubt, this is a great way to give the event an extraordinary character. With a lower budget, you can bet on an alternative to live butterflies - white confetti in the shape of beautiful paper butterflies. Going out among artificial butterflies can be just as effective!
Wedding ideas for the first dance
The first dance is the official start of the wedding party. Unfortunately, the performance can be quite stressful for newlyweds. The newlyweds spin on the dance floor to the rhythm of the previously selected music, and all the attention of the guests is focused only on them. In such a situation, it is easy to make a mistake. A wedding itself is a stressful event, so it's worth choosing a form of the first dance that will spare the bride and groom additional, unnecessary nerves.
One of the unusual wedding ideas is to create a unique choreography for the bride and groom and… witnesses, parents or closest friends! Wedding dance with an idea – every guest will appreciate it. Dancing in a bigger groupnot only less stress, but also a huge dose of good fun and unforgettable impressions. It is worth engaging a professional choreographer in the action, who will teach the Bride and Groom and their friends/family dance steps, and will also provide good advice during lesson. It is best to start a dance course a few weeks before the wedding - thanks to this, each person will be able to prepare for the performance in peace.

Donut wall and other unique wedding hall decorations
Decor wedding hall it is something that gives the party a unique atmosphere. It creates an amazing atmosphere and takes guests into an amazing world. A world of great fun, crazy dancing and joyful celebration of the wedding day. The wedding arrangement should be consistent and aesthetic. It is worth betting on decorations in one specific style - e.g. boho or glamor. However, you don't have to limit yourself to traditional, simple solutions. You can bet on unusual decorations - those that will make the wedding one of a kind.

One of such decorations is a donut wall - a bull's-eye for all gourmands and lovers of colorful arrangements. A wall full of colorful, fragrant donuts will perfectly complement a pastel wedding. This is a great way to give the party a fairy-tale character. A sweet wall can be an effective background for wedding photos.
Another interesting wedding idea for an unusual arrangement is to prepare themed corners for guests. A rest area filled with soft armchairs with decorative pillows and atmospheric candles, a sweet corner with pastel decorations, a chocolate fountain and a tower of colorful cupcakes - there are plenty of possibilities. To make it easier for guests to find their way to each corner, it is worth preparing special ones wedding signposts. Tables are best kept in a wedding style. This will keep the arrangement consistent.
Themed weddings
Mówiąc o nietypowych pomysłach weselnych, nie można nie wspomnieć o przyjęciach tematycznych. Imprezy z motywem to niezapomniane, bardzo klimatyczne wydarzenia. To doskonała okazja dla organizatorów, żeby puścić wodze fantazji, zrealizować szalone wizje i stworzyć swoje wymarzone wedding party.

Wedding ideas for unforgettable attractions
Wedding attractions diversify the party, provide guests with a powerful dose of good fun. Well-chosen can make a wedding unforgettable, one of a kind.
It is an interesting idea wedding drink barwhere guests can prepare refreshing, tasty alcoholic cocktails on their own. The organization of such an event is not difficult and time-consuming, but it requires a good plan. First of all, you need to establish a list of drinks that you will be able to prepare. The next step is to buy the necessary products - including spirits, juices, bartending syrups, fruit, straws and possibly glasses. At the end, it is left to decorate the drink bar with any decorations and to place all the necessary ingredients and recipe cards on the table.
Other ideas for unusual wedding attractions include:
- fairytale show of soap bubbles,
- photo- or video booth (photos/videos with unusual props),
- polaroid session,
- sparklers,
- fire show,
- karaoke.

A wedding can be really special! Grunt is a good organization. Unusual wedding ideas can perfectly diversify the fun and make the event extremely fairy-tale and magical.