According to many people, Christmas is the perfect time to get married. It is a magical time of love and joy. The truth is that a December wedding can be truly magical and romantic. However, couples who want to get married must face one obstacle. Namely – with Advent. Christmas is preceded by the days of Advent. Can you get married in Advent - and even more so, can you have a wedding in Advent? Is this really a significant obstacle for lovers? Or maybe an Advent wedding is a good idea and a winter wedding will become a unique event in our lives?
Advent - a time of waiting and silence
Advent is a special time for every Christian. It begins 4 Sundays before Christmas in the so-called first vespers and lasts until December 24. All days of Advent are special, which is why some young couples want to get married during Advent. Advent and weddings are still a controversial issue for many people.
The word "advent" comes from the Latin "adventus", which means coming, arrival. Advent has three dimensions. The first, historical, refers to the liberation of the Israeli nation from slavery, the second, Christian, is a commemoration of the birth of Christ, and the third, eschatological, means preparation for a meeting with God after the end of life. During this time, the faithful should deepen their relationship with God, reflect and reflect. For Catholics, Advent is a special time. In this church, there is also a special color for liturgical vestments during Advent, and in the last days of Advent we joyfully await Christmas Eve.

It is worth mentioning that Advent is a joyful time. A happy time of waiting to meet God. Does this mean that you can organize a wedding in Advent? After all, a December wedding sounds pretty good. Many people ask themselves whether to get married during Advent? Weddings organized during Advent are no longer a rarity, although winter weddings taking place during the holidays are much more popular. Still have doubts and wondering about the perfect wedding date? An Advent wedding is a good idea!
Wondering about the perfect wedding date?

Is Advent Wedding a Good Idea?
Marriage is one of the seven Holy Sacraments, which - according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church - are among the most important moments in a Christian's life. At a church wedding, a woman and a man stand before God and promise each other eternal love, fidelity and marital honesty. According to the Catholic faith, God creates a bond between two people. The time of joyful waiting for Christmas can also be a time of waiting for your own wedding.

Advent is defined as a time of joyful waiting for the coming of Christ. According to the Church, this is a moment of silence and preparation for the reappearance of Jesus in the world. During this time, the Church encourages the faithful to repent and reflect on their lives. To correct what is inappropriate and provide help to those who need it. For Catholics, Advent is a truly special time. Nowadays, however, weddings are completely acceptable during Advent, so the issue of Advent and the wedding no longer keeps us awake at night. For many people, however, the issues of Advent and wedding should not be combined.
However, in the Catholic books there are no clearly defined records saying that you cannot get married during Advent. In fact, this issue may largely depend on the priest who is to perform the wedding. In most parishes, we should not have a problem with celebrating a wedding during Advent, especially in the last days of Advent.

Can you organize a wedding in Advent?
We mentioned that Advent is a time of silence and reflection. So, is it possible to organize a wedding during this period? This is a very important issue because many couples dream of getting married in December. The answer to this question can be found in the church commandments. In 2014, the Polish Episcopal Conference announced a new text of the commandments. In the fourth commandment we can read: "to observe the prescribed fasts and abstain from meat, and during Lent to refrain from participating in games." Advent was not mentioned. This means that in the period before Christmas you can dance, and thus - you can organize weddings. To sum up - a wedding in winter, as well as a wedding in December, are possible.
Is Advent Wedding a Good Idea?
Whether an Advent wedding is a good idea is an individual matter. If the engaged couple feel that Advent is the right time to get married, there is nothing stopping them from getting married in winter.
However, it should be remembered that each Christian experiences Advent differently, interprets the time of waiting for the coming of Jesus differently. It is worth bearing in mind that some guests may not appear at the wedding.

Wedding in Advent with an intimate party
An interesting solution is to organize an intimate party instead of a wedding, for example in the form of a gala dinner for loved ones. You can get married in Advent in winter without any doubts. Such an event will perfectly fit into the reflective idea of Advent, and at the same time will perfectly seal the new marriage.

When organizing an intimate wedding in December, Advent is not an obstacle. Intimate winter wedding can be organized in a traditional way wedding hall, in a private room in a restaurant and in many other places. A wedding dinner can be as successful and magical as a traditional, large wedding with dancing until dawn. The key is to prepare it properly.
First of all, you need to take care of unique room decorations that will transport guests to a magical world. It is worth preparing the arrangement according to the selected main theme. Wedding in December and wedding party it's the perfect time to use the frosty theme of the land of ice. Snow-white tablecloths, candles in glass jars decorated with cones and coniferous twigs, paper snowflakes, delicate white flowers and small Christmas trees lightly sprinkled with artificial snow cannot be missing at the winter wedding hall.
An intimate wedding and the party should be accompanied by music. It is worth betting on quiet, peaceful pieces that will make eating meals and talking at the common table more pleasant.
Advent is a period of preparation for Christmas, and therefore a time of concentration, reflection and waiting. Therefore, questions arise: is it possible to organize a wedding at this time? And is it in line with the spirit of Advent and the values it represents? However, let us remember that although this is a time of concentration, the waiting is joyful.
It should also be remembered that the church liturgical calendar includes the period of Advent as a time of fasting, therefore many parishes limit the organization of weddings during this time. It is therefore worth consulting such plans with the local clergy in advance.
Despite these reservations, a wedding during Advent does not mean breaking any prohibitions, because they do not exist. Maybe it's just worth approaching the organization of such an event with caution and paying attention to the right elements to fit into the atmosphere of this special time?

Civil wedding in Advent
Weddings organized during Advent are not only church ceremonies but also civil ones. A civil wedding is a secular marriage in the presence of an official. It usually takes place at the Civil Registry Office or - for an appropriate fee - in another place. Advent is a period important only from the point of view of the Christian faith, which means that it has no impact on civil weddings. A civil wedding in Advent is absolutely possible. Just a wedding!

A winter wedding has its own charm. However, it is worth bearing in mind that guests who profess the Christian faith may be skeptical about the decision to organize a grand wedding in Advent. This may result in some people refusing to come to the party. In order not to expose yourself to unnecessary criticism, it is worth organizing a small meeting party instead of a wedding. However, if you care about a large party, and at the same time you planned to invite many ardent Catholics, you can always postpone the wedding to another date.
Do you dream of a winter wedding in the mountains?

A safe option - a wedding and a wedding after Christmas
A great alternative to a wedding in Advent is the ceremony right after Christmas - or even during the holidays! Christmas is the perfect time to get married. It is a joyful family time, filled with love and kindness. The sacramental "YES" uttered in this unique aura will undoubtedly be a wonderful experience for those in love.
Winter wedding
After Christmas (or during holidays) you can organize both a grand, all-night wedding and an intimate party with your loved ones. It all depends on the dreams and preferences of lovers. It is worth remembering, however, that weddings during the holiday season are relatively popular. This involves the need to book the wedding hall and other subcontractors (i.e. photographer or team) well in advance.

Or maybe a wedding in January?
Dreaming of a winter wedding and reception, you do not need to look for the perfect date in December. Winter lasts until March wedding in January or February can be as beautiful and magical as the December celebration. Interestingly, in January and February the probability of snowfall is the highest - this is confirmed by data from the last several years! White fluff covering everything around and beautiful patterns that frost painted on the windows create an amazing, magical atmosphere, perfect for starting a new stage in life.

It is also worth mentioning that a wedding at the beginning of the year means guaranteed savings. Few couples choose to wedding in February or January, which is associated with lower prices for the services of individual subcontractors. We will pay less for a wedding hall, photographer or music band. The money saved can be used for a magical honeymoon that will be a wonderful introduction to life as husband and wife.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you get married in Advent?
Of course you can get married in Advent. Advent is a time of joyful anticipation and nothing stands in the way of rejoicing at this time. A wedding is one of the most joyful moments in our lives. In Advent, you can have a civil or humanist wedding, as well as a church or concordat wedding. Church regulations from 2014 make it clear that Advent is the time when weddings normally take place.
A winter wedding in the mountains?
A winter wedding in the mountains is pure magic! If we want our wedding celebration to be special, let's decide on a wedding with a view of the snow-capped peaks. And a sleigh ride to USC or to church. Such a wonderful wedding can be organized, for example, in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. Several rooms to choose from, boutique rooms for guests, excellent catering and many years of experience in organizing weddings are a guarantee of a successful event.
What months should you not get married?
There are no months when you shouldn't get married. The choice of date for the wedding depends only on our preferences. When it comes to weddings in Poland, most of them are organized in June, August and September, but this does not mean that wedding houses are empty in other months. The so-called high wedding season lasts from May to the end of September, but nothing stands in the way of having a wedding in January or November.
Wedding in December Advent?
Contrary to popular belief, the Church does not prohibit the organization of weddings in Advent. For Catholics, this is an important time, the time of waiting for Christmas. But it's a joyful anticipation, so nothing stands in the way of getting married and having a wedding at this time.
Is a winter wedding a good idea?
December is a time of joyful waiting and a time of concentration, so those who want to get married at this time have some doubts. However, a winter wedding is a unique event, so you should not hesitate to organize it, or even participate in such ceremonies during Advent.
Can you attend a big wedding during Advent?
When organizing weddings during Advent, we don't have to worry about anything. This is a very good time, because the church does not forbid weddings during Advent, nor does it forbid to participate in them. A wedding in December and a wedding in December can, of course, be grand.
What's your idea for a wedding during Advent?
The months from December to February are the best time for a winter wedding, but the best time will be the period around Christmas, which is a quiet time for most people. However, if we decide to get married at this time, it will be best to incorporate it into the winter and holiday atmosphere. There is no ban on having a wedding during Advent, even more so you can implement winter ideas.
I want to get married during Advent, does Advent have anything to do with Lent?
Various doubts come to mind when people want to get married during Advent, and sometimes some issues get a bit mixed up, just like the rules of Advent and Lent preceding Easter. During Advent, slightly different rules apply and getting married is absolutely permissible. For Catholics, Advent is a time of joyful waiting, but also a time of silence. However, you can organize a wedding. So can you get married during Advent? Yes, because it is not a great fast.