Maj jest właśnie tym miesiącem, który w branży weselnej wyznacza początek „gorącego” sezonu. Przyszłe Młode Pary bardzo chętnie wybierają ten miesiąc ze względu na pogodę i piękną wiosenną przyrodę. Wiosenne zaślubiny zwiastują dobry początek i nie trzeba się martwić o to czy wedding in May przynosi pecha. Wraz z początkiem maja zwiększa się także liczba ślubów plenerowych, planowanie wesela w maju nie jest więc rzadkością. Wydaje się więc, że majowy ślub czy wesele w maju mają same zalety – sprawdźmy, czy tak jest w istocie.
What will you learn from the article?
Maj to miesiąc pełen uroku, kwitnących kwiatów i wiosennej energii, dlatego coraz więcej par decyduje się na organizację wesela właśnie w tym czasie. Ale czy wesele w maju to naprawdę dobry pomysł? W tym artykule zastanowimy się nad tym, dlaczego warto rozważyć maj jako miesiąc ślubu, jakie kwestie organizacyjne trzeba mieć na uwadze oraz jaki motyw przewodni wybrać na taką uroczystość.
Podpowiemy również, jakie sezonowe kwiaty najlepiej sprawdzą się na majowym weselu i dlaczego nie warto przejmować się przesądami związanymi z tym miesiącem. Na koniec, przybliżymy temat ślubu kościelnego w maju oraz jakie formalności należy spełnić. Czytaj dalej, aby dowiedzieć się wszystkiego, co musisz wiedzieć o organizacji wesela w maju!
Czy wesele w maju to dobry pomysł?
Beautiful, sunny weather is what many future spouses cannot imagine their wedding without. May is the first month of the calendar year in which the weather usually favors these requirements - which certainly encourages you to organize this most important celebration in your life in May. Of course, just like in March or April, there are days with low temperature, rain or even snow, However, as statistics confirm, it is much rarer, which makes it even more worth organizing a wedding in May.

Why is a wedding in May a great idea?
A celebration in May is a great idea, primarily because the May weekend also means an extended vacation and more time to prepare for the wedding. So if you are planning a wedding for this month, you can integrate the wedding with the May weekend. Getting married in May is a great idea for two reasons. First of all, if it is an away wedding, the guests will have a small May Day trip. Secondly, if it is a long weekend, they will be able to rest in peace after many hours of fun before they go home, it is worth taking this into account when setting the wedding date.
Organizing a wedding in May brings many benefits for both the bride and groom and the guests. May, as the month of love, is perfect for a wedding, although some guests may be surprised by the date. They will surely be delighted with the idea of a May wedding and a spring wedding. If you choose a wedding venue and want to organize wedding in the mountains, guests will be delighted with such a holiday. Beautiful mountain views, local delicacies, time spent with family and friends, and the main role: fun, joy and love - what more could you want than a spring wedding?
Are you planning a wedding in May?

Moreover, in May we have a good chance of getting a vacant place in our dream wedding venue. Why is it easier to find available dates in May than in June? Because many people still believe in the sinister power of May dates... That is, the lack of the letter "r". It's worth taking advantage of this and choosing May as the month of love to organize a wedding!

Moreover, May is the first rays of the wonderful spring sun, which will wonderfully decorate many wedding celebrations in May. The weather in May definitely likes to surprise, positively of course. May weekend is usually beautiful and sunny, it is the beginning of the outdoor season, and we can also arrange a beautiful May outdoor space. This wedding arrangement is a dream atmosphere for every bride and groom, regardless of age. Planning a wedding in May is the perfect start to your life together. So, getting married in May certainly tempts you with many advantages.
Or maybe wedding in the garden?
Wedding celebrations in May are full of possibilities. A meadow, garden or forest will be a wonderful background for a May wedding ceremony, so an outdoor wedding is the perfect solution for those who love nature.
Jak wskazuje Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, ekspertka weselna Dworu Korona Karkonoszy: „Od początku maja ogromną popularnością w naszym obiekcie cieszą się śluby w ogrodzie, w specjalnej altanie na wzniesieniu z widokiem na góry. Takie ceremonie mają wyjątkowy charakter, a z opinii i komentarzy zachwyconych Par Młodych i gości wiemy, że wspomnienia tych chwil zostają z nimi na długie lata”.

Wedding in May - nature comes to life
The beauty that nature gives us in May and the favorable weather in May are also important. This is when trees, bushes and many species of flowers bloom, such as wedding lilies of the valley, and the sweet scent of lilacs fills the air. A wedding in May seems to be a perfect idea. Nature comes to life, everything is blooming, nightingales are singing their songs, May flowers are blooming all around. This is important not only for romantics, but also for everyone who is planning an outdoor wedding and wants to organize a wedding that no one will forget. Flowers for a wedding in May and spring decorations will also not be a problem - nature will take care of everything.
If you are not planning an outdoor civil wedding, it is worth thinking about organizing an outdoor reception. May, as a wedding month, is also very favorable in terms of gastronomy. May is also the beginning of the barbecue season! Improvements in such a relaxed, open atmosphere will surely appeal to guests tired after a night of partying on the dance floor. The above-mentioned Dwór Korona Karkonoszy even has a specially prepared place for a bonfire and a barbecue center, where guests can relax outdoors during the after-party, enjoying grilled specialties.

Majowy ślub w plenerze
A wedding in May is also a chance for the bride and groom to dress just as they dreamed of. The weather in May is favorable - the warm period of the year begins and we can abandon our jackets and coats again. Many brides want to display their wedding dress in the church, so they prefer to get married when it is warm, and the weather in May has often been surprising in recent years. May means airiness, lightness and naturalness - so if your outfits and the entire wedding setting will look like this - May is for you!
Celebrations in May can be organized outdoors. May is the perfect month for a wedding for romantics and for... garden weddings and having fun outdoors. However, if we want to have a wedding in a short time or we have a limited budget, it is worth considering less popular months and choosing an outdoor wedding in May.
English-style wedding
Planning a wedding in May encourages creativity. You can organize an English-style wedding in the rose garden - it's a perfect theme for wedding ceremonies in May. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy has a wonderful garden with over 100 species of plants, perfect for a romantic wedding!
A café in the rose garden with a fountain and a barbecue center are waiting for newlyweds and their guests. In addition, in the garden you will find the Pearl in the Crown, a special gazebo on a hill overlooking the Karkonosze Mountains, where beautiful weddings civilian. Thanks to this, in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy you can celebrate your wedding and reception in one place.

Organizing a wedding in May – what to remember?
It would seem that a wedding in May has virtually no disadvantages. This is not entirely true, although of course everything depends on our desires, requirements and the budget we have. Unfortunately, the beginning of the wedding season means higher prices for hall rental and services, so it is worth considering a solution such as a hotel wedding. If we want a May wedding and do not want to spend too much, it is worth looking for offers such as a last minute wedding or deciding to have the ceremony on a less popular day of the week, for example on Tuesday, Thursday or wedding on Friday.

Wedding preparations can be difficult. Another problem may be the availability of dates (especially during the May weekend). So if we dream of something special wedding hall or a specific music band, we should book them well in advance (at least a year in advance) - otherwise we may be disappointed. On the other hand, it is still not the so-called high season - after all, it is easier to find a hall and performers in May than, for example, a month later.

Jaki motyw przewodni wybrać na ślub w maju?
Many people believe that May is one of the most beautiful months of the year. Everything blooms in May. The world sparkles with thousands of colors and there is a pleasant smell of freshness in the air. It's worth transferring the spring charm to the wedding hall. A wedding in May can take on many different colors. Wedding in May, decorations offer many color options. An arrangement in shades of purple will look beautiful. Purple perfectly highlights the romantic aura of the wedding. Light purple decorations will look very impressive and tasteful. Where to get them? Use the lilac that blooms in May, available in many shades of pink and purple. May flowers will create a fantastic background for photos. An outdoor session with a blooming lilac in the background will be wonderful!
Wedding decorations in May are also shades of pink, so it is a good idea to prepare pink decorations. Pink goes perfectly with wedding white. Light pink ribbons, napkins and other decorative elements are the essence of subtlety. Pink accents will give the party a romantic character.
Planning a wedding in May means not only beautiful May flowers but also the wonderful colors of the spring sun, which are increasingly present in the sky. It is worth using sunny accents in the wedding arrangement. Gold is a symbol of indestructibility and eternity - it is not without reason that most wedding rings are made of this metal. Many people associate gold decorations with luxury and tackiness. However, elements with a subdued, subtle character will perfectly fit into the wedding character. Gold decorations can be really beautiful and tasteful. The key is to choose them wisely. Delicate golden accents on vases, candles and tablecloths will look stylish and elegant.

Green has many names...
Zielony kolor nie bez powodu jest jedną z ulubionych barw wielu osób. Symbolizuje spokój i równowagę. Warto użyć go do przygotowywania wesela i ślubnych dekoracji – skoro działa jak balsam na duszę, to nawet w największym ślubnym rozgardiaszu pozostaniemy spokojni…Bukiety ślubne również doskonale prezentują się wzbogacone w elementy naturalnej zieleni.

The color palette includes at least seventeen shades of green! The well-known khaki and camouflaging rotten green, used mainly in military and survival, is also an ideal color for May decorations. They probably won't work well during a wedding, unless we want to organize it in... military style. Tasty pistachio, energetic lime and mint shade will be perfect for a wedding in a colorful, slightly crazy boho style. Fresh grassy country green will perfectly fit into the decorations of a rustic wedding. Rural household appliances were often painted in this color, to be seen only in open-air museums. Today it is a rare color. Any "marine" shades of green, of course, match the beach, seaside Hamptons style.
Green + gold = sophisticated elegance
One of the most elegant combinations is green and gold. It brings to mind art deco style, reigning in the salons of the elite in the interwar period. Golden accessories perfectly harmonize with greenery. Extremely elegant and sophisticated style, only for connoisseurs. At the same time a bit mysterious ... What shades of green work well in this case? Only those associated with luxury: bottle green, shades of emerald and intense colors of malachite. Sometimes it's worth spicing them up, next to gold, with a drop of black - yes, even at the wedding! Thanks to this combination, each arrangement will gain a unique, expressive character.

A rustic wedding in May
Zieleń kojarzy się także ze stylem rustykalnym. Wykorzystując naturalne dekoracje weselne maj, korzystamy z faktu, że przyroda daje nam je na wyciągniecie ręki! Styl rustykalny czerpie pełnymi garściami z natury i sielskiej atmosfery wsi. Rustic wedding w maju będzie doskonałym rozwiązaniem dla wielu par. W wystroju powinny znaleźć się delikatne gałązki, zielone rośliny, drewno w różnych formach, jutowe worki i sznurki, plecionki, koronki i hafty. Dopełnieniem aranżacji powinny być świeże kwiaty w delikatnych odcieniach.
A rustic wedding must include antique items and other decorations that refer to nature. Linen, batiste, canvas. Gypsophila, eustoma, eucalyptus, ferns, carnations, vines and peonies go perfectly with the rustic style. This arrangement is dominated by earthy colors, alongside green, beige and brown. Think about whether there is an open-air museum near your place of residence or wedding? It is worth organizing a photo session or an outdoor wedding there, provided the May weather is favorable. It can't get more rustic!

Jakie sezonowe kwiaty na wesele w maju wybrać?
When it comes to wedding decorations, May has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to flowers. A must-have at a spring wedding seasonal flowerswhich will emphasize the romantic atmosphere of the event. A wedding in May is a perfect time to use beautiful peonies that are a symbol of happiness and prosperity. A wide range of colors, from white, through beige and roses in various shades, to coral and burgundy, makes peonies a perfect match for both pastel arrangements and wedding themes with expressive colors, peonies also beautifully decorate wedding bouquets.
It is worth remembering that lilies of the valley bloom in May - and only then! It would be a sin not to take advantage of their delicate charm and beautiful aroma. Lilies of the valley in wedding decorations have been considered a symbol of prosperity and good wishes for centuries.

May is also the time when it blooms and smells amazing without. White, pink, in various shades of purple. It is worth considering these wonderful flowers when preparing wedding arrangements. Elderberry symbolizes friendship, a very important element of any successful marriage. Bride's bouquet composed of lilac twigs only? Fairy tale!
Other flowers that can be used in a May wedding arrangement are, for example, tulips, symbols of love available in all colors of the rainbow, or modest daisies, charming carnations (also symbolizing hot feelings), elegant magnolias, slender daylilies, beautiful eustomas, delicate but symbolizing fun hyacinths. and fluffy hydrangeas, and even lilies of the valley, wedding arrangements can enrich these arrangements.

Ślub w maju – dekoracje
"It was May, Saska Kępa smelled of crazy green elderberry" - the words of one of the well-known hits may indicate another leitmotiv of the May wedding. If it's crazy, we arrange it boho style wedding! Fabulously colorful, with lilac and lilac in the lead role. Who will this casual style be good for?
White long dress, girls sleeping flowers, red carpet. We know this theme from countless works of pop culture. But... Is this really your fairy tale? Maybe you never wanted to be a princess and waited for a prince on a white horse? Maybe you're closer to Pippi Langstrumpf than to Cinderella? Then it is worth thinking outside the box and following your desires. If in a long dress you feel like in disguise, if white is definitely not your color - put on something green or yellow. Orange or pink. Or in lilac ... Do not choose any classic wedding dress, just put on the most beloved one. It can even be patterned!

Because boho means combining patterns and colors from different parts of the world. It will be perfect for a wedding reception in the garden, with May nature in the background. Its symbol could be a patchwork. In addition, it does not require large financial outlays and is ecological! You can and even should use accessories and items you already have, as well as any available May flowers. Colorful pillows and floral rugs, Lowicz and Kashubian patterns, leopard spots and tiger stripes, Scottish plaids. All lit with lanterns and lanterns from all over the world. Additionally, beads, tassels and the now fashionable pompoms and colorful rosettes. Maybe it's time for joyful, unrestrained creativity when creating wedding decorations? This aesthetic will certainly appeal to people with an artistic flair! Wedding preparations can also help you discover new talents.
Who wouldn't want to get married surrounded by plants? A wedding arrangement with nature in the lead role is a proposal worth considering. Recommended especially to lovers of greenery in every form. Green wedding decorations they will always work! In spring, in May, it is a natural, free decoration during an outdoor wedding. If we love plants above all, talk to them and treat them almost like family members, and spend every weekend in the bosom of nature - let's have a wedding in the style of biophilic design. This term comes from architecture. Originally, it meant designing buildings in such a way as to make plants a part of them. And today it also includes interior design. Arrangement with nature in the lead role - this is biophilic design. Perfect for all nature addicts! How to use it when arranging a wedding? You have to focus on natural materials - wood, wicker, linen. The space, even if it is an interior, should be filled with plants. The living ones and those on graphics or posters. The so-called urban jungle is a good lead.
The wedding and reception in this style will be remembered by the guests for a long time - it is not very popular yet, so it will allow us to stand out from many other wedding events.

Wesele w maju przesądy – dlaczego nie warto się nimi przejmować?
Are there any superstitions related to May weddings? Of course! Each month has some beliefs about weddings. So, if you are superstitious, remember that May does not have the letter "r" in its name. Although such superstitions are a thing of the past, many couples still pay attention to them. For this reason, some less popular venues for weddings and receptions have more available this month. Wedding in May - superstitions still influence the choices of young couples when it comes to wedding dates, even in the 21st century.

The lack of the letter "r" in the name of the month is not the only superstition related to the May wedding. The sayings "a wedding in May - the grave is ready", "a wedding in May - a quick grave", or "May cheats when love makes vows" do not sound very optimistic. They indicate that marriages concluded in May are unstable and false. The word "grave" is downright terrifying and effectively discourages engaged couples from the idea of getting married this month. But these are just sayings... Is it worth making such important decisions in your life, such as the choice of the wedding date, dependent on some folk sayings, the origins of which are lost in the darkness of history? After all, this beautiful month is perfect for a romantic wedding.
As it turns out, superstitions about the May wedding are not only popular in our country. Superstitious sayings also work across the English Channel! In England, we used to say "marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day", which loosely translates to "if you get married in May, you'll regret it soon." However, whether wedding superstitions are they actually confirmed? Where did they come from?
In England, the belief that couples who decide to get married in May cannot count on a happy marital life may come from the Celtic festival of Beltaine, during which couples entered into trial marriages. What did this mean in practice? If one of the spouses did not feel good in the relationship, they could leave without any consequences. It was a kind of "testing the partner", which has nothing to do with the idea of eternal love and fidelity, promised on the wedding carpet.

And how was it in Poland?
The origin of Polish superstitions about May weddings is a bit more complicated. According to one of the hypotheses, the bad reputation of May as a wedding month began with the defeat of the January Uprising. The desperate youth decided to devote the happiest month of the year to their homeland. May became a patriotic time in which marriages were refrained from and even weddings that took place at that time were boycotted. The period of May mourning was abolished in 1866, several years after the defeat of the uprising. However, the belief that May is unhappy has become a permanent part of it wedding customs.
A spring wedding in the mountains?

Another theory says that May, as the month of lovers, is not conducive to rational choices. People blinded by first love and romantic elation typical of the beginning of a relationship are unable to make logical decisions. As a consequence, relationships concluded during this period are only seemingly stable and happy, and in fact they quickly fall apart. But no one gets married three days after falling in love! It's only like that in American movies. The wedding may take place in May, but falling in love must have happened many months or even years earlier. So you can easily get married in May. It will not be a hasty decision.
Another popular saying is that "May is like paradise". If the May marriage is to resemble the mythical Eden, what more could you want? In addition, May is the month of love. And can there be a better omen for a life together than love? So let's not worry about superstitions, and if we dream of a wedding in May, let's make these plans come true!

Wedding in May and communion season
Communions are held in many parishes on Sundays in May. And although it does not interfere with the wedding ceremony in any way, the problem may arise when booking a wedding hall. In addition to weddings, many venues also organize other special events, including communions. The premises must be well prepared for the communion service, which is why organizing a wedding the day before can be a real problem - especially if the newlyweds plan to celebrate the wedding in the same facility the next day. So how to effectively organize a wedding in May? First of all, start organizing the event well in advance! It is worth starting the search for a wedding hall even two years (or at least a year) before the planned wedding and book the selected venue well in advance.
Church wedding in May
In Catholicism, there are two contradictory beliefs regarding the wedding and the wedding in May. Both are closely related to the person of the Mother of God. In the Christian religion, May is the month of Mary. The attention of the faithful should be focused solely on it. Therefore, getting married during this period is not the best idea.
The second theory is completely different from the first. Since Mary is considered the patroness of families, a couple who decide to get married in May, the month of Mary, place themselves under the protection of the Mother of God. According to the Catholic faith, May spouses can ask Mary for help for each day of their new life as husband and wife.

Priests do not refuse to perform weddings in May. However, it is worth notifying the selected parish well in advance of the intention to get married. Choosing a suitable wedding date can be quite a challenge. In May, special services dedicated to Mary are held every day. In addition, May is the month of communion.

Wesele w maju: w sobotę czy w tygodniu?
A great solution is wedding in a week. Until recently, it was impossible to imagine a wedding on a day other than Saturday. Today, more and more couples are moving their wedding ceremonies to other days of the week. Weddings on Fridays have become popular, either weddings on Thursdays, and even on Mondays. Planning a wedding in May can be combined with the May weekend and take advantage of a day off from work, even in the middle of the week.
The advantage of organizing a wedding on a day other than Saturday is the greater availability of wedding venues. Weekend weddings are still the most common, which gives more scope for couples who decide to get married on a different day of the week. There is even a chance to schedule last minute weddingswhich is not an option on weekends.

The same applies to the availability of wedding subcontractors. Mention The most sought-after service providers have weekends in May occupied even a few years ahead. However, by organizing a wedding in May on a day other than Saturday, there is a greater chance that future newlyweds will be able to hire an outstanding photographer or a well-known team.
A convenient wedding date is a very individual matter. A wedding during the week also means lower costs! Wedding organization and weddings in May is a considerable expense. May starts hot wedding season. Therefore, the bride and groom must take into account higher prices for renting a room or the services of subcontractors. Fortunately, many wedding venues and service providers offer attractive discounts for couples who choose to get married on a day other than Saturday. You can save a lot by organizing a wedding in a week! Extra cash will certainly come in handy at the beginning of your marriage!

Recipe for a successful wedding in May - summary
May is a great month for a wedding! Nature coming to life, spring warmth pleasantly caressing the skin, singing of birds that are happy that the long winter is gone - all this creates an incredibly romantic, even magical atmosphere. In May, everything seems more beautiful and joyful, including the celebrations organized in May. There is a unique aura of true love in the air, which perfectly reflects the feelings that accompany lovers at the most important moment of their relationship.
How to organize a wedding in May? First of all, it is worth starting the entire project well in advance. Finding the perfect hall for a May wedding may take some time. May begins with a hot wedding season, which is most often chosen by lovers, and is also the month of communion, which means that many facilities can be reserved for communion receptions.
It is better to plan the wedding for the second half of May. The weather at the beginning of the month can be capricious. It is not without reason that the period between May 12-14 is called "cold gardeners", and May 15 is called "cold Zośka". In the first part of the month, weather breakdowns are much more common. On the other hand, we can count on great weather! Statistics show that the end of May is a sunny, warm and very pleasant time. The weather in May is perfect for organizing a wedding during this period.

May is the perfect time to take advantage of spring decorations and organize pastel wedding. The wedding arrangement must not be complete without fresh flowers! Tulips, daisies, carnations, lilacs or hydrangeas will emphasize the spring nature of the party and create an exceptionally joyful, romantic atmosphere in the room.
Frequently Asked Questions
Wedding in Jelenia Gora?
Where to have a wedding? This is the question couples in love ask themselves right after they decide to get married. A wedding in Jelenia Góra can be a really interesting option. The Valley of Palaces and Regions in the Jeleniogórska Valley is a wonderful region, with historic mansions, palaces and castles, where you can arrange a wedding reception. We will also find there historic parks next to palaces or mansions, perfect for an outdoor wedding. The number of available venues impresses young couples - each of them will find a suitable wedding venue for themselves.
Do weddings take place in May?
Of course there are weddings in May. Just like every other month. The wedding season lasts almost all year round. The so-called high season in the wedding industry is the period from May to September. Although there is no letter "r" in the name of this month, supposedly bringing good luck, many young couples organize a wedding in May anyway.
Karpacz wedding hall?
Wedding halls in the mountains are often chosen places for weddings and receptions. A wedding in Karpacz or its vicinity is chosen not only by young couples from the region, but also from all over Poland or even from abroad. No wonder, wedding halls in Karpacz are only 80 km from the border, which is about an hour's drive. Karpacz itself has been experiencing a tourist siege recently, so if you want an intimate wedding in the mountains, it is worth going a few kilometers from Karpacz to Sosnówka. This holiday resort located on the lagoon hosts many young couples.
Wedding in May decorations?
Seasonal flowers suitable for wedding decorations in May include anthuriums, asters, carnations, hydrangeas and phloxes. Wedding and wedding decorations can also be made of freesias, irises or buttercups. Also hyacinths, gerberas and lilies as well as daisies and peonies are May flowers, suitable for decorative elements of a wedding. And the floral hit of May - lilies of the valley and lilacs, which will wonderfully decorate the wedding hall, church, car or gates.
Is getting married in May bad luck?
Getting married in any month is not bad luck. On the contrary, a wedding is a symbol of happiness. And the word wedding expresses only joy. It's a superstition that you should only get married in months with an "r" in their name. Besides, the name of this month in other European languages has the letter "r", and yet international weddings are becoming more and more popular. So let's not look at the name, but organize the wedding when it suits us. If we're getting married to the love of our lives, how can we talk about bad luck?
How to organize a wedding in a hotel?
Organizing a wedding in May offers many possibilities, including organizing a wedding in a hotel. It's not difficult, especially when we have a set wedding date. May is a very favorable month for hoteliers as a wedding month, which is why many have ready-made offers for a spring wedding. Around the hotel you can organize a May outdoor event, which we can use for a garden wedding or a photo session.
Is May the right time for a romantic wedding?
Spring weddings will certainly be extremely romantic. Aspects such as the May weather, the incredible bloom of nature and the appropriate scenery will contribute to this, if we decide to have an outdoor wedding. A rustic wedding in May is one of the most romantic forms of organizing a wedding, which has become very popular in recent years.
May wedding, flower decorations, is this a good idea?
May, as a wedding month, is primarily about unique and one-of-a-kind natural circumstances and beautiful flowers for a May wedding. Wedding celebrations in May surrounded by flowers and plants will delight guests and add splendor to the outdoor wedding. A garden wedding and natural wedding decorations are the perfect scenario for a May wedding.