No one needs to be convinced that a Christmas wedding or a winter wedding in general is truly magical. If we are seriously considering this option or have already decided on it, it is good to take advantage of all the benefits and advantages that the winter ceremony offers us. White magic lasts only for a small part of the year and, as the experience of many young couples teaches, it is worth succumbing to its charm.
The most beautiful wedding in winter
When it comes to the young couple themselves, let's use the most unique decoration of the room. Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, points out: “If we organize a wedding in winter, we have a good chance that it will be specially decorated for the holidays, New Year's Eve or carnival. Be sure to go for an outdoor session! If we are lucky enough to have a wedding in the mountains, it gives us the opportunity for truly fabulous and romantic shots. The towns and villages also look very attractive during this period, and will be a great backdrop for our photos.” If the photographer was hired only for the wedding reception itself, it is worth asking your favorite uncle or cousin to go with us for such a photo session. Winter in the mountains always looks beautiful in photographs.
Winter wedding session - you can never have too many photos!
Winter is the time of the year that gives you the opportunity to create countless unique photos. It is also an unusual way to have fun for our wedding guests! A real hit are group photos under the Christmas tree (or other impressive decorative element). Such a photo will not only be a perfect souvenir, which we can also transform into a Christmas greeting card! In this way, we can thank everyone for the great fun at the wedding every year by sending it around Christmas by post or e-mail. If a photo booth is to be installed at our party, it is also worth taking care of the appropriate props and accessories related to Christmas and carnival. Our guests will certainly appreciate it, and such stylized photos will become the pride of many albums.

Wedding in winter - mountain madness
A moment of outdoor activity during a wedding reception will be enthusiastically received not only by children. This will help our guests to refresh themselves and gather strength for further fun and dancing. The classic here is of course the snowball fight and building a snowman. We can also give a field to show off and organize a competition for the best snow sculpture, castle or igloo. Everyone will surely remember the sleigh ride for a long time, and at the same time it will help to revive the unusual atmosphere and move to the childhood years for a moment. If the area is conducive to this, it is also worth organizing sledge rides for younger guests. The older ones can diversify the downhill route by setting up a few obstacles or organizing sledge races. Everyone will remember a wedding in winter, where so much was going on!
Horse and carriage rides are popular not only in winter, but it is in winter that they take on a special charm. This is an excellent proposition not only for the Bride and Groom, but also for their parents or grandparents. Everyone will surely have a great time on such a trip. On the other hand, among the male part of the guests, the tug of war in the snow is a real hit. Just remember to prepare hot drinks for our guests in the form of tea, coffee or mulled wine after returning to the room.
Are you planning a wedding in winter?
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frosty party - an idea for unusual improvements
A sleigh ride can also be a great idea for organizing an after-party that the guests never even dreamed of. In addition, a trip to the mountains or climbing Śnieżka by a lift. After all this, an atmospheric evening bonfire, which will illuminate the view of mountain peaks spreading from everywhere. No guest will forget such corrections, and the Bride and Groom will be absolutely delighted with the development of events and the smiles on the guests' faces.
Attractions for a winter wedding
Ślub i wesele w zimie obliguje nas do pozostania w tym klimacie w większości elementów całej uroczystości. Warto więc pokusić się o jakieś tematyczne atrakcje dla gości. Świetnym pomysłem może być tutaj pokaz tworzenia rzeźb lodowych lub już gotowe rzeźby z lodu, które przywitają gości po dotarciu na miejsce wesela. Taka atrakcja wprawi ich w osłupienie i zachwyt! Inną opcją może być także zaserwowanie deseru w postaci lodów, np. płonących. Połączenie zimy i żaru miłości jest jak najbardziej wskazane podczas takiej imprezy! Doskonałą atrakcją i niezwykle popularną w ostatnich latach są zamarzające bańki mydlane. Pokaz robiony jest zazwyczaj na zewnątrz i idealnie pasuje do zimowej scenerii, ponieważ aby pokaz się udał, musi dopisywać prawdziwy mróz. Owacje i brawa z pewnością rozgrzeją gości, a zamarzniętą bańkę mydlaną będą mogli bez problemów ukryć w dłoniach.

Ideas for a winter wedding - inspirations
It's hard not to succumb to the magic of winter aura, especially when getting married in the mountains. Let's take advantage of this and get creative with planning a wedding reception. No need to spend huge amounts of money on decorations right away. A small accent is enough, e.g. in the form of a Christmas gingerbread placed next to the tableware of each guest. However, if we want something more grand, nothing stands in the way of the wedding hall becoming a fairy-tale mansion of the Bride and Groom, a crystal grotto or a brigand's inn.
Let's remember that winter is not only Christmas, but also the carnival season! We can be inspired by the classic Renaissance style or, on the contrary, organize a futuristic masquerade ball. Everything really depends on us, but one thing we can be sure of. No one who was invited to a wedding in winter can resist white magic.
Wedding in winter - the clothes of the Bride and Groom and guests
Nothing goes so well with white fluff as the bride's snow-white dress, wrapped in a piece of fur shawl. Such an outfit will be perfect for a wedding in winter, when our hearts are warmed up, although the aura prevailing in the mountains at that time brings us minus temperatures. So we can't let one of the two most important people at this ceremony shiver from the cold. A fur or sheepskin coat will complete the whole. What about the Groom? Of course, he is protected by a suit, but for the duration of the journey from church or USC to the hall, we recommend covering yourself with a lovely blanket made of sheep's wool. This will make the Bride and Groom not only warm up, but also look great in wedding photos. After all, if a mountain wedding in winter is highlander style!