High wedding season falls on the warmest months of the year. Summer is the perfect time of year for the perfect wedding and wedding party. Summer wedding inspirations – we present tips that will help you prepare for this one day in your life.
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Lato to wyjątkowy czas na organizację wesela. Ciepłe wieczory, długie dni i piękna pogoda czynią tę porę roku idealną na niezapomniane wedding party. W 2024 roku trendy ślubne zaskakują swoją różnorodnością i świeżością, oferując parom młodym mnóstwo inspiracji na modne, orzeźwiające wesele.
W poniższym artykule podzielimy się z Wami najnowszymi trendami ślubnymi na 2024 rok oraz pomysłami na to, jak zaplanować i zorganizować idealne wesele latem. Dowiecie się, jakie inspiracje sprawdzają się podczas upalnych dni, jak ubrać się na tę wyjątkową okazję oraz jak zorganizować orzeźwiające przyjęcie ślubne w ogrodzie. Dodatkowo podpowiemy Wam, jak zorganizować poprawiny oraz jak przygotować tanie wesele, które mimo niższego budżetu zachwyci gości.
Bez względu na pogodę, znajdziecie tutaj inspiracje, które sprawią, że Wasze wesele będzie niezapomniane i pełne uroku. Zapraszamy do lektury i odkrywania pomysłów, które uczynią Wasz wielki dzień jeszcze bardziej wyjątkowym!
- Trendy ślubne 2024
- Fashionable summer wedding: inspirations
- Wesele – inspiracje: co się sprawdza na upalne dni?
- How and when to plan a summer wedding?
- Jak się ubrać na letnie wesele? Inspiracje dla Młodej Pary
- Weselne inspiracje: orzeźwiające przyjęcie w ogrodzie
- Wedding in the summer - an idea for an afterparty
- Cheap summer wedding - inspirations
- Wesele – inspiracje do wykorzystania niezależnie od pogody
Pary Młode na termin wesela nadal najchętniej wybierają miesiące letnie. Ładna pogoda sprzyja świętowaniu zarówno wewnątrz sali weselnej, jak i w ogrodach. Jednak czasem lipiec i sierpień potrafią być bardzo ciepłe. A przecież Polish wedding traditions it includes a lot of dancing games. That is why it is best to choose a venue for the celebration that will work in all weather conditions. On hot days, it will host wedding guests in pleasantly cool rooms, while giving you the opportunity to enjoy outdoor attractions.

Trendy ślubne 2024
Świat jakby ostatnio przyśpieszył… Dzieje się dużo interesujących i ważnych rzeczy. Ciekawe, czy również w branży weselnej dokona się w tym roku jakaś rewolucja? Jakie będą trendy ślubne 2024? Czy na przykład inflacja wpłynie na to, że chętniej będziemy wydawać tracące na wartości pieniądze i urządzać huczne wesela? A może przeciwnie – modne staną się kameralne przyjęcia wesela i modest wedding party? The thickness of the wallet and how much we care about the wedding setting will probably decide.

However, it seems that many people will remain faithful to tradition and classic wedding style na pewno będzie jednym z wiodących trendów weselnych 2024. A classic style wedding it is also attention to detail, for example elegant wedding invitations, a stylish suit for the groom and a white wedding dress for the bride.

Niezmienne pozostają także wymagania co do sali weselnej. Jak powinna wyglądać przestrzeń do poślubnej zabawy? Idealna wedding hall it must be spacious, elegant, provide maximum comfort and preferably offer guest rooms on site.
Fashionable summer wedding: inspirations
How to make our wedding match the current wedding trends? Before we start thinking about it, why don't we answer the question, is this what we want? Do we dream of following wedding fashion or our own desires? Is the fashion for minimalism supposed to make us decorate intimate wedding party for a small group of guests in some fancy restaurant in the city center? Although our dream is a large country-style wedding, preferably in a barn...
And besides - what does a 'fashionable wedding' actually mean? Is it the fact that we will be wearing the most fashionable wedding outfits, or that we will be accompanied by the most fashionable music band? Should such terms as a wedding for the nouveau riche, a disco polo wedding or a simple wedding even concern us? Wedding in Poland it's simply a wedding - a time when everyone has fun the way they want and like it.

Sosnowka wedding
Lower Silesia, and especially the Jeleniogórska Valley, is a real center of wedding services. Wedding Wroclaw is a great idea, but it is worth remembering that in the Valley of Palaces and Gardens you will find many charming villas, atmospheric mansions, elegant palaces and atmospheric castles offering their interiors for weddings and wedding receptions. Therefore, when considering the issue of weddings - inspirations, let's think about this region. One of the gems in this area that has not yet been fully discovered is Sosnówka, a charming summer resort located at the foot of the Karkonosze Mountains, with a beautiful lagoon. The perfect place for a wedding and a wedding photo session with mountain peaks and castles in the background!

Wesele – inspiracje: co się sprawdza na upalne dni?
Almost everyone loves the heat ... We miss warm days during the long winter and melancholic autumn. So a summer wedding seems to be the perfect solution. Of course, we must ensure that the service during the party wedding hall She brought cold drinks and water on a regular basis. In addition, it is worth serving ice cream desserts during the celebration. Everyone loves ice cream as much as the heat! It is a good idea to hire a bartender who will serve refreshing drinks. You can also put lemonade in various flavors in a public place, where you can cool down, relax and talk. Fruit for the wedding they will probably also be appreciated by guests, as an alternative to cakes.

It is worth considering leaving in the bathrooms (both women's and men's) baskets with tissue paper collecting excess sebum for guests. You can also leave deodorants and mints there. They have cooling properties and can be useful in hot weather. Such a summer set will be useful for guests on warm days.
Tailor-made wedding?

Besides, within gifts for wedding guests - so fashionable nowadays - instead of magnets or sweets, you can give everyone a personalized fan. It would be a great and useful keepsake from our wedding.
Summer wedding - inspirations
Although every season is good for true love, it is said that summer is the time of lovers. But spring also has its charm. The first rays of the sun will surely warm many hearts. It is certain, however, that a summer wedding is a good idea and such a summer wedding simply has to be successful! The climate is changing all over the world and also in our country summer starts earlier and ends later. Therefore, for those who want to arrange a wedding in the warm months, the possibilities expand significantly. Take advantage of the longer season. Might consider it then last minute wedding? As soon as we find a free date, quickly decide on a wedding party? Since the day is so long, we'll be sure to organize everything in time.

Jak obliczyć the cost of the wedding latem?
A summer wedding also means significant savings. We will spend a little less on the wedding outfits alone, because you do not have to buy an additional outer garment for the bride and groom. Such an additional bolero for the bride, stole, bedspread or shawl or coat for the groom is an additional expense, unnecessary in the summer.

The cost of a wedding in the summer can be additionally reduced by arranging, for example, an after-party in the open air or in the garden by the fire or grill. The day after a boisterous party, such refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere can be very appealing to our guests. And the newlyweds will be able to relax more and take advantage of the beautiful summer weather in the garden.
Gdzie zorganizować outdoor wedding?
Outdoor weddings are becoming more and more popular. Especially when we organize wedding in the mountains or any other place with beautiful views, it is worth considering this option. Outdoor wedding, in open tents with the natural sounds of nature, accompanied by birds singing is a magical ceremony. Especially young couples, for whom contact with nature is important, willingly decide on such a wedding event model. Wedding in the garden it is also the smell of blooming flowers and an opportunity for romantic emotions. For example, kisses under jasmine or cherry blossoms.

How and when to plan a summer wedding?
When we thought about which one to choose wedding date and wedding date and we made the final decision when is the wedding? all that remains is to take appropriate action. But there are a few more issues. How far in advance should I rent a wedding hall or when should I buy a wedding dress? Should you wait until the last minute or do you have to do it much sooner? wedding halls usually booked at least a few months in advance. Of course, there are also opportunities. We can use them and make them last minute wedding. But let's not delay it.

There is a slightly different approach to wedding dress. The choice of a wedding suit or wedding dress can be made almost at the last minute. We can then be more up to date with fashion and keep up with wedding trends. Remember, however, that you often need to make a few fittings and possible corrections. Therefore, it is worth adding some time, regardless of what wedding dresses are in fashion today and what will be tomorrow.

Similarly, deciding for example, what tie to wear with a navy blue suit maybe let's wait for the bride's final decision on how to dress for the wedding. And what flowers will he choose for the wedding bouquet. She'll probably want her wedding dress, suit, and bouquet to go together nicely.
Można również zasugerować weselnikom, że w czasie części przyjęcia, które odbędzie się na zewnątrz, eleganckie buty mogą zastąpić czymś wygodniejszym. Tak, by czuli się komfortowo.
Jeśli wesele odbywa się w klimacie boho, warto wcześniej uprzedzić gości – wówczas będą mogli ubrać się zwiewnie, a jednocześnie strojem wpiszą się w całą konwencję wesela.

Jak się ubrać na letnie wesele? Inspiracje dla Młodej Pary
Państwo Młodzi również mogą potrzebować lżejszych niż zwykle strojów na wesele latem. Możecie więc zaplanować folk wedding, which will allow you to wear a slightly lighter outfit than a classic suit and wedding dress.
Lighter clothes, deodorant, talcum powder or matting paper may be needed on really hot days. All this so that both the bride and the groom can quickly refresh themselves at any time. Thanks to this, they will look radiant throughout the ceremony. Let the bride prepare additional cosmetics that will allow you to quickly correct your makeup, which sometimes smudges a bit on warm days. Also from tears of emotion ... So it's worth fixing your makeup with a special mist.
Summer wedding styles
A summer wedding seems a bit less obliging in terms of attire. Though it can be confusing. It's not about us, as guests, being only comfortable in airy clothes. Remember that the wedding is the most important day for the newlyweds. It is for them that this whole celebration and wedding is for. So we have to be elegant and in a good, casual mood at the same time. Let's take care of the appropriate setting for this event.
Therefore how to dress for a summer wedding? In short: elegant and comfortable, but let's not overdo it with nonchalance. We should not exaggerately stand out with the outfit, because we are not supposed to shine this evening. The bride or the groom may resent us if we overshadow their creations. Let's remember that this time they are the stars and they mustn't take that away from them. But at the same time, let's be ourselves and let's dress for the wedding in such a way that we feel good and have fun there.

Weselne inspiracje: orzeźwiające przyjęcie w ogrodzie
When preparing a wedding reception, which is partly held outdoors, you need to pay special attention to the forecasted weather. Both rain and high temperature can keep the bride and groom awake at night. How to make guests feel comfortable outside on a warm day? Just like in the event of rain, a roof is of great importance. It should be ensured that the gathered have somewhere to hide from both the sun's rays and the rain. Unfortunately, the weather is something that cannot be ordered for a wedding - so it is worth implementing inspirations with different auras in mind.
Oczywistym jest jednak, że wesele latem w ogrodzie to opcja, która pociąga wiele Par Młodych. I nic dziwnego!
Wyobraźmy sobie letnie meble ogrodowe, specjalną altanę na ślub, gości swobodnie przechadzających się po trawniku i tańczących na drewnianych podestach. Luźna, niewymuszona atmosfera, którą wszyscy zapamiętają na długo!

Wedding in the summer - an idea for an afterparty
Improvement is a continuation of the wedding. The custom originates from old Polish rituals, when the wedding celebration lasted even several days. It was believed that one day was not enough to show happiness and joy associated with this unique event. Morning parties have a slightly looser character than a wedding. There is a more casual dress code at the party.
Jak poprawiny, to tylko w plenerze!
A summer wedding is a great opportunity to organize it wedding corrections in the open air! The best in the mountains - planning weddings in Karpacz or the surrounding area will allow you to choose from many interesting objects. How to plan such an event? First of all, you need to choose the right place. It'll work great for that garden belonging to the venue where the wedding will take place. This is a particularly good solution if the wedding takes place outside the place of residence of the Bride and Groom and the wedding guests. Two celebrations and an overnight stay in one facility is a great convenience for guests and newlyweds and a significant saving of time that would have to be spent on commuting.

Although the risk of bad weather in the summer is insignificant, it is undoubtedly worth protecting yourself against any eventuality. Unexpected rain or wind can effectively spoil the fun. Tables can be placed in the gazebo. The canopy will protect the guests - and the food on the tables - from possible rain. Another idea is to rent a special tent in which we will organize the after-party. The advantage of this solution is the ability to roll up the walls, which allows you to maintain the impression of spending time in the bosom of nature. In case of inclement weather, simply pull on the fabric to create a cozy shelter.
Are you looking for inspiration for an unforgettable wedding reception?

Cheap summer wedding - inspirations
In the summer, it is also easy to organize a cheap wedding, because flowers, basically from spring to autumn, are much more available, and thus, they are also cheaper. And with the right wedding style, for example folk or a boho style wedding, you can safely limit yourself to flowers from meadows and gardens.
Jak skomponować menu na wesele?
Another important issue affecting the cost of a summer wedding is food and general catering. By organizing a summer wedding, we will save on products that should be seasonally cheaper. For example, vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. An additional argument for summer catering is the fact that products at this time of year will be fresh and tastier. Cost - wedding: we can also lower it by using all local suppliers and wedding subcontractors. For example, a local farmer or a local music band may give us a better price than a service provider imported from afar.

Of course, you can also organize an outdoor wedding. Such wedding in the garden it will certainly have an added charm. Also, a wedding session in the garden, preferably with a view of the mountains or lake, will add romance to the photos. A wedding in greenery and singing birds will certainly be remembered for a long time and will be associated well.
Wedding menu - inspirations
Kolejna ważna kwestia podczas wesela i poprawin to wybór menu. Menu na poprawinach nie musi być tak wystawne, jak to na weselu. Doskonałym pomysłem jest tradycyjny, dwudaniowy obiad i smaczny deser. W menu powinny znaleźć się orzeźwiające potrawy i napoje, które zapewnią gościom ochłodę w letni dzień. Jako zupę można podać chłodnik, na deser zaś doskonale sprawdzi się pucharek wyśmienitych lodów czy jakiś zimny deser włoski.
Na stołach nie może zabraknąć zimnych napojów bezalkoholowych i orzeźwiających drinków. Zamiast klasycznego obiadu, można zorganizować grilla lub ognisko z aromatycznymi, pieczonymi daniami i zimnym piwem. Taka forma poprawin może być równie efektowna co tradycyjne przyjęcie. Warto również zadbać o odpowiednią oprawę muzyczną, która umili czas spędzony na przyjęciu.

Ice cream, ice cream to cool you down!
The best way to beat the wedding heat is ice cream and cool drinks. Water, lemonade, or water with mint and citrus will work best here. A sprinkler can be an inspiration that is worth using during garden parties. A delicate mist floating in a designated place off the beaten track will cool anyone who comes closer. It will also guarantee good fun - not only for children present at the wedding. And ice cream - a must-have element of a summer wedding. Preferably in different flavors, maybe even served in a special ice cream parlor? Such an additional attraction will delight all guests, regardless of age.
Świętować można nie tylko wesele
How about a second wedding for the silver anniversary? Or a golden anniversary re-wedding party? Actually, silver wedding - how many years of marriage? After all, why not celebrate every anniversary of a happy relationship? For example, a sugar anniversary or a lace anniversary. By the way, the silver anniversary is, of course, the 25th wedding anniversary. But you can celebrate every moment of the relationship if you feel like it. In a smaller or larger group, more or less formal - every occasion and every way is good.

Wesele – inspiracje do wykorzystania niezależnie od pogody
It is worth remembering that the heat usually stops at the latest around 18.00. And the wedding lasts much longer. Therefore, for those guests who would like to relax in the fresh air or have a quiet conversation in the garden, you can prepare light rugs. Sometimes even in summer, with a large difference in temperature, we start to feel cold, although objectively it is still very warm.

A wedding reception during warm days is very pleasant and comfortable. However, every effort should be made to make all guests feel this way. Regardless of the weather. And regardless of whether we organize folk wedding if American style wedding. As for the style of the wedding, you can always look for inspiration - for a phrase wedding blog we'll find plenty of hits on the net.

Frequently Asked Questions
The theme of the wedding - which one to choose?
There are so many different possibilities when it comes to the style of the wedding… Seashells and sailing ships in the Hamptons style. Lace, herbs, wildflowers and wood at a folk wedding. Beads, tassels and a riot of colors at a boho wedding. Shiny candlesticks and mirrors if you are planning a glamorous wedding. Black and metal industrial elements if we dream of a steam punk party. As you can see, everyone will find something for themselves. Because it's not about blindly following fashion and wedding trends, it's about expressing yourself on this most important day in your life.
Wedding decorations - in what style?
When it comes to wedding decorations, it's best to follow your own preferences, not fashion. Wedding decorations can also be adapted to the bride's style. If we dream of a dress in the regencycore style, i.e. a flowing, richly decorated robe brought back from the beginning of the 19th century, made of rustling taffeta with sculptural draperies, complemented by fancy hair ornaments, then the interior and decorations should be in a classic style, certainly not minimalist . But if we put on an airy linen dress and sandals on bare feet, and decorate our hair with a wreath of live flowers, and not a traditional veil, we'd better choose decorations in the boho or folk style.
Wedding styles 2023
Viva Magenta was announced as the color of the year 2023. It is a shade of red that can be characterized as full of vigor and energy. This strong, deep red with hints of pink and burgundy is the perfect background for the bride's white dress. Magenta looks great in combination with natural, whitened colors. How to find a wedding hall in this color? There are few such places, but the Court Ballroom in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka will certainly meet all expectations in this regard. It has walls painted in the most fashionable color of 2023, a high ceiling with white, decorative beams suspended as much as 9 meters above the ground and whitened, original parquet. Regardless of the style of the wedding, it will be the perfect background for parties and games in 2023.
How much does it cost to decorate a wedding hall 2023?
It is difficult to answer unequivocally how much it costs to decorate a wedding hall. Much depends on whether we take care of it ourselves or whether we outsource the services of a professional decorating company. And also on how many decorations we want to have in the wedding hall, do we also plan to decorate the fences, the garden, the car and possibly the church? The style of decoration also affects the final cost of decorations. Wildflowers or balloons do not cost much, but large pompoms, crystal candlesticks or exotic flowers can significantly increase the cost of the entire event. Maybe it's worth considering this issue before we decide what style we want to arrange a wedding.
How to decorate a wedding hall yourself?
Decorating a wedding hall on your own, if you only have at least a minimum of aesthetic sense, is not difficult. Especially if we focus on boho or folk style - wildflowers, wooden decorations, lace, jute bags and that's enough. There is so much anyone can do with the help of family and friends. Or you can just choose a room that is beautiful in itself. It should be high, spacious, with interesting architectural elements and in an elegant, eye-catching colour. Such a room does not really need any additional decoration.