Integration games are an inseparable element of every wedding. Crazy games not only diversify the party, but also effectively relax the atmosphere and provide guests with a lot of laughter. We present 5 ideas for integration wedding games that will grab all the wedding guests on the dance floor.
Integration games - an inseparable element of every wedding
Organizing a wedding is not an easy task. Future newlyweds must make every effort to ensure that every element of this unique event is planned down to the smallest detail. At a wedding, apart from tasty food, atmospheric decor and dance, joyful music, what counts is the atmosphere. It is up to her to a large extent whether both the young couple and all the guests will remember the party well. How to spice up a wedding and provide guests with unforgettable experiences? Integration wedding games are the solution!
Wedding parties are mainly associated with oczepiny. Oczepiny is the climax of the wedding reception. It's a time filled with crazy competitions and team games that are supposed to get the guests moving and provide them with a decent dose of laughter. However, nothing prevents you from doing so integration games start a little earlier. Properly selected and thoughtfully conducted wedding games are a guarantee of great fun until dawn, which will generate a lot of great memories!
Do you want your guests to have champagne fun?
We will organize a wedding that will not be forgotten for a long time!
Ideas for integration wedding games to the rhythm of joyful music
Wedding integration games - as long as you choose them wisely - can spice up the party. One of the most popular games that can be used at the very beginning of the party is the train. The game will encourage guests to have fun and put them in a positive mood for the rest of the evening. What is this well-known and popular game? The leader invites as many people as possible to the dance floor. The guests line up one by one, clasping each other's arms. Thus, they form a long train. At the head of the train are young people who play the role of train drivers. Newly married couples roam the whole place to the rhythm of joyful music played by the band wedding halland at the same time encourage other wedding guests to join in the fun. The game can be diversified by introducing stations corresponding to different cities of the world. At each station, the band plays a song characteristic of a given country - a lambada at Havana station, a cancan in Paris and a mele song in Honolulu. Guests dance to the rhythm of the music being played.
What if you could move to sunny Greece for a while? Sirtaki is a popular Greek dance that can be successfully used at a wedding party. Interestingly, it is a pseudo-folk dance. The choreography was created for the film Zorba the Greek - hence the common name of the dance "Zorba". The dance climate and steps are similar to real Greek folk dances. In the Zorba dance, the dancers line up in several lines, embrace their arms and perform characteristic steps to the rhythm of rhythmic Greek music.

Our next proposal for a wedding dance party with elements of integration are two circles. The guests line up in two circles. The outer circle is made up of men and the inner circle is made up of ladies. The band plays the well-known song "Let's hold hands". To the rhythm of the music, the women's circle rotates in one direction, and the men's in the opposite. When the music stops, the ladies and gentlemen turn to face each other. This is how new pairs are formed. Each of them has to dance together the next piece played by the orchestra.
Reliable integration wedding fun is a deaf phone. The wedding guests line up in one line. The leader gives the password to the first person, and this person must pass it on to the ear of the next person. The game continues until the password reaches the last person in the line. The last participant says aloud what he heard. The password you receive is usually very different from the one you provided at the beginning. This is often a good reason to laugh.

Integration wedding games in the form of competitions
There is no shortage of competitions at wedding parties. Games that introduce an element of healthy competition are a great way to relax the atmosphere.
One of fun games for a wedding is collecting stuff. The leader selects several people who will take part in the game. Then he lists one thing that the participants must find in the wedding hall as soon as possible and bring to the dance floor. The last person is out. What can be a kid? All! It is worth starting with simple things (such as a fork or a shoe) and then moving on to those slightly more difficult to obtain (e.g. a pot from the kitchen, matches or lipstick).

Limbo, or dancing under the bar, is a popular game that will perfectly diversify the party, regardless of the occasion wedding themes. Nothing stands in the way of using it at a traditional Polish wedding, as well as at a party in Hawaiian rhythms. How is the gameplay going? The wedding guests dance one after the other under the wooden bar. The bar is set lower and lower each round. What's the catch? The line must not be touched under any circumstances! To win, you need a lot of flexibility and a lot of creativity.
An interesting wedding integration game is the Adam's apple game. The wedding guests write down their names and surnames on pieces of paper and place them in two glass balls - one for the ladies and the other for the gentlemen. The leader draws cards and thus creates new pairs. Then each lady receives an apple strung on a string. The master's task is to eat the dangling fruit as quickly as possible, without using his hands. The pair that manages to complete the task first wins.

Integration wedding games for the youngest
Although it is said that a wedding is an adult event, many couples decide to invite the whole family with children. When organizing a family party, you should take care of special attractions for the youngest, which will provide them with great fun for hours. The perfect solution is to hire a professional wedding animator, which will take care of the little ones, while the parents will be able to play and feast in the company of adults.
What integration wedding games will appeal to the youngest guests?
dance competition
Dancing is an essential part of every wedding party. An interesting diversification of the dance fun will be a competition for the best moves! The game can be enriched with interesting commands (e.g. dancing on one leg) or colorful costumes (e.g. Hawaiian).
The child with the most creativity will be the winner. Remember to give each participant a small consolation prize - so that no one is injured.

Animated scarf games
Animation scarf, otherwise known as a clanza scarf, looks like a round parachute made of triangular, colorful pieces of fabric. There are handles on the edges of the wheel.
The scarf is light and at the same time very durable. You can throw it freely, hide under it, or roll various objects on it. There are a whole lot of amazing games using this interesting gadget. The only limit is your imagination!
A wedding is a time of joy, love and great fun. The bride and groom should make sure that the wedding guests feel good in each other's company. And here integration wedding games will be perfect! Properly selected games will perfectly relax the atmosphere and put guests in a great mood.
A great idea - for all guests, regardless of age - is to organize karaoke! Singing your favorite songs together will undoubtedly bring the wedding guests closer together and guarantee them great fun. Karaoke can be conducted in the form of a competition for the best sung piece.