Organizing a wedding with many guests coming from abroad is a real challenge. Especially when they don't speak Polish. What should be kept in mind when organizing an international wedding? How to combine different wedding traditions and customs? When to hire an interpreter? How to make the last detail of the ceremony when the bride and groom live in another country? we suggest!
Love without borders, or an international wedding
At a time when Polish borders are open to practically all countries of the world, international couples are no longer surprising. Are you wondering how to go about organizing an international wedding? Couples who wish to organize such a celebration must have a serious discussion with each other before planning.
It is worth explaining to your other half what Polish wedding customs look like, and listening to how the most important day of your life is organized in your country. Once you know what the similarities and differences are, you can decide what elements you want to incorporate into your ceremony. Young couples can opt for a traditional wedding, which is no different from a wedding organized in the country of one of the brides. They can add to it several wedding traditions of the other spouse, or mix both of these celebrations.
Many young couples deIn such situations, it is also advisable to organize an international wedding. The kind that everyone associates with romantic movies. Such american style weddingEnglish is very popular among international couples. This is because thanks to Hollywood movies, everyone knows the traditions and customs of such a wedding. In addition, a wedding like from America is characterized by a very detailed organization and fastening of liceall elements of the ceremony down to the last detail.

Regardless of which method of combining different customs the Young Couple chooses, it is worth preparing a celebration plan. Listing the following parts of the ceremony in the subsections will help guests not only understand what is going on, but also actively participate in the celebration. It should be remembered that such wedding plans should be written in two languages. They can be prepared in the shape of elegant brochures that can be found in theaters. It is worth paying attention to the fact that such a plan should be created in the same style as the rest of the wedding stationery.
Do you need an interpreter for an international wedding?
At international weddings, where some of the guests do not speak Polish and do not understand our language, it is worth hiring a person who will be an interpreter. She can only be present in the church or registry office and translate the words of the oath. However, translators are also increasingly employed for weddings.
each wedding hall willingly hosts an interpreter at international weddings. Thanks to them, not only the room staff is able to communicate easily with people who do not speak their native language, but also foreign guests feel comfortable. Even if something is incomprehensible to them, they know who to turn to to explain it to them. Hiring an interpreter for the wedding should be included in the cost estimate. These are additional wedding expenses to keep in mind organizing an international ceremony.
Do you want to organize a wedding for international guests?
Show them the most beautiful face of Poland!
Other additional costs are: travel or flight of foreign guests to the venue of the ceremony and their accommodation. The Young Couple, if only they can afford it, should pay for their guests both the flight and accommodation costs. As a place to stay, you can choose stylish rooms in a place where the bride and groom together with their family and friends will celebrate the most important day of their lives. If the Newlyweds cannot afford to provide accommodation for guests, they should inform the family.
Let's organize a wedding while living abroad!
It happens that the bride and groom living in another country want to organize a wedding reception in the Polish style. For organizational reasons and because part of the family lives in Poland, the bride and groom want to organize the ceremony here. Is it possible? Of course! Just create the right one wedding plan. Everything will work out if it is well organized. In the age of the Internet, there is no problem to book a room, a photographer or even a photographer, band or DJ for a wedding.
If the newlyweds have a trusted person on site who will help them with the organization, the problem may turn out to be even smaller. If, on the other hand, they want to surprise all guests with the decor or creations and do not want everyone to know the color of the wedding right away, they can hire a wedding planner. Among the ads you can find people who only deal with the organization of international weddings.
A professional wedding planner will not only make sure that the wedding is organized to the last detail, but also, thanks to his experience, will help in organizing an international celebration. It can offer universal solutions that will help not only the Bride and Groom, but above all make it easier for the guests to have fun.
After talking to the Bride and Groom, the wedding planner finds out how they imagine their wedding and how he should help them. He can become their proxy and sign necessary contracts on their behalf.

An international wedding is a wonderful experience for everyone gathered. The bride and groom who decide to organize such a ceremony will face other difficulties than at a traditional wedding. They are cultural and linguistic borders. However, with the help of relatives and the right organization, the newlyweds can create a beautiful day together. The most beautiful day in their life together. An international wedding will be more varied and enriched with the most important traditions from two different countries. Thanks to this, the ceremony will be one of a kind.