New Year's Eve and New Year's is a time that fosters an atmosphere of fun and joy with family and friends. It is also the time when we make important decisions in our lives. So why not combine the wedding and the New Year's Eve party and organize them together, on one day? If we do it among majestic mountain peaks, the effect will be stunning! Here are reasons to rethink wedding on New Year's Eve!
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Marzycie o wyjątkowym weselu, które będzie niezapomnianym przeżyciem zarówno dla Was, jak i Waszych gości? Jeśli tak, wesele w Sylwestra może być idealnym rozwiązaniem! Wedding organization i przyjęcia weselnego w tę magiczną noc ma wiele zalet, które sprawiają, że ten dzień stanie się jeszcze bardziej wyjątkowy.
W tym artykule dowiesz się wszystkiego, co musisz wiedzieć o weselu w Sylwestra. Zastanowimy się, czy ślub w ostatni dzień roku to naprawdę dobry pomysł, jakie korzyści płyną z organizacji wesela w Sylwestra oraz jak stworzyć magiczną aurę, która oczaruje wszystkich obecnych. Poznasz również pomysły na zimowe atrakcje, które uczynią Twoje wesele jeszcze bardziej niezapomnianym, a także dowiesz się, dlaczego wesele w górach w tę wyjątkową noc może być strzałem w dziesiątkę.
Chcesz rozpocząć nowy rok w wyjątkowy sposób? Czytaj dalej i odkryj, jak zorganizować dream wedding w Sylwestra!
Wesele w sylwestra – co musisz wiedzieć?
Okolice sylwestra i Bożego Narodzenia to czas wyjątkowy i magiczny. Miasta są pięknie przystrojone, a wszystkim udziela się niesamowita atmosfera. Oryginalny i niezastąpiony klimat jest nie tylko w miastach, ale przede wszystkim poza nim, np. w górach, gdzie o tej porze roku możemy spodziewać się bajkowych krajobrazów. Ośnieżone szczyty gór są czymś, czego szukamy, uciekając ze zgiełków miast. To także wyjątkowa sceneria na zaślubiny w plenerze i niezapomnianą zabawę sylwestrowo-weselną.
People who are planning a wedding in the near future should take into account the winter dates, although it may not be so obvious at first. Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, points out: “If we like the mountains, it is worth thinking about offering it to our guests and organizing an extended weekend. The main cost will be the fee for an additional night, but in addition to the champagne New Year's Eve party and an unforgettable wedding, we can gain additional benefits, e.g. And there is no shortage of those around Lower Silesia. After a long day, there will be fun by the fire and mulled wine. Sounds great? The fun will be great!
Czy ślub w sylwestra to dobry pomysł?
In addition, most people take time off during this period anyway, so we have solved this problem and we can expect even more attendance than in the summer. Because the Christmas break for some lasts until the New Year. In such a holiday atmosphere, guests will have even more fun! It's not often that the whole family in a huge group can welcome another year together. In this case, we can have all our loved ones around us and drink a New Year's toast together. Isn't that the promise of great fun?

Dlaczego wesele w sylwestra jest opłacalne?
Many wedding venues in the winter season offer more attractive prices, so in addition to a number of benefits, we get an additional discount. The saved amount can be used, for example, for a honeymoon trip to warm countries, which will be the perfect culmination of winter madness in the mountains. This solution will satisfy even the greatest amateur of summer temperatures. Remember, however, that the decision to organize a wedding on New Year's Eve should be taken much earlier, because hotel facilities have a lot of occupancy during the Christmas break.
Warto upewnić się także, że sala weselna nie oferuje w tym czasie zabawy sylwestrowej w innej przestrzeni obiektu, bowiem żadna Para Młoda nie chciałaby mieć konkurencji w postaci dobiegającej do sali innej muzyki niż ta, którą zespół gra na weselu.
At the same time, remember that an experienced wedding hall will certainly not decide to organize two huge events at the same time, but it is worth noting that we are talking about facilities that have more than one ballroom, adjacent to each other at the same time. There is a concern here about mixing sounds and guests.

Wesele w sylwestra w magicznej aurze
The wedding is the culmination of a long road that the Young Couple has traveled so far - in a relationship and engagement. It is a symbolic beginning of a new stage in life - the stage of marriage. Celebrating the wedding day requires a unique setting. The key to creating a coherent, effective wedding arrangement is the choice of the theme of the party. What style fits perfectly with a mountain wedding on New Year's Eve? It hits the bullseye wedding and wedding in glamor style. This style is a combination of modernity and tradition, a mix of glamor and elegance, minimalism and luxury. Glitter reigns here.
Moody lights, exclusive decorations, elegant flowers on the tables and gold-plated or silver-plated details create a unique atmosphere in the wedding hall. A magical, romantic atmosphere - like the one from the most beautiful fairy tale about love. The luxurious, sparkling nature of the party perfectly harmonizes with the snowy aura of a wedding on New Year's Eve in the mountains. A white carriage, a beautiful wedding dress with a tulle, subtly shiny bottom, a royal tiara on her head, an elegant tailcoat, ice sculptures and delicate lights of fireworks - fairytale wedding on New Year's Eve is the quintessence of romance. It's a way to enter the new year in a unique style. Such a New Year's Eve will provide the Bride and Groom and guests with a lot of amazing impressions and many wonderful memories. Wedding on New Year's Eve.
Do you dream of a unique wedding on New Year's Eve?
Call us.
A glamorous wedding cannot miss a sumptuous menu consisting of beautifully served dishes tempting with their amazing aroma, refreshing drinks in elegant glasses and tasty desserts in the most unusual forms.
A jakie atrakcje na wesele w sylwestra w stylu glamour pasują najlepiej? Obowiązkowym elementem przyjęcia jest efektowny pokaz sztucznych ogni. Kolorowe światełka rozbłyskujące na nocnym niebie o północy idealnie wpisują się w wystawny charakter przyjęcia, a przy okazji pozwolą gościom z hukiem powitać nowy rok.
A glamor party must also include a drink bar and a professional bartending show, an impressive chocolate fountain, an elegant photo wall and other attractions.

Zimowe wesele, czyli atrakcje na sylwestra
Decydując się na zimowe wesele i ślub w sylwestra zyskujemy bardzo wiele. Przede wszystkim możemy korzystać z szeroko pojętej bazy noclegowej w danym regionie, jednocześnie oferującej wiele ciekawych atrakcji lokalnych. Dodatkowo zachęcamy naszych gości do wspólnej zabawy, nie narażając ich na koszty, związane z zaproszeniami na zabawę sylwestrową. Z kolei taka okazja z pewnością nigdy nie zostanie zapomniana, bowiem nieczęsto wesela odbywają się w Sylwestra. Pamiętajmy, że zimą możemy zapewnić gościom mnóstwo atrakcji dopasowanych do pory roku i miejsca, w którym organizujemy wesele. Możemy nimi zastąpić np. tradycyjne poprawiny, co z pewnością przypadnie do gustu wielu gościom. Zimowe atrakcje w Karkonoszach to
- ski slopes,
- sleigh rides, sledge rides,
- hiking trails,
- climbing Śnieżka,
- visiting the Rock City in the Czech Republic,
- Wang church in Karpacz,
- numerous castles, palaces, mines.
Ślub w sylwestra w górach
Dwór Korona Karkonoszy heartily recommends winter weddings. We are a facility that has extensive, long-term experience in this field. Every year we observe smiling faces of guests who come to our facility both for winter weddings and weddings on New Year's Eve. This is a great opportunity to spend time with your family and celebrate two occasions at the same time. Thanks to the ideal circumstances, we can organize an additional short holiday for ourselves and our guests, which they will certainly appreciate and remember. A wedding in the mountains it's a special celebration!

Wesele w sylwestra a baza noclegowa
Let's not forget, however, that when inviting guests to a wedding in any circumstances, we should enable them to book accommodation. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy has a well-equipped accommodation base, namely comfortable boutique-style apartments, where guests will have the opportunity to rest after mountain hiking or after a wedding party. Each apartment is a different story, a different decor and a different atmosphere. We focus on diversity, and at the same time we stick to one style in which our manor house is kept.
We are sure that the guests invited to the wedding will repay all the amenities offered by our facility with a wonderful smile every morning. Who wouldn't have a good day if, opening the window curtains, he looked at the spreading view of the mountain ranges. Satisfaction with the stay is noticeable both in the eyes of the guests and the Bride and Groom. This is the best reward for us and a reason to refine every detail every day. Weddings organized by us are supervised by our specialists who have been co-creating this type of events for many years.
How to organize a wedding on New Year's Eve?
Do you go to the mountains every year on New Year's Eve? Do you dream of getting married in a romantic setting? In that case, we invite you to Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. You wonder why it is worth organizing wedding in the mansion? In this case, the glamor, retro or classic style looks even more beautiful. It is a charming place with a romantic atmosphere.
A handful of inspiration for the Bride and Groom
Do you dream of having a wedding on New Year's Eve? Are you looking for the perfect place for your party? We suggest what to look for when choosing the perfect one wedding hall in the mountains. First of all, think about whether the place fits the chosen leitmotif.
If you want to feel like a real princess, book the Court Ballroom. The crimson interior impresses with a white, suspended ceiling made of wood and large, arched windows from which you can admire wonderful views. It's the perfect place for a glamorous wedding.

New Year's Eve wedding step by step
Although there are more flowers available in spring and summer, it doesn't mean that you can't conjure up wonderful arrangements in winter. We have prepared some interesting offers for you. There are flowers that can be ordered all year round, including roses, anemones, eustomas, carnations, callas, freesias and gypsophila.
If you value original solutions, choose amaryllis, hellebores, buttercups or cotton. You can also put a star of Bethlehem, also known as a spurge or poinsettia, on the tables. We guarantee that your family and friends will remember your wedding on New Year's Eve for a long time.
you plan wedding in winter and you wonder how to give it a unique atmosphere? Think about making the wedding hall a real land of snow. To achieve such an effect, you should choose the right guiding colors. In this case, white, blue and silver will work best. Use them already at the stage of designing wedding stationery. White and blue invitations decorated with a shimmering snowflake will bring guests into the right atmosphere.
The Great Gatsby themed wedding
Are you looking for tips on how to organize a unique wedding on New Year's Eve? Are you wondering how to organize a party in retro style? Think about decorating them in the style of the 1920s. You can easily draw inspiration from the movie "The Great Gatsby" directed by Baz Luhrmann.
We would like to remind you that a wedding on New Year's Eve does not have to be pompous. You just need to be creative. First of all, you should focus on the creations. An H-shaped wedding dress should expose the shoulders and back, as well as emphasize the neckline. It is worth decorating it with beads, beads and tassels. Satin, elegant gloves, a fur stole and classic pumps with rhinestones are perfect for such an outfit. You can wear a stylish bridal headband with sequins and veil in your hair, and decorate your neck with a pearl necklace.
The groom, on the other hand, can choose a fitted tuxedo or a black, white or gray suit. Jazz shoes, i.e. characteristic shoes with darker tips and a white upper, are perfect for such an outfit. Once you've chosen your outfit, it's time to think about wedding invitations. Black and gold laser-cut copies will be perfect here.
How to choose decorations for a Great Gatsby themed party?
Are you wondering how to decorate the hall for a wedding on New Year's Eve? As in the case of invitations, go for black, gold and champagne beige. Remember that these colors should also appear on place cards, table plans, menu cards or alcohol tags. In this way, you will show your guests that you took care of every detail.
You can also hang stylish welcome banners. It's the perfect way to thank family and friends for coming. We also remind you to prepare cute gifts for them that they can take home.
Do you want your wedding on New Year's Eve to reflect the atmosphere of the old days? In that case, try to make the room and tables sparkle with gold. Instead of putting up a wall, hang a heavy velvet curtain. As for the chairs, in this case, white furniture with white cushions will work best. We guarantee that this solution is definitely better than traditional covers. Round tables, on the other hand, can be decorated with pearls, feathers and sequins.

Are you wondering whether a DJ or a band should appear at the party? The right music will emphasize the leitmotif in the blink of an eye? We encourage you to hire a jazz band for your wedding on New Year's Eve.
Are you looking for original attractions for a party in the style of The Great Gatsby? Rent a bar that only sells whiskey and cigars. You can also plan a unique fireshow or an original bartending show. fashion for vintage style wedding is extremely popular, so this theme can also be used on New Year's Eve. Such a party is associated with glitz, splendor and refined elegance, of course in a positive sense. If you want to stand out from other couples, be sure to consider this theme.
Wesele w sylwestra to wyjątkowa okazja, która łączy magię noworocznej nocy z uroczystością ślubną. Planowanie ślubu w ostatnim dniu roku może być doskonałym pomysłem, ponieważ oferuje niepowtarzalną atmosferę i szereg korzyści finansowych. Świętowanie w magicznej aurze tej szczególnej nocy sprawia, że wydarzenie staje się niezapomniane zarówno dla pary młodej, jak i gości.
Jeśli marzysz o wyjątkowym weselu, sylwester jest idealnym momentem na zorganizowanie ceremonii. Zimowe wesele daje możliwość skorzystania z różnorodnych atrakcji, takich jak fajerwerki czy zimowa sceneria. Dodatkowo, ślub w górach dodaje romantycznego uroku, tworząc malownicze tło dla tego jednego z najważniejszych dni w życiu.