Coraz większą popularnością cieszą się wesela organizowane w inny dzień tygodnia niż sobota. Ma na to wpływ kilka czynników, dostępność wolnych terminów oraz cena. Czy wesele w niedzielę może się udać? Na co szczególnie zwrócić uwagę przy jego organizacji? Podpowiadamy, jak najlepiej wykorzystać ten dzień.
What will you learn from the article?
Czy data przyjęcia ma znaczenie? W świecie ślubów i wesel coraz częściej spotykamy się z pytaniem o to, czy warto zorganizować wesele w niedzielę. Dla wielu par wybór odpowiedniego dnia może być kluczowy – nie tylko ze względu na dostępność gości, ale także na atmosferę całego wydarzenia. W tym wpisie przyjrzymy się, kiedy wesele w niedzielę sprawdzi się najlepiej, jak zorganizować kameralny ślub, a także jak poradzić sobie z organizacją poprawin.
Będzie także mowa o kwestiach związanych z wyborem odpowiedniego miesiąca oraz niuansach związanych z ceremonią kościelną w niedzielę. Na koniec odpowiemy na pytanie, czy warto zdecydować się na wesele w niedzielę i jakie są tego zalety oraz potencjalne trudności.
Zapraszamy do lektury, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o organizacji wesela w niedzielę i sprawdzić, czy to rozwiązanie jest dla Was!
- Czy data przyjęcia ma znaczenie?
- When is a Sunday wedding best?
- How to organize kameralny ślub?
- How to organize a wedding on Sunday?
- Wedding on Sunday - which month to choose?
- Does a church wedding on Sunday take place during mass?
- Wesele w niedzielę poprawiny – jak to rozwiązać?
- Is it worth organizing a wedding on a Sunday?
Saturday weddings are the most popular. Many young couples assume that this is the least troublesome day of the week, because guests do not have to take time off from work, and even after-party falls on Sunday. However, this is not an iron rule, so if you want to organize a party on Sunday, go ahead and do it! Of course, remembering a few important issues.

Czy data przyjęcia ma znaczenie?
Question: when is the wedding? is crucial. Venues that specialize in weddings have busy schedules and often have to book a party very early. As we mentioned earlier, most people decide to have a wedding on Saturday, which means that the after-party falls on the next day. It is also worth considering that communions and family parties are organized on Sundays. How does this translate into room availability?
Sala weselna jak ją wybrać?
Don't be fooled - everyone room może pomieścić określoną liczbę gości. Kuchnia co prawda jest w stanie obsłużyć kilka przyjęć, ale też ma swoje ograniczenia. Jeśli decydujesz się na wesele w niedzielę, musisz wziąć pod uwagę te limity.
Żaden obiekt nie chce zaniżać jakości świadczonych usług. Chce zagwarantować obsługę na najwyższym poziomie, dlatego postaraj się to zrozumieć. Duża impreza na 100 osób zwykle nie wchodzi w grę. Będzie to raczej kameralne przyjęcie w gronie najbliższych i rodziny.

However, if you want more people to have fun at your wedding, and the venue will be exclusively at your disposal, it is necessary to book the room much earlier. However, it may happen that a married couple whose wedding takes place on Saturday will not decide to organize an after-party. Then there is a great opportunity to organize your wedding party.
However, all aspects related to it must be taken into account. Also, be sure to ask the property manager if there are any other events taking place at the same time, such as a communion or family party. This is important information. So that you know in advance whether you have the entire facility at your exclusive disposal.
Wedding on Sunday and inviting guests
Every newlywed couple should want their guests to have no problem coming to the wedding. If you decide to have a wedding on a Sunday, you must bear in mind that most people start work on Monday. For some, this can be embarrassing, especially if they already have a vacation planned. The organization of corrections, which in this case fall on Monday, may also be a problem.
There may also be a situation where several guests refuse to attend the party if the wedding is taking place far from their homes (for example, it will be an away wedding - wedding Wroclaw). So remember to let everyone know in advance. Then you are more sure that everyone will be happy to come to your parties and have fun until late at night.

Take advantage of the extra days off
Since you already know that such a date can be troublesome, and you still want to organize it wedding party on Sunday, try to minimize the aforementioned inconveniences as much as possible. There are so-called long weekends every year. Take a look at the calendar and see if you can choose such a date.
A fairy-tale wedding in the mountains?

W ten sposób goście weselni nie będą musieli borykać się z koniecznością wzięcia wolnego w pracy. Będą mieli też czas odpocząć po długiej imprezie i kilkunastu godzinach spędzonych na parkiecie. To także bardzo dobry pomysł, jeśli chcesz zaprosić gości, którzy przyjeżdżają z zagranicy. Terminy, które warto wziąć pod uwagę, to weekend majowy, Zielone Świątki, Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny, okolice Bożego Narodzenia lub Sylwestra. Nie zapominajmy także o świętach wielkanocnych. W wielu salach w tym terminie wesela odbywają się co roku.
Jednak w przypadku długich weekendów również mogą pojawić się problemy z terminami. Takie niedziele są równie popularne jak soboty w inne miesiące roku. Dlatego konieczne jest wcześniejsze rozglądanie się za salą, jeżeli zależy Wam na konkretnym, dobrym obiekcie.

When is a Sunday wedding best?
This is a very good idea for couples who immediately know that they are not planning a grand wedding. There will be no problem with the number of people that a given room can serve, even if there is an event going on next door at that time. An intimate wedding – only on sunday!
Most often, the wedding hall is not booked then. If you want a quiet dinner with your family, you can book a place in the restaurant. Even renting the entire hall in such a place is much cheaper than the entire wedding venue, where grand parties are usually held.
You may have the opportunity to rent the entire facility just for you and your loved ones. Most likely, a group of waiters will also be at your disposal. Their task will be to ensure the best well-being of both the Bride and Groom as well as all guests.
How to organize intimate wedding?
It is also a very good idea for brides who give up dancing and focus on a modest party with their loved ones. Such weddings usually end in the afternoon or evening, so no one will feel the need to take a day off on Monday. The young couple will spend time with their family over dinner, after which everyone calmly returns home.
Jest to doskonałe rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy nie przepadają za hucznymi przyjęciami, preferują własne towarzystwo oraz swoich najbliższych. Nie mają również potrzeby zapraszania tłumów znajomych. Dla takich narzeczonych opcja obiadu w restauracji oraz spędzenia czasu tylko z tymi osobami, które najwięcej dla nich znaczą, może okazać się idealnym pomysłem.
Takie przyjęcia weselne są organizowane przede wszystkim w niedziele. Dlaczego? Najczęściej jest to decyzja Pary Młodej. Chcą oni spędzić wspólnie sobotę oraz w spokoju przygotować się do ceremonii ślubu oraz przyjęcia lub obiadu, które odbędzie się później.

Logistics matters
As we mentioned before, wedding venues they have very busy schedules. Due to the fact that most people choose Saturday, it is one of the least available dates. Not everyone wants to wait several years to get married, so they are looking for other options. The problem of accessibility can also be seen in other issues. So what if you find a room that has a free Saturday date if the orchestra, photographer or cameraman can't find time for you?
Wedding on Sunday = lower prices!
For many people, the determining factor is the price and it may or may not be lower because the party is held on a Sunday. Sometimes it happens that wedding houses do not so much lower the price as they offer additional services, for example a wedding cake, buffet, etc. included in the price.
If a couple wants to save money when organizing their perfect wedding on Sunday, this may be the right argument for them. The extra money that will be saved on the wedding hall or the services of subcontractors can be used for attractions for guests who will appear at your wedding party.

Prices, even if they are slightly lower than those on Saturdays, are often a decisive issue for brides. They want to save on many elements. So that it would be possible to organize a perfect honeymoon.
How to organize a wedding on Sunday?
Regardless of the chosen date of the wedding and reception, this day requires special preparation from you. Of course, there are engaged couples who don't want this day to be any different. Rather, they choose to classic dinner and a modest ceremony among loved ones. No special preparations. Often such young couples also decide to have a wedding on Sunday.
There is then a greater possibility of choosing the perfect place for a family dinner. Often restaurants offer to rent a room just for similar occasions. However, there are still many couples who want to intensively participate in the preparations for the wedding. They recognize that this is a special time for them and their families that they should make the best of it.
If you and your other half belong to such couples, you will certainly enjoy reading our short guide on the most important elements that need to be planned.

Wedding on Sunday - take care of a convenient date
Regardless of whether your wedding is to take place on Saturday or Sunday, choosing the perfect date is necessary. It is worth considering the dates we talked about earlier. Easter, New Year's Eve and Christmas are still very popular. They also have a special meaning for believers. Especially Easter holidays play a special role here.
Jeżeli natomiast nie chcesz organizować wesela w niedzielę w jeden z tych specjalnych dni lub w długi weekend, możesz zdecydować się również na wesele w „standardową” niedzielę. Wszystko zależy od Waszych możliwości oraz terminów, które są możliwe do przyjęcia dla Waszych gości.

Wedding on Sunday - which month to choose?
If you both have a favorite month, use that when planning the perfect Sunday wedding. August and September are especially popular. They have the letter "r" in their names, which, according to superstition, ensures happiness in marriage. Too wedding in May has many supporters.
Why these months? Due to the beautiful weather, lots of colors and warmth outside. In May, all plants bloom, which is associated with a lot of scents that will float around the place where your wedding takes place.
The holiday months, i.e. July and August, are also a good solution for those who want to take care of their guests. Wedding in July is very popular. Even if your wedding takes place on a Sunday, it is possible to take a leave of absence in the week after the party. Then everyone can rest after playing.
Zadbaj o podwykonawców
Fotograf, oprawa muzyczna czy osoby zajmujące się dekoracjami. Wszyscy oni odpowiadają za jak najlepszy wygląd sali weselnej, kościoła oraz ogólne wrażenia Pary Młodej i gości. Konieczne jest, żeby były to osoby, które świadczą usługi na najwyższym poziomie.
Remember that a good orchestra or DJ can save even the worst moods. Therefore, never save on these services. Focus on hiring the best possible subcontractors who will make your wedding unique and unforgettable.

Church wedding on Sunday
Having chosen the date, booked a wedding hall or place in a restaurant and agreed subcontractors, it's time to talk to the priest. Of course, if you decide to have a church wedding. Civil or church wedding – we recommend that you first check all the pros and cons of a church and civil wedding.
After making a decision, it's time to talk to the priest. It is worth asking if it is possible to organize a celebration on this day. Occasionally, the clergyman suggests the ceremony on Saturday, as that is the day when the hours are reserved for weddings. However, in the vast majority of parishes, engaged couples should not face refusals or difficulties in organizing a Sunday wedding.
Does a church wedding on Sunday take place during mass?
In general, in the vast majority of parishes it is accepted that a wedding should not take place during mass. This is a special event for the Bride and Groom, which she wants to experience in the company of her loved ones. Additionally, parishioners who are not invited to the ceremony may not want to spend much more time at the wedding service.
The situation is similar on Sunday. Even if your wedding takes place on this day of the week, do not forget that you will most likely be offered a different time than those when masses are normally held. This is primarily dictated by the care for your comfort during this special day.

USC - wedding on Sunday
However, if you decide that a civil wedding in your case has much more advantages than a church wedding, instead of going to the parish priest, it is necessary to go to the Registry Office. You should first go to the facility where you are planning your wedding. Find out if your Registry Office organizes wedding ceremonies on Sundays - in the case of a ceremony on Sunday, it is necessary to ask the officials if it is possible to conduct it.
It may happen that a wedding on Sunday will involve additional fees for the necessity of the service performed. However, these prices usually do not differ much from those that apply on other days of the week, for example on Saturday.

Guest list and invitations
While looking around for the hall where it will take place wedding party it is necessary to know the indicative guest list. Who to invite to the wedding? The question is not easy, but you need to know how many people the party is planned for so that you can write down the appropriate contract.
Depending on the venue, you can provide the final guest list a few weeks or days before the planned wedding reception. It also depends on the subcontractors you choose. It is assumed that the optimal date for getting to know the final number of people at the wedding is 3 months before the planned date. Then it is possible to maneuver the tables, arrange them or invite people from the reserve list.

A detailed guest list is also needed when drawing up invitations. You can choose the ones with the guests' data printed on them or the blank ones that you fill in yourself. In each you need to know how many such invitations you need to print.
Are you planning a wedding in the mountains?

Jeżeli organizujecie wesele w niedzielę, zaproście wszystkich minimum 3 miesiące przed czasem. Jednak my sugerujemy, żeby ten czas wydłużyć nawet do 4, lub 5 miesięcy. Wówczas każdy zaproszony będzie miał możliwość zorganizowania sobie dnia wolnego w poniedziałek bez większych problemów. Pamiętajcie jednak, że wesele w niedzielę wiąże się z koniecznością dopasowania swoich planów oraz trybu pracy do Waszego wielkiego dnia. Jeżeli ktoś z Waszej rodziny lub znajomych nie będzie miał takiej możliwości, warto to uszanować oraz zaproponować wspólną kolację w innym terminie. Oczywiście, jeżeli bardzo zależy Wam na świętowaniu z tymi osobami swojego małżeństwa.

Wesele w niedzielę poprawiny – jak to rozwiązać?
Is it worth organizing corrections?? There is no simple answer to such a question. Undoubtedly, corrections are now less and less popular. Especially those couples who come from one city decide to give them up. Why? They are very often associated with the need to spend extra money on the hall and food.
In addition, the bride and groom want to spend the first days of marriage together. Most often they are too tired to entertain their guests with conversation and take care of them properly.
When can corrections be a good idea? Especially when the families of the Bride and Groom come from far away. Then the after-party is an opportunity to have a meal together after a night of fun and a short conversation.
Today, the patches look completely different than they did a few years ago. An increasingly popular form is a classic dinner for loved ones and those who have come from afar. Such after-hours are not too tiring for the Bride and Groom and allow them to spend time with loved ones with whom they have not had the opportunity to talk so far.
Jednak co z poprawinami w przypadku wesela w niedzielę? Może to być problematyczne, ponieważ wypadają one wtedy w poniedziałek. Z całą pewnością możecie spodziewać się znacznie mniejszej frekwencji niż w przypadku sobotniego wesela. Większość gości będzie chciała możliwie szybko wrócić do swoich domów, żeby odpocząć przed kolejnymi pracującymi dniami.

Afternoons on Monday can work well for a wedding on a long weekend. Then on Monday, everyone still has a statutory day off, which they can spend on additional fun. However, it is worth remembering to organize such a party with appropriate care. It should take place in the relatively early hours, and the amount of alcohol should be limited in relation to the wedding, which takes place on Sunday. Then everyone has the opportunity to rest and spend peaceful time in the company of family.

Is it worth organizing a wedding on a Sunday?
Is it worth organizing? wedding on Sunday? Definitely yes, if you care about financial discipline and wedding cost estimate is crucial for you. From this angle, a Sunday wedding is certainly worth considering. Especially in recent years, when prices are rising, every saving is very valuable. Therefore, if you care about saving money, certainly a wedding on Sunday will be a good idea.

Wedding on Sunday - this is also a good solution for those who do not plan a grand wedding. Then you have the opportunity to spend a wonderful time with your family in a beautiful restaurant or other location you choose.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you get married on Sunday?
On Sunday, you can easily get married in a church or concordat. When it comes to a civil wedding, we must ask about this date at our Registry Office. If there is any problem, you can get married the day before and solemnly celebrate the marriage the day after, at a convenient time for us. You can also have a humanist wedding on Sunday.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia?
There is no shortage of wedding halls in Lower Silesia. It's good for brides because they have a lot of choice. And they can negotiate the price of the wedding hall, since there is a lot of competition. Wedding hall - we have a choice of castles, palaces, barns, villas, hunting lodges, manors and manor houses. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz, in addition to several wedding halls, also offers a garden ideal for outdoor weddings.
Are weekday weddings cheaper?
Weekday weddings are often cheaper. Wedding halls are most occupied on Saturdays, so of course prices are highest then. On other days of the week, which are less popular with brides, it is easier to negotiate a favorable price for us for a wedding in the wedding hall of our dreams. Also the prices of other services - makeup artist, hairdresser, decorator, videographer or photographer will probably be lower during the week.
What days can you not get married?
Basically, you can get married any day of the week. When it comes to civil weddings, the only obstacle may be the work schedule of the wedding officials. It is worth asking at the local USC about the date that interests us. When it comes to church and concordat weddings, they are performed every day of the week. Just like the increasingly popular humanist weddings.