Although we are not fully aware of it, wedding customs and traditions are passed down from generation to generation. They are a very important element of any wedding ceremony. Depending on the region of Poland, they may differ slightly from each other. Nevertheless in most cases they are a clue to a successful wedding.
Wedding traditions and wedding traditions in Poland
As our wedding expert Joanna Hoc-Kopiej notes: “Many traditions and customs related to weddings have not survived to modern times, or only a few practice them. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the change of lifestyle in cities and in the countryside. On the other hand, the approach to marriage itself. However, many wedding traditions have survived and are thriving.” Depending on the region and cultural group, there are many traditions that the Bride and Groom celebrate with their guests on this most important day. However, there are wedding traditions that are celebrated even a few days before the wedding.
"Polterabend" the breaking of glass, takes place the day before the wedding. This tradition originally comes from Germany, so in Poland it mainly applies to the regions of Pomerania, Kashubia, Wielkopolska and Silesia and is aimed at driving away evil spirits and failures from the Bride and Groom. On Friday evening, guests and neighbors gather at the bride's house to break everything glass in front of the door. It is a very cheerful ceremony, during which there is a buzz, fun and joy, and the newlyweds often treat the guests with delicious food and alcohol.

Wedding traditions really start long before this ceremony. "Buyouts" is a very funny tradition for many guests, in which the groom comes to the bride's house to buy her out. The bridesmaid opens the door and puts out a basket into which the groom throws cash or other items, e.g. flowers or sweets. Until the person conducting the redemption decides that there are enough gifts, inventing various funny arguments, the Groom has to replenish the basket. Wedding guests also gather around this ceremony, who help the groom and sing joyful songs.
Wedding traditions that have survived to this day
Traditional greeting the young couple bread and salt by parents. This usually takes place after the wedding ceremony and just before the wedding. In the Polish tradition, this custom was adopted due to the fact that the parents usually organized and paid for the wedding.

Sprinkling rice at the wedding, rose petals or small coins. Brings happiness and financial prosperity in a relationship.
Wedding traditions after leaving the church give way to wedding traditions. Gate. On the way from the church or the Registry Office to the wedding hall, the young people may encounter the so-called. "goals". To drive through them, you need to buy something, a bottle of vodka or sweets for children is the best. Sometimes you have to do a small task - e.g. the bride has to hammer a nail, cut a board, etc. This tradition is very popular especially in smaller towns. Most often, the gates are organized by neighbors, friends or associates of the Bride and Groom.
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Carrying the Bride over the threshold by the Groom. This means that the Groom introduces the Bride as his wife and will always carry her in his arms.
A toast in honor of the Bride and Groom raised by the guests with a glass of champagne or sparkling wine. In this way, the guests wish the Young all the best. In addition, they sing wedding songs, and the bride and groom clink glasses with each guest.
Young couple breaking glasses. After drinking the symbolic hundred of vodka (it often happens that there is water in the glass), the newlyweds throw the glasses behind them. The beating of glasses brings luck and prosperity. In some regions of Poland (e.g. in Wielkopolska) there is the aforementioned "Polter", i.e. the symbolic breaking of glass the day before the wedding. Breaking glasses is a kind of substitute for this tradition, but of course both rituals are combined in some regions.

Joint singing of "happy birthday" by the wedding guests. At least once, but usually repeated many times during the ceremony. This is a sign that the guests wish the newlyweds a long, happy and happy life.
Cheers and chants of guests, e.g. bitter! bitterly! Which is to cause the bride and groom to kiss in public. This is often bolstered with additional exclamations, e.g. We don't drink at all, the kiss was careless. It is believed that the more such guest chants and newlyweds' kisses happen at a wedding, the happier their lives will be.
Consumption of dishes along with toasts for the prosperity of the Bride and Groom. The first toasts are raised by the immediate family, e.g. parents or witnesses. Then the rest of the guests can raise a toast to the health of the newlyweds. Of course, there are also toasts of the Bride and Groom to the health of the guests, this is to thank them for coming and wish them a good time at the wedding.

Ball with live music played by a hired wedding band. Nowadays, more and more often DJs play music from CDs at weddings. This solution has many advantages - it is more economical, and the Young Couple has more room for maneuver when it comes to the repertoire. The orchestra or DJ is one of the most important points of the wedding. Without good music, a wedding cannot be successful.
Games with the participation of wedding guests and the newlyweds
The most popular wedding party is of course oczepiny, i.e. catching the veil by all the brides present at the wedding, which is to indicate which of them will get married first. At the same time, the groom also throws a bow tie or tie, choosing all the bachelors for this game. Oczepiny also means several fun games, e.g. Compatibility test of the Bride and Groom or dancing around the chairs. Currently, many young couples give up wedding games in favor of integrating guests in interesting competitions. According to some brides, traditional games are already going out of fashion and it is worth replacing them with something more creative.
Highlights like picking up the veil cart or the wedding cake around midnight. Tradition dictates that the newlyweds share and offer it to guests. There is also often a roast piglet or some kind of surprise, such as fireworks or releasing lanterns.

All these wedding traditions are an integral part of every wedding to a greater or lesser extent. They make both the wedding and reception interesting, joyful and well known to many guests.