When choosing a wedding date, young couples often choose a weekend for obvious reasons. Usually it is Saturday, but weddings on Fridays and even Sundays are common. It is one of the most important days in life and many hours of preparation are needed to organize it. Everyone understands this, which is why the Labor Code provides for the possibility of granting a special leave just for a wedding. Who is entitled to wedding leave? We suggest.
Wedding leave - who can take it?
The Labor Code allows employees to use a special leave, commonly known as a wedding leave. If the employee is getting married, they are entitled to two days of special leave. If the wedding is performed for the employee's children, the employee may use 1 day of special leave.
It is important that this leave does not have to be used on the day of the event. It can be used, for example, to organize your or your child's wedding, as well as after the wedding day, for example when the ceremony will take place on Sunday.
Even though it is a special leave, it is worth informing the employer in advance about the intention to use the day off. The employer is obliged to grant special leave, but may ask the employee for a copy of the marriage certificate.
It's important to take advantage of your wedding vacation in an appropriate way. It is also worth knowing that if for any reason the wedding does not take place, this leave is forfeited, and the days already used will be counted as holiday leave.
Please note that leave for the wedding is only available to persons who are employed on the basis of an employment contract. Persons employed under a contract of mandate or contract for specific work are not entitled to special leave.
It is also worth knowing that this leave is available to both people who get married in a civil ceremony and couples who decide to have a concordat wedding. It is a wedding in the church, during which the Young Couple also signs official documents.

Wedding leave - when to take?
If you want to take advantage of the special leave, the Young Couple can take it before the wedding, on the wedding day or immediately after it. Most often, however, the newlyweds use the occasional leave immediately before the wedding day. Thanks to this, the newlyweds can finish off the ceremony.
Equally often, brides take a special leave on their wedding day. Thanks to this, the bride can, for example, go to the beautician and hairdresser.
As mentioned above, the newlywed couple can also use the leave they are entitled to immediately after the wedding. In combination with a holiday leave, they gain additional time to enjoy themselves on vacation together.
When organizing a wedding, the bride and groom should take into account the comfort of the guests. If availability wedding hall allows it, future newlyweds usually decide to have a wedding on Saturday. Most people work from Monday to Friday. On Saturday, they have time to prepare for the ceremony, and on Sunday they will easily sleep off the night spent on the dance floor.
Do you lack time for organizational matters related to the wedding?
We will do much more for you than you think!
However, if the bride and groom decide to wedding on Friday and organization of the wedding on the same day, guests must take into account the need to take a vacation. Friday weddings tend to be late afternoon weddings. However, taking into account the fact that guests may come from different parts of Poland, such a holiday may prove necessary. The same applies when the bride and groom decide to wedding with corrections.
Wedding guests cannot count on special leave "ex officio". Both siblings, as well as extended family and friends, will have to use their holiday leave to be able to celebrate with the Bride and Groom. Nothing prevents them from taking only a few hours of vacation. But what if they don't already have one? They can then take unpaid leave, as long as the employer agrees.
Wedding leave - how to use it?
Everyone knows there are days when you can't work. Excessive emotions and the number of matters to be dealt with in connection with the wedding prevent employees from properly dealing with the work entrusted to them. That is why an employee employed under an employment contract can take advantage of a special leave. The legislator stipulates, however, that the special leave must be used in an appropriate manner. Parents of the Bride and Groom should not use it, for example, for leisure purposes, i.e. to go on a weekend together. However, in practice, no one holds the Bride and Groom and their parents accountable for what they did during the occasional leave.
The leave that the Young Couple is entitled to in connection with the organization of the wedding reception can be used in various ways. It is best to use it to refine all the details of the ceremony. It is important not to forget about yourself in this race. The special leave must be used for the organization of the celebration. However, despite the multitude of matters that the Young Couple has to arrange before the wedding, it is worth planning at least a few hours that they will spend together and rest. Special leave can be divided. One day should be devoted to refining the details, and the other day should be used after the wedding, e.g. for a wedding session.