Summer is traditionally the time that we associate with weddings and wedding receptions. Every year, however, more and more couples decide to winter wedding. It turns out that this term has many advantages that are not necessarily visible at first glance. So what to choose - a winter or summer wedding? What are the pros and cons of each option? See what you can gain at any time of the year!
What will you learn from the article?
Planowanie ślubu to jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń w życiu, a wybór odpowiedniej pory roku może znacząco wpłynąć na cały przebieg ceremonii. Zarówno ślub latem, jak i zimą ma swoje unikalne zalety oraz wady, które warto wziąć pod uwagę.
Jakie korzyści niesie ze sobą ciepła, słoneczna ceremonia pod gołym niebem? Czy istnieją jakieś minusy organizacji ślubu w sezonie wakacyjnym? Zima natomiast oferuje romantyczne, bajkowe krajobrazy, lecz czy chłodniejsza pora roku nie wiąże się z pewnymi wyzwaniami?
W tym wpisie rozwiejemy wszelkie wątpliwości, przedstawiając szczegółową analizę obu opcji. Czy ślub zimą zapewni wyjątkową atmosferę, której nie można uzyskać latem? A może jednak słoneczne dni i długie wieczory są tym, czego pragniecie na swoim weselu? Ostateczny wybór należy do Was, ale my pomożemy Wam podjąć świadomą decyzję. Zapraszamy do lektury!
Jakie zalety ma ślub latem?
The biggest advantage of a summer ceremony for most couples is, of course, the great weather. Long, warm days and the rays of the sun certainly have a positive effect on the mood of the Bride and Groom and guests. It also leaves plenty of time to organize a wedding session during the wedding reception. This is the best time for a civil wedding outside the Registry Office, surrounded by flowers and singing birds, as well as for after-party organized outside (for example in the form of a barbecue or bonfire).
Outdoor weddings are very fashionable right now. The beautiful aura allows for a variety of colorful outfits and the wedding itself - rustic, boho and romantic styles work great. Not without significance is the fact that the tables will be dominated by aromatic dishes made of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. So should you get married in the summer? Sure, many people dream about this date.

Czy ślub latem ma wady?
When it comes to the disadvantages of a summer wedding, it is primarily the cost and availability of services. Due to its popularity, a summer wedding is a big expense. It's called high wedding season. You should also take into account that our dream wedding hallphotographer or stylist have their dates booked for several years ahead, so if we decide to take such a step, we should look for free dates with subcontractors as soon as possible.
Ewentualnie możemy liczyć na to, że zwolni się jakiś termin w naszej wymarzonej hall for the wedding and we'll arrange last minute wedding. Również aura z atutu może zmienić się w wadę. Jak wskazuje Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, ekspertka weselna w Dwór Korona Karkonosze, the weather in the warm months can be unpredictable: "In the summer, we should always be prepared for the arrival of a violent storm - it is worth having umbrellas and a reserve hall to conduct the ceremony in the event outdoor weddings".
Excessive heat is also a problem - especially for women who have to touch up their makeup every now and then. You also need to remember to order a larger amount of cold drinks and chilled desserts for guests. This generates costs, because in general water and colored drinks or juices, guests absorb much more. If you decide to wedding in summer and a wedding in a room without air conditioning, it will be simply extremely tiring for the guests. So where to have a summer wedding? Preferably in an elegant, air-conditioned room wedding hall.

Ślub zimą – odkryj jego wszystkie zalety
Advantages of a winter wedding? Those who are disturbed by the weaknesses of a wedding in the summer will certainly like the ceremony in the winter. Prices for renting the hall and services are much lower at this time of the year, there is also no problem with their availability, thanks to which it is easier to book a favorable date (e.g. a long weekend). Romantics will also appreciate winter - the streets decorated for Christmas, covered with snow, the church and wedding hall create a unique atmosphere, and candles, lanterns and fire in the fireplace give the ceremony an aura of mysticism and solemnity.
A magical winter wedding
Though some leitmotifs weddings will not work during this period, we have many others to choose from - winter is the time of the carnival! We can style the wedding hall as the court of the Snow Queen or invite guests to play a colorful masquerade. We also have specials available winter attractions, such as sleigh ride, a sleigh ride or skiing. Themed weddings is the hit of the last seasons. After the wedding fun, we can go with all the guests to the ski slope, which will surely delight lovers of mountain madness.

Wedding on Christmas or St advent or wedding on New Year's Eve – winter wedding in December is a great idea! What are the reasons for organizing a wedding in winter? Opinions about a winter wedding are unanimous - it is a special time, a magical time. The pluses of a winter wedding are unusual wedding photos in winter, because usually the bride looks phenomenal for a winter wedding, like the Snow Queen. Decorations for a winter wedding and ornaments on winter wedding nature itself provides. Especially a winter wedding in the mountains has a unique charm. What about winter wedding weather? How to organize a wedding in winter? Organizing a winter wedding is simply taking into account the changeable weather. Anyway, in recent years there are similarities between a winter wedding and a summer wedding in terms of weather - it is impossible to predict it ... So the pluses of a winter wedding and the minuses of a winter wedding and wedding actually balance out.
Organization of a wedding in winter and summer?

Ślub zimą ma także wady
Disadvantages of a Winter Wedding? The disadvantage, as with weddings in the summer, may be a breakdown of the weather. Unexpected thaw and mud can always thwart our plans. If we plan wedding in winter, it is worth organizing it in the mountainous region - here the temperature fluctuations are smaller and the snow lasts longer. The Bride and Groom should also purchase outer clothing that matches the styling, which is an additional expense. But when it comes to winter weddings, the disadvantages are the only possible ones. Depending on the start time of the wedding, we may not be able to finish the outdoor wedding session before nightfall - here the solution may be to postpone it to the day of the after-party. But you can also plan photos in the moonlight - wedding photos in starry locations will definitely be magical!
Czy da się zorganizować ślub zimą w plenerze?
Zima, wbrew pozorom, to również doskonały czas na uczczenie tego wyjątkowego dnia na zewnątrz. Piękna, wyjątkowo zaaranżowana altana ślubna i rozpościerający się przed oczami gości widok na przepiękne górskie krajobrazy – to coś, czego nikt od tego dnia nie zapomni.
Znajdziemy taką na przykład w Dworze Korona Karkonoszy w Sosnówce koło Karpacza. Jeśli więc marzycie o wymarzonej, wręcz magicznej atmosferze, wystarczy cieplejszy płaszcz lub futro i ślub outdoors in winter will be the most important and beautiful moment of this day.

Ślub zimą czy ślub latem – co wybrać?
Deciding whether to get married in winter or summer is not an easy decision. Maybe you want to combine your wedding with another special event, for example, your parents' wedding anniversary or the birthday of one of the guests? Both a winter wedding and a summer wedding are a great opportunity to spend the desired time with family and friends. A wedding in the mountains, especially the away one, encourages guests to take an additional, short vacation and take advantage of mountain attractions.
Wesele w górach bez względu na porę roku
Whether it's winter or summer, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy is located at the foot of the mountain ranges, jest miejscem, gdzie każdy gość naprawdę odpoczywa. Czy są to przygotowania do wesela czy poprawiny na świeżym powietrzu, wszyscy odnajdą tu długo wyczekiwany spokój. Góry odprężają, sprawiają, że na wszystko patrzymy z innej perspektywy. Jeśli dodatkowo możemy świętować w tym miejscu miłość dwojga bliskich nam ludzi, nie ma lepszych okoliczności niż te.
Let's not forget about the accommodation, which is an inseparable element of every wedding. Guests after the fun must have a place to rest and prepare for the second day of madness. Comfortable apartments and rooms Dwór Korona Karkonosze will make each guest find their dream place here. Odpoczynek z widokiem na góry zawsze jest miłym zwieńczeniem dnia i powitaniem nowego poranka.

As you can see, both summer and winter weddings have their strengths and weaknesses, there is no perfect date for everyone. It is worth considering the pros and cons of both terms to choose the one that best suits our needs. Regardless of what date we decide on, the most important thing is that it is the wedding of your dreams!
Zima czy lato – która pora roku jest lepsza na ślub?
Every couple sooner or later has to answer the question: wedding in winter or summer. If you haven't decided yet, we hope that after reading this article, it will be easier for you to make your final decision. First of all, you should consider whether you don't mind the heat. If not, book an appointment for wedding in June, July or August.
Or maybe you love winter aura? Then look for a free date in December or on wedding in January or February. You dream about taking wedding in the mountains? We cordially invite you to Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, located in a wonderful area. We guarantee that its atmosphere will delight both you and your guests. We provide professional service and delicious foodwhich will save you a lot of stress.

Wedding in winter or summer? What to consider when making decisions?
Nie potraficie się zdecydować, czy wziąć ślub zimą, czy latem? Chociaż wakacje nieodłącznie kojarzą się nam z przyjęciami weselnymi, coraz więcej par pobiera się w okresie świątecznym lub w carnival. Whatever you decide, remember that each season has advantages and disadvantages.

What are the reasons for getting married in the summer? First of all, long, warm days have a positive effect on our well-being. If you like to relax in the bosom of nature, you can move the fun to fresh air. Wedding in the garden….. Are you worried that the weather will thwart your plans? Then rent a tent where you can shelter in case of rain and storm. Wondering what theme to choose? Choose a rustic, boho, Provence, tropical or greenery style.
If you are planning a wedding in winter, remember that you can still give it a unique character. Combine red with green to refer to Christmas. Think about adding crystals, fake snow and baubles to the decor.
Menu na daną porę roku
You are wondering how to choose wedding menu for the summer? If you don't necessarily like broth, look for tasty substitutes. Cold soup, sour soup, sour soup or mushroom soup will be perfect for this role. You can also consider cream soup, e.g. tomato, boletus, broccoli, asparagus or roasted beetroot soup.
Are you looking for ideas for a second dish? If you are organizing a wedding during the holidays, be prepared for high temperatures. Instead of serving spicy and roasted meat, opt for veggie patties, lean grilled meats, fish, seafood and steamed vegetables. Remember that when answering the question - a wedding in winter or summer, you should also think about the menu.

If the winter aura is not scary for you, take a look at what to serve to guests at the wedding. Remember that the menu should include delicious, warming and filling dishes. Choose dishes that refer to holidays and carnival. When it comes to soups, we offer traditional broth, tripe or borscht with ravioli.
Then you can serve stewed meat in mushroom sauce, roast pork with prunes, salmon, carp or trout. Serve them with potatoes, grits, sauerkraut salad, fried beets, carrots with peas, or sauerkraut salad.

Why is it worth organizing a wedding in December?
More and more couples are choosing to wedding in December and not only on holidays, but also in the period between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Ideally, if it is snowing, as it will give the celebration a magical atmosphere. Snow-white tablecloths should appear on the tables.
You can put gold or silver candlesticks with long candles on them, frosted twigs and pinecone decorations. In addition, think of snow-covered artificial Christmas trees, bombs, snow globes, mistletoe and a light curtain.
Are you looking for inspiration for an unforgettable, winter wedding session? Of course, this undertaking is a real challenge, both for the newlyweds and for the photographer. Everyone dreams of a great photo session - and it will certainly be. Just keep in mind that dusk falls earlier at this time of year than in summer. On the other hand, such a session has a unique atmosphere.
A place for a wedding in winter and summer?

Is it worth taking wedding in August?
This is one of the most popular months for weddings. Here are a few reasons why you should rethink this term. First of all, there is an "r" in the name, which will surely convince many couples.

Usually the days are very warm and sunny, but the August evenings are pleasantly cooler, which is why guests are happy to party until dawn. The weather encourages you to play outside, so look for it hotel or manor housewith a romantic garden.
The menu may include seasonal fruits and vegetables, primarily peaches, plums, apples, pears, beets, cauliflowers, tomatoes and peppers. Are you wondering what flowers to use to conjure up a bouquet and compositions for a church and premises? Bet on asters, freesias, sunflowers, dahlias, celosia or eustoma.
Wahacie się, czy wziąć ślub zimą, czy latem? Pamiętajcie, że każda pora roku jest wyjątkowa!

Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the winter wedding?
A winter wedding can be magical and unforgettable, especially if you choose the right place that will further emphasize the charm of this time of year. Here are some ideas for places where you can organize a winter wedding: a castle or a palace. Renting a castle or palace can create a special atmosphere, especially in winter. Picturesque surroundings and elegant interiors will add a unique charm to your wedding. Such unique interiors can be found in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, in the charming Sosnówka near Karpacz. And if you like winter sports and nature, renting a charming cabin in the mountains can be a great idea. You can organize a wedding ceremony outdoors and then move to a warm and cozy interior. Also rustic and charming places, such as stables or granaries, can be a great backdrop for a winter wedding with a unique character. If you are a wine connoisseur, renting a vineyard or winery can be a great choice. In winter, indoor wine parties and ceremonies can be organized there. And if you are lovers of winter sports, you can organize a wedding on a glacier or on a ski slope. It is a unique place that will provide an unforgettable experience. The restaurant with large windows and a panoramic view of the winter landscape can create a beautiful setting for a wedding ceremony and reception.
Wedding in summer or winter?
The decision between organizing a summer or winter wedding depends on many factors, and the final choice should be tailored to your preferences, wedding style and personal tastes. Here are a few things to consider. What are the differences between a winter and summer wedding? Advantages of organizing a wedding in the summer: beautiful weather and nature; variety of available places; longer days, the atmosphere of summer relaxation. And the advantages of a winter wedding? Unique atmosphere - winter weddings can be magical and unforgettable thanks to snowy landscapes, hot drinks and a romantic atmosphere. In addition, there are fewer couples deciding to get married in winter, which may affect the availability of places and services, as well as lower prices. You can use winter motifs in decorations, which gives a unique character to the whole event. In winter, most celebrations take place indoors, giving you more control over the weather. The final choice of season for your wedding depends on your preferences and priorities. It is also worth considering that organizing a wedding requires advance planning, regardless of the season, to ensure the availability of service providers, venues and dates.
What about a winter wedding?
How to dress for a winter wedding Choosing the right attire for a winter wedding depends on the style of the ceremony, venue and personal preferences. What bridesmaid dress? It is worth paying attention to models with long sleeves and accessories such as a bolero, a fur collar or a long coat that will add both warmth and elegance. Consider gloves, a scarf or a cape to add style and protect you from the cold. Choose the right shoes that will not only be beautiful, but also practical. You can opt for classic high heels or boots with a thicker heel. And for the groom? Choose an elegant suit in a color that matches the style of the wedding. You can also wear a stylish coat or trench coat on top. Add a special touch to your outfit by choosing a tie or bow tie in shades that match the overall look. Choose elegant shoes that will not only be stylish, but also comfortable in winter conditions. What for guests for a winter wedding? Choose clothes made of warmer materials and with long sleeves. A men's suit with a fitted coat or an elegant dress with a warm boleros is a good idea. Do not forget about accessories such as a scarf or gloves. Remember, however, that warm accessories will be needed only when traveling to the wedding hall or church, because the wedding hall itself will certainly be warm. The time of the year for the wedding, considering the outfit, is not really that important.
Is a winter wedding cheaper?
The organization of a wedding can involve various costs, which do not necessarily depend only on the season, but also on many other factors, such as location, number of guests, choice of menu, decorations, musicians and many others. In general, some elements of the wedding may be cheaper during the winter and some more expensive. Here are some things to consider. During the summer season, popular wedding venues can be more expensive and harder to book. In winter, it may be easier to find available dates and negotiate prices. In winter, you can take advantage of the natural charm of snow and winter atmosphere, which can save on decorations. The price of catering may vary depending on the season. Some ingredients may be cheaper or more expensive in winter. For example, fresh summer fruit can be more expensive in winter. Some flowers can be more expensive during the winter because they have to be imported from distant places. While most couples choose to get married during the summer season, there is less competition in the winter when it comes to dates with wedding service providers, which can affect prices. Before making a decision, it is worth carefully analyzing all aspects and comparing costs between different seasons.