How to organize an outdoor wedding?

TipsAutumn weddingSummer weddingSpring wedding

Beautiful weather, great scenery, lots of white, that is outdoor wedding. Scena bliska sercu każdego miłośnika amerykańskiego kina. Ale czy na pewno chodzi o całość imprezy? Organizacja całego wesela w ogrodach jest ogromnym ryzykiem. W naszym klimacie pogoda jest bardzo zmienna. I mimo, że Młode Pary coraz częściej pragną łamać schematy i szukają sposobu na zorganizowanie wesela, które na długo zapadnie w pamięć gości, muszą brać pod uwagę wiele czynników.

At the outset, it should be noted that an outdoor wedding is not the same as an outdoor wedding - civil or humanistic. The welcome of the Bride and Groom and a toast can also take place outside. Young people organizing a wedding in winter or late autumn usually do not take outdoor fun into account. Meanwhile, each of the seasons has something unique to offer. Especially in the mountains.

Wedding Wroclaw – outdoor photo session

When is it worth organizing an outdoor wedding?

It might seem that by far the best time of year for an outdoor party will be summer or spring, but even then you should take into account the variability of the weather. Rain is always associated with lowering the temperature, and the humidity prevailing everywhere can negatively affect the mood of guests. Outdoor weddings - if the whole event is organized outside - practically always takes place under tents. These, however, only partially protect in the event of unfavorable weather. This is not a completely effective form of protection, because rain combined with wind will also penetrate the roof. Therefore, it is worth arranging some elements of the party outdoors, but plan its essential part inside the facility.

What is worth remembering when organizing an outdoor wedding?

The organization of an outdoor wedding involves completely different preparations than in the case of a wedding reception wedding hall. Of course, some issues remain common to both variants. Guests should not leave the wedding hungry, you also need to take care of the appropriate musical setting and a place for dancing. Decorations always play a very important role, so you shouldn't forget about them either. So much for common features. Now it's time for differences.

outfit on outdoor wedding

Most women choose to wear heels. Imagine how difficult it will be to move and dance in the grass with your heels digging into the ground. It is the Bride and Groom's duty to notify the guests about such an unusual problem. Suggest the ladies to take a change of shoes with them, which will not be a nuisance. Don't forget that nights can be chilly, especially in spring. To protect guests from freezing, you can prepare warm blankets and rugs, which they can wrap themselves in if necessary.

At the same time, remember to keep the colors uniform. Perhaps you decide to red wedding? Accents in this color are an extraordinary concept that will surely be remembered by your guests.

And in case of hot weather ... fans for guests. Too high a temperature can be as problematic as rain and cold. The still air and the heat will effectively tire you and discourage you from having fun. Fans are a great way to cool down a bit and enjoy a gentle breeze. You can make them yourself or buy them in the store. If you choose the first option, you get the possibility of personalization. You can print your photos and names on them, attach fun graphics and even present the schedule of the event. All these problems disappear when only the wedding and some elements of the event take place outside, e.g. greeting the bride and groom, toasts, and the rest of the party takes place in comfortable interiors.

Are you dreaming of an outdoor wedding?

Say YES surrounded by mountain tops!

Probably nothing creates such a magical atmosphere as the right lighting. Do not be afraid to use lamps and lanterns that will provide an absolutely unique atmosphere in the late evening. If you want to combine business with pleasure, you can use candles to repel mosquitoes and flies for lighting. Signposts that will show your guests the way to the party are an equally interesting motif. I can direct the signs and arrows to, for example, the buffet where it is located buffetor relaxation areas.

Outdoor wedding - the place is the basis

Many people associate an outdoor wedding as a party organized away from civilization. There is nothing wrong with that and such climatic places have their charm, but you must remember about a few basic issues that may prove to be an obstacle for your guests.

Outdoor wedding venue

Access is absolutely key. A wedding in a secluded clearing, surrounded by water, may seem like a great idea, but your wedding guests need to get there, and it's best if they do it in comfortable conditions. A road through the forest or a path leading through the fields practically excludes the possibility of getting there by car or bus. And if the route is long and tiring, everyone invited will come to the wedding tired and discouraged. Therefore, it is best to consider the possibility of organization outdoor parties near the wedding hall. In this way, you do not have to worry about ongoing access to catering and ... sanitary facilities.

Warto zorganizować ślub w miejscu, które ma nie tylko doświadczenie, ale niepowtarzalny klimat. Wesele w górach jest piękne o każdej porze roku. Zimą, gdy wokół wszystko jest przykryte śniegiem, orszak weselny z pochodniami wygląda bajkowo. Wiosną z kolei dookoła pełno jest bieli kwitnących drzew, które kontrastują z bujną zielenią. Górski krajobraz jest piękny zwłaszcza jesienią. Bukowe lasy na wzgórzach to istna feeria kolorów – wszystko skąpane jest w brązach i czerwieni.

How to organize an unforgettable outdoor wedding?

Regardless of the season, the weather can be capricious. So it's worth preparing properly, especially if you are planning an outdoor wedding. Depending on what time of the year you are organizing a party, consider whether you will need large windmills? Or maybe you should rent a gas heater?

Mosquitoes attack mercilessly in the spring and summer. To avoid insect infestation, stock up on torches or scented candles. Essential oils also come in handy, especially rosemary, lavender, thyme and peppermint.

Delicious food is an integral part of a successful party. Consider whether you want to organize a party at professional barbecues, which will be taken care of by experienced chefs. Or maybe you prefer traditional catering with waiter service? If you like the second solution better, make sure that the company has access to the kitchen, water and kitchen.

Are you worried that serving dishes to the table will interfere with the prepared attractions? Then organize a smorgasbord for an outdoor wedding.

Outdoor party: a must-have for the bride and groom

Wondering how to choose the right one outdoor wedding venue? Przede wszystkim ustalcie, ile osób chcecie zaprosić. Następnie przedyskutujcie, jaki motyw przewodni najbardziej przypadł Wam do gustu. Marzycie o tym, aby zorganizować przyjęcie w stylu leśnym, boho lub greenery?  W takim razie zorganizujcie wesele na świeżym powietrzu, najlepiej na zacisznej, leśnej polanie.

Or maybe your heart stole a romantic wedding in the open air? Organize unforgettable wedding in the garden! Wondering how to choose a theme? To give the celebration a unique atmosphere, choose Gypsy bohemia, a secret garden or Tuscany? For supporters of traditional solutions, we recommend the rustic style.

Are you dreaming of a romantic nautical-themed party? Plan a wedding in a Baltic town. If you value privacy, look for a resort with a private beach. Do you love spending time in the mountains? Do you value endless space, close contact with nature and impressive views? Resting in the mountains, do you run away from the city hustle and bustle?

We invite you to Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, which is located in a picturesque area. The prevailing atmosphere will surely delight all guests, and the unusual mountain landscapes are a great background for a wedding session.

Dwór Korona Karkonosze - welcome!

Outdoor wedding: where to start preparing?

If you are having a party in your home garden, talk to your neighbors. Make sure that the sounds of play will not disturb them. Check if there is a large parking lot in the area that you can rent. Thanks to this, you do not have to worry that guests' cars will make life difficult for residents.

Regardless of whether you are organizing an outdoor wedding or renting a hall, there may be times when you need outside help. Then look for a creative and experienced consultant with a wide network of contacts. He will not only take care of all the details, but also be able to negotiate attractive prices and contract terms. Make sure that he will also accompany you on your wedding day. This way you will avoid unnecessary stress and confusion.

How to organize your dream wedding outdoors?

When planning an outdoor wedding, make sure you have the right lighting. In this case, it not only fulfills its basic function, but also allows you to create a magical atmosphere. Great chains, candles, lanterns or torches will be perfect here. What you decide on depends largely on the leitmotif you choose.

When organizing an outdoor wedding, you should also provide guests with convenient access. Remember this especially when the chosen place is far from the city. Be sure to include a map with your invitations. This reduces the risk of someone getting lost.

By the way, ask your family and friends if they would like to use the coach. In this way, you will find out if anyone is interested in such a solution at all, and if so, how many people. This information will be useful to you when booking a bus. Also, try to find at least a few parking spaces for motorized guests.

Dwór Korona Karkonosze - welcome!

How to choose a tent for an outdoor wedding?

How do you like the idea of a unique outdoor wedding? Are you planning an outdoor celebration? Are you wondering what to pay attention to when choosing wedding venues? Niezależnie od tego, czy organizujecie przyjęcie w okresie wiosenno-letnim, czy wczesną zimą, pamiętajcie, że pogoda lubi spłatać figla. Jeśli nie chcecie, aby warunki atmosferyczne pokrzyżowały Wam plany, wynajmijcie elegancki i przestronny namiot.  Zanim wybierzecie dany obiekt, sprawdźcie, czy możecie w nim wygospodarować następujące strefy:

  • feasting,
  • gastronomic,
  • dance floor,
  • platform for a band or DJ.

Do you dream of having a rustic or sweet table at your wedding? Then you need to find more space in your tent. Before you book a venue for an outdoor wedding, make sure it is made of certified materials. Remember that only a waterproof and non-flammable tent will ensure the safety of you and your guests.

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