A wedding is a magical event. Standing on the wedding carpet, you will confess your deep love to each other. A wedding is the beginning of a new path. A common path as a marriage. Therefore, it should be unique - the one you dreamed of. One of the first steps in preparing for this important day is setting a date. What is the ideal time to get married?
- When is the wedding - looking for the perfect date
- When to have a wedding?
- When do weddings go best?
- How much to give for a wedding?
- How to deal with choosing a wedding month?
- When is the spring wedding?
- An outdoor wedding?
- A hot celebration
- Wedding in summer
- When the wedding - the charms of autumn
- A wedding in the mountains
- A magical winter wedding
- Winter wedding
- When is the wedding? On Valentine's Day!
- When not to get married
- Wedding in the month with the letter 'r': a popular superstition
- When is the wedding? How to choose the perfect date?
- When is the wedding? Which season is the best?
- When not to have a wedding?
- What is worth considering when choosing a wedding date?
- Marriage at first sight?
When is the wedding - looking for the perfect date
Choosing a wedding date is an important part of the preparations. The date has a big impact on the nature of the ceremony, the decor of the wedding hall, and even the menu or outfits of the bride and groom. Used to be too hot wedding season late spring and all summer were considered. Today, weddings are organized more and more often in other months as well.
Are you planning a wedding in spring, summer, winter or fall?

Each season has something unique about it. In spring everything comes to life. Summer delights us with beautiful weather and pleasant warmth. In autumn, the world sparkles with colorful colors. In winter, white down creates a magical aura that is the quintessence of romance. When is a wedding the best solution? We present the charms and minuses of each season.
When to have a wedding?
Choosing a wedding day is not easy for many people. Some believe that the date of marriage can affect its course. Hence the great popularity of, for example, months with the letter "r" for getting married. This one and others wedding and wedding superstitions regarding the wedding day really cause many young couples to postpone the wedding date. They do it even if other months for the wedding would be better for them to get married for various reasons. A good option for couples planning to marry who believe in wedding superstitions is simply to check when their parents or in-laws or friends got married. If it turns out that they are successful relationships, we can just get married and have a wedding on the same days.

When do weddings go best?
The wedding will be the best when we prepare everything according to our own taste and ideas. Remember that when arranging a wedding, it is not worth worrying too much about tradition or opinions of other people, even those closest to you. So choosing wedding halls, catering, wedding date, dress or cake, let's just wonder if we think it's a good choice. Does it suit us, even if it may seem unusual or eccentric to others.

More and more newlyweds are now opting for individualized weddings, and not necessarily traditional, typical weddings wedding in Poland. They are choosing theme weddings or theme weddingsthat allow them to express themselves, show their passions and interests. So we have steampunk weddings, military-themed weddings, costume weddings or events where the bride and groom raise funds for charity, for example, for the nearest animal shelter. And if it makes them happy, why not? It is the Bride and Groom who decide what kind of wedding they want to organize and they set the tone for the whole event.
How much to give for a wedding?
Usually, for the wedding, we give the bride and groom at least the equivalent of the costs incurred by the bride and groom per one guest. But the closest people, even in the case of a modest wedding reception, can of course give more money or valuable gifts. It has been assumed that the closer someone is with the Bride and Groom, the more generously they give them. However, it is always worth remembering that the amount we give to the newlyweds should be the amount we can afford.

How to deal with choosing a wedding month?
Most couples planning to get married simply decide what wedding date will be optimal for them. That is, the engaged couple decide together how they imagine their wedding and reception. And when is the wedding will not interfere with work or other responsibilities. And a few other more or less important issues. And when in the end it turns out that the month does not have an "r" in the name or our optimal date for the wedding falls in the post, what do we do? For example, we find a Czech element in ourselves (for example, a passion for draft beers) and already our Polish July becomes Czech červenc. Then the problem of the letter "r" is solved. What about the post? Whether to do wedding party do we have to change the confession in the post? And here is an easy solution. A dispensation to eat meat is enough. More orthodox religious believers may also be reluctant to play. But you can also get a dispensation for it. Or maybe it is enough to look at the wedding and reception as the fulfillment of the commandment about love?

When is the spring wedding?
In spring the world comes to life. In places where the sun has melted the snowflakes, snowdrops grow, the first buds appear on the trees, the grass begins to take on its best colors, and the air is filled with the quiet chirping of birds. Nature creates a beautiful, romantic aura. The perfect aura to say "YES" to yourself on a wedding carpet. In spring everything blooms - just like your love blooms.

It's warm outside, but not hot yet. You don't have to worry that the unbearable heat will destroy the bride's makeup, melt all the desserts and effectively make it difficult to party until dawn.
Spring is the perfect time to organize pastel wedding. The ceremony in the colors of powder pink, blue, delicate peach or bright green will be joyful and romantic. Fresh flowers are a must in a wedding arrangement. Spring is the perfect time to use tulips, lilacs, lilies of the valley and freesias.
An outdoor wedding?
When spring wedding is not the best solution? Especially when you dream of a ceremony or an outdoor party. In spring, and especially early at the turn of the year March and April, the weather can play tricks. After all, the saying "April is plaited, because it intertwines a bit of winter and a bit of summer" did not come out of nowhere. Spring weather is unpredictable. It can surprise us with beautiful sun and pleasant warmth. However, it is equally likely to be cold, windy, rainy and unpleasant.

Spring is not the best time for allergy sufferers. Allergy to pollen can be a nuisance and can effectively hinder a joyful celebration. Red nose and watery eyes instead of a smile from ear to ear? That doesn't sound very optimistic.

A hot celebration
The holiday period is the most popular among future newlyweds. It is valued above all for its beautiful weather. Summer is the perfect time to organize outdoor wedding or weddings in a rustic tent. The rustic style refers to the countryside and nature. In a rustic arrangement you can't miss wildflowers in delicate glass vases decorated with jute string, small twigs, cones, embroidered tablecloths and green garlands.

It also fits perfectly with the summer aura bohemian stylewho likes the lack of perfectionism and everything related to nature and the earth. When creating a boho arrangement, you can combine various textures, materials or decorations. Perfect for e.g. delicate lace, feathers, green plants and subtle succulents.
The wedding garden can also be decorated with small lights, lanterns, wooden wedding signposts and wicker baskets. A great idea is to use a large inscription (for example LOVE) - in a wooden or illuminated version.
Wedding in summer
Although in the summer there is the greatest chance of beautiful weather, when deciding on an outdoor ceremony, it is worth properly protecting yourself against any eventuality. The optimal solution will be wedding organization in a gazebo or tent. An alternative is to prepare umbrellas for all guests.
If you want to organize a party in wedding hallchoose an air-conditioned place. Dancing and feasting in a stuffy place is not the most pleasant.
downside summer wedding in the summer there are high prices of service providers and low availability of free dates. All because of the great popularity of this period among brides. It often happens that you have to book your dream room or a good photographer even a year or two in advance.

When the wedding - the charms of autumn
Many of us associate autumn with sadness, melancholy and gloomy weather. However, autumn also has another, more joyful side - especially early autumn, when it is still pleasantly warm and the world begins to sparkle with intense colors. Yellow-orange-red crowns of trees look extremely impressive. Colorful leaves falling from the trees create an exceptionally magical atmosphere. The climate is perfect to promise eternal love and start a new stage in life with joy.
A wedding in the mountains
Fall is the perfect time to decorate wedding in the mountains. Majestic mountain peaks in combination with colorful tree crowns, which perfectly contrast with the greenery of mountain spruces and pines, look beautiful. Brown, shiny chestnuts sparkle in the grass, the air smells of forest and mushrooms, and in the distance you can hear the singing of birds that have not yet managed to fly to warm countries or hide from the winter frost. Autumn in the mountains is magical and romantic.

Autumn attributes can be used to decorate the wedding hall. Decorations made of chestnuts, colorful leaves, delicate heather or pumpkins combined with wedding white will look spectacular. In autumn, it is much easier to book a date in a church or office, your dream wedding hall or individual service providers. The advantage is also lower prices than, for example, in the summer.
Polish golden autumn is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful. Few times of the year, however, look so great. In late autumn - especially in November - it often rains, the wind blows strongly and it is cool. A wedding at this time is a good solution for the cold-loving. If you prefer warm air and sunshine, bet on wedding in September or at the beginning October.

A magical winter wedding
Or maybe you dream winter wedding like from a tale? Winter can be really beautiful! The white fluff covering everything around creates an extraordinary aura like the one straight from the greatest fairy tale about the deep love of a princess and a prince. In the period around Christmas, additionally, delicate lamps wonderfully illuminate the world, giving it magic.
The frosty aura can be transferred to the church / office and to the wedding hall. Decorations in the form of subtly snow-covered Christmas trees, white flowers, snowflakes, ice elements, cones on coniferous branches will look very impressive. Winter is also a great time to prepare glamor style wedding. Glamor style shine perfectly harmonizes with wedding white.
Winter wedding
Wedding in winter can be a great experience. How much snow will fall! Recent years, however, show that white fluff is not a certainty in this period. More and more often winter resembles late autumn. It is gray and gloomy outside, it is raining constantly and the wind is blowing strong. If you dream of a snowy wedding, move the ceremony to the mountains! In the south of Poland, in the Karkonosze Mountains, for example in Sosnówka near Karpacz, there is a good chance of a real winter with lots of snow.

When is a wedding the best solution? Choosing a wedding date is an individual matter for each couple. Remember that your dreams and expectations should be in the first place, not clichés or preferences of family or friends. Wedding is your day! Plan it so that it will provide you with a lot of wonderful emotions that you will remember with smiles on your faces.
When is the wedding? On Valentine's Day!
If you're incurable romantics, you may be dreaming of organizing wedding on Valentine's Day. It's the day of lovers after all! No matter what day of the week Valentine's Day falls on, it's worth considering this idea.
Are you wondering what the main color will best emphasize the unique character of the ceremony? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is red. However, you can go ahead and choose pink or burgundy. To make the decor not too flashy, combine the main color with snow white. When it comes to decorations, look for hearts in different sizes.

When not to get married
The answer to this question is simple - if we are not convinced about our feelings, if we have doubts, if it was just a joke. A marriage entered into formally, but for fun, cannot be undone. Marriage annulments in Poland are generally very rare. And it's not a simple matter. Hardly anyone gets married for a joke - and that's a good thing!
What about the age of marriage? Is there any correlation between age and successful relationships? In 2019, the median age at marriage was over 30 for men and over 28 for women. This would mean that young spouses are becoming more mature and responsible. And one more important note: there is no upper age limit for marriage. Even in the so-called autumn of life, if we find our other half and want to get married with her, nothing stands in the way. There is always time for love!
Wedding in the month with the letter 'r': a popular superstition
If you're superstitious, you've certainly heard of it. Many couples get married in the month with the letter "r" because it is supposed to bring them good luck. However, if you like it FebruaryMay or July, nothing stands in the way of planning a party just then.
After all, it lasts in February CarnivalEaster often falls in April, and May is the month of lovers. If you have a problem with booking a room, ask about a free date in January. There's a good chance there aren't any takers. The same applies to the wedding consultant and subcontractors. If you're still unsure how to answer a question, when is the weddingthink about july.
At this time of year, you can organize a wedding outdoors as well as in a hall. It all depends on your preferences. Are you planning an outdoor party, but are you worried that the capricious weather will thwart your plans? In that case, rent a spacious, elegant tent that will protect you and your guests from rain, storm and gusty winds if necessary.

Why is it worth organizing a wedding in a week?
More and more couples are choosing to wedding on Thursday, mainly because it is easier to book a room, hairdresser, photographer, videographer or band. Remember to inform your guests about your plans in advance. Thanks to this, they can easily reorganize their schedule.
Regardless of whether you want to have a civil or church wedding, you can safely plan it in the middle of the week. After all, the number of Saturdays is limited, and not everyone wants to wait a year or two for their dream wedding hall.

For the same reason, consider wedding on Monday. You will not only save a lot of time, but also money. Popular wedding venues they often offer attractive discounts for couples who decide to go for it wedding in a week. If you decide to do so, remember to try your hand at negotiating with the owner or manager.
Are you looking for the perfect wedding venue in Lower Silesia?

When asked by family and friends when the wedding is, you don't have to answer that on Saturday or Sunday. Of course, traditionalists prefer to schedule the wedding ceremony on the weekend, but feel free to book another date.
If you are not necessarily convinced of an outdoor wedding, but you are planning Afternoon, you can organize them outdoors. Are you organizing a party only for your closest family and friends? Think about organizing a barbecue party in the garden or a wonderful evening by the fire.
When is the wedding? How to choose the perfect date?
You're engaged and you're beaming with joy... Then it's time to consider when is the wedding. If you are a believer, you will most likely skip Lent and Advent. Otherwise, you'd have to give up a grand wedding. Although it is now possible to organize wedding receptions during Advent, large weddings are no longer prohibited according to new church guidelines. When planning a civil or humanist wedding, you do not impose such restrictions on yourself. Of course, if you know that many family members and friends are believers, you can look for another term. After all, you do not want someone to not accompany you on this special day because of this.
When is the wedding? If you dream of getting married in the winter, look for a convenient date in January. It is true that few couples choose this month, but it is really worth considering this idea. In January, you can still feel the magic of Christmas, and if you celebrate New Year's Eve every year, it is worth booking this date. The snowy aura will give the party a fairy-tale atmosphere. Wedding in January it will be great for sure!
On the other hand, if you love summer, you can organize a wedding in June or August. These months are really beautiful and warm, and by the way they have the letter "r" in their name. Perfect weather will encourage guests to have champagne fun. Remember, however, that many couples like this period, so start looking for the perfect place and subcontractors at least a year in advance. Thanks to this, you don't have to worry that someone will beat you to it.

When is the wedding? Which season is the best?
In fact, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. After all, some couples say the falling snow makes the celebration extra special, while others plan to get married during the holiday season. If you and/or your other half are allergic, give up the spring-summer period. Otherwise, instead of playing until dawn, you will only suffer from allergies.
Can't unequivocally answer the question: when is the wedding? Some people mistakenly believe that autumn wedding is sad. However, we would like to remind you that autumn in Poland is beautiful and colorful. When planning the decor of the room, it is worth to weave leaves, chestnuts, acorns and rowan into them. The proposed decorations will bring a unique atmosphere.
When not to have a wedding?
You definitely shouldn't get married if you're not sure about your feelings. This is of course a cliché, but you also need to remember it if you want to actually lead your life, and not just succumb to the force of inertia. And when not to have a wedding? The answer is similar. If we don't like a traditional wedding and we want to do something our own way. After all, a wedding reception can also be organized according to our taste and beliefs. If we like nature and chill, let's arrange it wedding in the garden and outdoor wedding. For example, such a boho-style wedding or a humanist wedding in a slightly hippie style. A wedding in a slow style, in line with our preferences, will allow us to feel good as newlyweds.

What is worth considering when choosing a wedding date?
When considering when to have a wedding, it is definitely worth paying attention to whether the chosen date does not fall on a holiday. Although church holidays are popular and a religious holiday wedding is fashionable - for example wedding on Easter, wedding on Christmas Day, and even wedding in adventnot necessarily on public holidays. For example, November 11. Such a date of the wedding day will always be associated with the regaining of independence for most people. And not its partial loss, which can be jokingly associated with getting married. But already combining, for example, the date of the wedding with the day before or after this festive date allows you to extend the wedding to a mini holiday. Then wedding in November can be really successful. For many guests, this can be an additional incentive. And for example, if it will wedding in the mountains, we will get an extra day to go for a walk to admire the mountain peaks and waterfalls.

When choosing a wedding date, it is also worth paying attention to the wedding season. The thing is, it's high wedding season it can also drive up the price a bit. And vice versa - in the low wedding season, renting hall for the wedding and other wedding services may be slightly cheaper.
Marriage at first sight?
It's usually about love at first sight. AND wedding at first sight - what is that? It's a combination of love and wedding at first sight. It's a quick wedding, because if Cupid's arrow hit us, what are we waiting for? You can set up right away last minute wedding, and enjoy your happiness during the wedding fun. Invite family and friends so that our loved ones have the opportunity to get to know each other. Look for a common place, maybe try to get a four-legged friend and lead a happy life.

Frequently Asked Questions
When to organize a wedding?
It is best to organize a wedding right after the wedding - this is of course a joke ... A good time for a wedding is one when we will not be overloaded with other duties and we will be able to freely indulge in joy and fun. On the one hand, it is worth taking into account your own preferences for certain months or seasons, on the other hand, financial issues may decide. Weddings outside the high wedding season are cheaper.
When is the wedding 2023?
The title question can be answered in one word: fast! Time flies, and preparing a wedding takes from several weeks to even a year. Although, of course, you can take advantage of the opportunity and organize a last-minute wedding. Certainly, there are still free dates for the 2023 wedding, but you need to hurry up a bit and book the wedding hall and wedding date at the office. And the date of the church or concordat wedding should be determined in the appropriate parish. And now you can indulge in your dreams of the perfect wedding without any obstacles.
When is the wedding 2024?
The 2024 wedding season is just ahead of us. By booking a wedding house or a wedding hall for the 2024 wedding today, we can still choose dates and offers. However, in the second half of the year, most of the dates in the most beautiful wedding venues may already be booked. When deciding - when the wedding in 2024, let's also note that by signing the contract for organizing the wedding today, we can save a lot.
How much to give for a wedding?
It is customary to give at least the equivalent of the price of a wedding plate per person for a wedding. If there are also paid accommodation for wedding guests, then their cost should also be taken into account. The closest people and family usually give more. However, the main rule should be that we just give the bride and groom as much as we can afford in the envelope.
When to get married?
Marriage should be taken when the heart tells us, and the mind does not oppose it. The best time for a wedding is when we say sacramental yes to our partner with full conviction. The rest, i.e. the date, can be completely arbitrary. In fact, any time to get married is good. Of course, financial issues can also be taken into account - off-season weddings are cheaper.