Conversations about money are not the easiest – especially in the family circle. However, when organizing a wedding and reception, discussions on this topic cannot be avoided. Determining the budget in detail and rationally dividing costs is a key element of preparing for this important day. How to approach the division of wedding costs? Who pays for what at the wedding?
A wedding is an extraordinary event that is the beginning of a new, beautiful path for two people in love. This is the beginning of marriage - a time of experiencing everyday life together, happiness, joy, great love, trust, but also overcoming all problems, support in difficult times and making important decisions. Marriage is the art of compromise. Already at the stage of preparation for the wedding, the future spouses undergo the test of this important art. They have to make a series of decisions that will affect the most important moment in their relationship. One of them is the division of costs of organizing a wedding and reception. Who pays for what at the wedding? How to divide costs rationally? What does the label say about it?
Wondering how much a wedding costs?
Why worry?
We will tailor the party to your needs and possibilities!
Who pays for what at the wedding? Traditional breakdown of expenses
Wedding organization and wedding guide would come in handy sometimes. There are so many issues to be resolved ... According to tradition, the costs associated with the organization of the wedding and reception are borne by the parents. In the past, getting married was almost an obligation. Young people got married shortly after reaching the age of majority. Due to their young age, the future spouses were still dependent on their parents. They did not have their own financial resources that could cover the costs associated with the organization of the wedding ceremony and wedding party. Therefore, the budget planning was done by the parents. Who is organizing a wedding, he pays - that's how it was understood.
Today, more and more couples decide to cover all the costs related to the organization of the wedding themselves. Many people put off getting married until later. Young people are in no hurry to get married. The average age at which Poles get married is 29 years old. Young people have time to calmly complete their education and develop their careers. Many couples already have some savings. Some even create special wedding funds, which in the near future will allow them to organize a wedding ceremony on their own.
wedding costs
Let's go back to the traditional division of wedding costs. So who pays for what at the wedding? According to etiquette, the bride's parents pay for the wedding dress dla daughters, invitations to the ceremony, party (without drinks and alcohol), photographer and videographer. Their duty is also to cover the costs associated with the organization of the church ceremony. The Groom's family covers the cost of buying a suit and the weddingwedding rings, alcohol and drinks for the wedding and a wedding bouquet for the bride. In addition, she should hire a music band or DJ, as well as finance a possible honeymoon.

A fair solution - equally
The traditional division of costs has a large group of supporters. But is it fair and justified? Not completely. The prices of individual elements vary greatly (eg. wedding drink bar will be cheaper than the cost of food), which often leads to one party paying significantly more than the other. Unequal distribution of costs can cause unnecessary quarrels and disputes between families, which will have a negative impact on the lives and relationships of future spouses.
A much better option is to split the cost of organizing the wedding in half. This solution is not only fairer, but also definitely more convenient for both parties than the traditional form of sharing expenses. It allows you to avoid unnecessary arguments and save a lot of stress, which is already a lot before the wedding.

What to keep in mind when planning wedding expenses?
How much does a wedding cost? This is quite an individual issue. One couple will manage to organize a beautiful, intimate ceremony literally for a few thousand zlotys, another dreams of a unique, grand event that can cost several dozen or even over 100,000 zlotys. The main thing is to keep rational thinking! The first step in preparing for the wedding should be a detailed wedding budget. It is worth writing down all the important expenses, specifying how much money we can spend on individual elements of the ceremony and party. A detailed plan will help you avoid unexpected expenses and unnecessary disputes caused by poor budget estimation.
Unfortunately, the vision of the parents may differ significantly from the dreams and preferences of the bride and groom, which is the easiest way to create unnecessary disputes. If future spouses value soThey lack individuality, want to make their own choices, have specific visions, should cover the costs of the wedding themselves.

The cost of the wedding and reception Every wedding is different, every organization is different. Therefore, the issues regarding the wedding budget, as well as who pays for what at the wedding, are highly individual. The most important thing is to talk honestly and think rationally. Preparations for the wedding are supposed to be a joyful time, not full of disputes, misunderstandings and unnecessary, extra nerves.