Ex-boyfriend? Unfriendly acquaintance? A distant relative? These are just a few people with whom the Young Couple often hesitates when it comes to answering the question: who to invite to the wedding so as not to regret it later?
- Who to invite to the wedding? One of the problems of brides
- Do you dream of a wedding, but the organization scares you?
- Who to invite to the wedding - what to consider when choosing?
- Who to invite to the wedding and who to cross off the guest list
- Who to invite to the wedding if the number of places is limited?
The organization of a wedding is a subject-river, and it is worth determining who to invite to the wedding in the first place. After all, the number of guests is one of the first pieces of information that a wedding planner must have to plan the day well.
Who to invite to the wedding? One of the problems of brides
Who to invite to the wedding - this is another of the numerous problems that the engaged couple have to face. The dilemma doesn't end there, because later you have to ensure that the mixed company has a good evening and seat them in such a way that they enjoy themselves and do not feel offended. It is customary that everyone has half the seats available when it comes to who to invite to the wedding. However, it is an open secret that in practice it is not always possible to maintain a balance - e.g. when one person has a dozen or so siblings and immediate family, and the other party has only parents. However, it is worth striving for a balance so that it is not just accepting one of the parties.
Do you dream of a wedding, but the organization scares you?
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Who to invite to the wedding - what to consider when choosing?
Usually, the question of who to invite to a wedding is purely pragmatic. Ballroom it can only accommodate a certain number of people, so you have to give up someone.
It is worth following a very simple and valuable tip. After reviewing the list of all those we want to invite, mark the people who always bring a smile to your face and trust them. You must invite these people to your wedding. If there are still any vacancies, you can choose someone from work or extended family.

Who to invite to the wedding and who to cross off the guest list
Who to invite to the wedding and who not? There is no avoiding this delicate question: are ex-partners invited to the wedding? First, there is no such obligation. It would be a good idea not to invite anyone to the wedding who wishes us badly or has a negative attitude towards us. On the other hand, sometimes the presence of a former partner seems natural when, for example, a former couple is in good relations and has children together, or after many years they are close friends.
However, it is worth looking at the presence of a former boyfriend or wife from the perspective of each of the gathered. How will your current partner feel? His family? What emotions will this evoke in the "ex" himself? If the answer to any of these questions causes you anxiety, it's better to let it go and tell your ex-boyfriend about the wedding after the fact. Conversations about who should be among the guests can be difficult. It is worth sticking to the rule that you simply do not invite people who do not like us or may torpedo the party. Others who could come, but we have nothing in common with them, should be invited, but only to the wedding - not to the wedding.

When considering who to invite to wedding receptionand who not, many people cross out extended family members first. Clever wedding planners advise, however, to send an invitation to distant relatives who are known that ... they will not choose anyway, even because of the distance. This will allow you to defuse the bubbling family conflicts. The young couple shows that they remembered, but do not have to expand the guest list with dozens of long-unseen aunts.
Who to invite to the wedding if the number of places is limited?
When inviting guests to a wedding, it is simply not proper to omit the closest family: parents, grandparents and siblings. If this list alone means that there are dozens of guests, and you haven't even invited friends yet, then someone must be left out. The most discreet way is to invite all extended family members to a formal dinner at home or in a restaurant. During it, you need to announce the happy news and indicate that the wedding will be very modest.
Sometimes relatives cannot come to terms with who is invited to the wedding and who is not. If everything indicates that this will be the case in this case, they can be invited to such a dinner after the party, ensuring at the same time that it was very intimate. If the number of places is limited, distant friends or colleagues cannot expect to receive an invitation. More advice on organizing your dream wedding can be obtained from our consultants or on our Wedding Blog.