Dates of weddings and receptions falling in the spring and summer are more often chosen by young couples than winter dates. Young people are afraid of the weather and the additional costs associated with a winter wedding. But how is it really? Is it really winter wedding is it more expensive? What are the advantages of a winter wedding? We show that winter wedding has a lot of potential!
What will you learn from the article?
Zimowe wesele – czy pogoda ma znaczenie? Czy chłodne miesiące mogą dodać uroku i magii do tego wyjątkowego dnia? Wesele w zimie cieszy się coraz większą popularnością i nie bez powodu.
Jakie zaproszenia na zimowe wesele wybrać? Wyjątkowe dekoracje, klimatyczne oświetlenie i biel śniegu mogą stworzyć niezwykle romantyczną atmosferę. Dodatkowo, winter wedding to doskonała okazja, aby zaskoczyć gości oryginalnym menu, które rozgrzeje serca i podniebienia.
Ale czy zimowe wesele ma wady? Jakie są koszty organizacji takiego wydarzenia? W tym wpisie odpowiemy na te i wiele innych pytań, pomagając Wam zaplanować niezapomniany zimowy ślub. Zapraszamy do lektury. Odkryjcie wszystkie zalety i wyzwania związane z organizacją zimowego wesela oraz dowiedzcie się, jak stworzyć magiczną i pełną ciepła uroczystość w najzimniejsze miesiące roku.
- Zimowe wesele – czy pogoda ma znaczenie?
- Jakie zaproszenia na zimowe wesele wybrać?
- Zimowe wesele – gdzie je zorganizować?
- Jakie zalety ma ślub w zimie?
- Czy zimowe wesele ma wady?
- Co powinno się znaleźć w zimowym menu na wesele?
- Jakie są koszty wesela organizowanego zimą?
- Wedding dress for a winter wedding
- Winter wedding - what about a winter wedding?
Zimowe wesele – czy pogoda ma znaczenie?
Ślub w zimie oznacza zwykle niskie temperatury. To oczywiste, że biorąc winter wedding We cannot expect weather miracles. It can snow and get really cold. But isn't that also the magic of the day? How beautiful will the wedding photos look when delicate, phenomenal snowflakes will fall on you, and the white fluff lying around will perfectly match the bride's dress? There is a chance for snow, especially if you choose the date in January or February. Currently, February is statistically the coldest month of the year. Therefore, you can be sure that the weather will not let you down.

Although a winter wedding is mainly associated with Christmas and New Year's Eve, you can also look for another date. Wedding in December is not the only option. We recommend it to incorrigible romantics wedding in February, najlepiej w Walentynki. Z kolei zwolennicy dobrej zabawy powinni rozważyć ceremonię zaślubin w czasie karnawału.
Wesele w zimie – pogoda to może być atut!
We can count on snowy decorations especially in the mountains, where the climate is a bit colder. There can be snowfall here even at the beginning of December. This can last even until April, when the first signs of spring appear. Therefore, when organizing a wedding in the winter in the mountains, you can be sure of the weather like in no other month of the year. Here you can be sure that it will be white, frosty and above all beautiful and magical.
It's worth being prepared for any eventuality. Remember about warm outerwear and protection against rain in the form of an umbrella. It is worth taking care of it well in advance. Yes, to buy a product of the right size, which will be in white. In this way, it will blend in with the color that dominates during the wedding ceremony in almost every Polish family.
Let us remember that we have absolutely no influence on the weather, so it is worth accepting it and just hoping that it will be kind to us. What's more, in the Polish climate, even in summer, we can have big doubts about the aura outside on our beautiful day. And there is nothing strange about it, our weather changes like in a kaleidoscope and a sudden breakdown is enough for us to get something completely opposite to what we expected.

Karkonosze wedding
Karkonosze to wyjątkowe góry. Piękne lasy, wspaniałe szczyty, cudowne wodospady stanowią idealną scenerię do ślubnych fotografii. A może także krótkiego urlopu – przed albo po weselu? Wypoczynek w górach przed ślubem pozwoli nam się zrelaksować i uniknąć stresu związanego z przygotowaniami ślubnymi. A kilka dni w Karkonoszach, już po weselu, sprawi, że opadną z nas emocje związane z tym najważniejszym dniem w naszym życiu.
Karpacz wedding
Karpacz has been gaining popularity for several years now. We will find there a rich accommodation and catering base for every budget. There are also plenty of places that are perfect for organization of weddings. However, if we dream of a more intimate atmosphere at the wedding, it is better to look for a venue somewhere nearby, in nearby mountain towns. There will be no problem with the availability of places, and smaller resorts will provide a more intimate atmosphere. weddinge in Karpacz or the surrounding area - it is worth considering what suits us better.

Sosnowka wedding
Sosnówka is a beautiful summer village located right next to Karpacz. Beautiful views of the majestic peaks, the castle of Prince Henry and the Chojnik castle as well as the great lagoon are undoubtedly the advantages of this mountain town. In addition, young couples have an additional reason to get married and organize a wedding here. What? Right next to it, in Grabowiec, there is the famous chapel of St. Anna with the Source of Love. According to the legend, it is enough to run around the chapel 7 times with water from this spring in your mouth to ensure happiness in love. Simple, isn't it? In addition, in Sosnówka you can easily find a fairy-tale wedding mansion!
Jakie zaproszenia na zimowe wesele wybrać?
Are you looking for a way to introduce guests to a unique atmosphere? Think about it already at the stage of designing invitations. In this case, blue, white, navy blue or gray copies will be perfect. Remember to decorate them with silver or gold accents. The decision on the theme color of the wedding will show us the way when choosing the colors of invitations and other decorations.
Of course, such invitations are suitable not only for a winter wedding, but also for a blue-themed party. Plant elements may also appear on them, such as the star of Bethlehem, spruce, pine, fir, mistletoe and holly.

Zimowe wesele – gdzie je zorganizować?
Jeśli wybierzemy ślub w zimowej aurze, powinniśmy pomyśleć o najlepszej lokalizacji. Zima ma swój urok tak naprawdę wszędzie, jednak to góry są jej przypieczętowaniem! Więc co powiecie na zimowe wesele w górach? Brzmi to bajecznie i jeszcze lepiej wygląda.
Uwierzcie, zabawa weselna, zza okien której rozpościera się widok na nieziemskie pasma górskie to coś, czego nie sposób zapomnieć. Zimowe wesele w górach sprawdza się doskonale również jako wesele wyjazdowe. Cała rodzina oraz grono przyjaciół może wówczas na chwilę wyjechać, odpocząć i spędzić wspólnie czas.
Inviting guests a few days in advance gives plenty of opportunities to offer them comfortable accommodation, get to know two families better and go on trips to the mountains together. This is sure to make your wedding party even more fun! After such a celebration, guests will not want to leave! Many of them will take a short vacation after the wedding to spend some more time in these amazing natural circumstances.

Winter wedding - mountains or sea?
Inną popularną lokalizacją na wesele zimą jest morze. Tutaj również można podziwiać piękno przyrody oraz cieszyć się niesamowitym spokojem. Jednak w tym przypadku warto zwrócić uwagę na to, że zimą nad morzem jest znacznie mniej otwartych lokali. Dlatego może pojawić się problem z miejscem, gdzie mogłoby się odbyć wesele.
Z naszych obserwacji wynika, że Pary Młode zdecydowanie chętniej wybierają góry na wesele. Tutaj można dopasować w dowolny sposób długość pobytu oraz zająć się aktywnością fizyczną pomiędzy kolejnymi atrakcjami. Można również znacznie wcześniej poznać rodzinę oraz spędzić z nią kolejne dni. Gwarantujemy, że jest to doskonałe wejście we wspólne życie dla małżonków oraz ich najbliższych.
Do you dream of a unique wedding, but you are terrified of its organization?

If you're wondering if an away wedding is a good idea, winter is the best time to do it. It is possible to organize additional attractions, and in the winter scenery each place looks completely different. Just fabulous. This is why intimate wedding in the mountainsPlus, it'll be perfect in the winter!
Remember, however, that in the case of an away wedding, it may be necessary to appear in this place earlier. You have to finalize all the details with subcontractors and find them on site. You can treat it as an additional chance for a holiday or a short rest in the mountains. However, it is worth remembering when planning a wedding and dividing time between individual stages of work on it.
Jakie zalety ma ślub w zimie?
Deciding on wedding in winter, we get much more freedom when it comes to choosing a place. Thanks to free dates in town halls, churches and wedding halls, we will have to wait for the desired day much shorter than in the summer. There will also be no problem finding the right photographer, videographer or music band - here, too, the choice will be much larger than in the summer season.
Often we will also be able to count on lower prices of services and lower costs of renting a wedding hall, which are offered to young couples who decide to get married in the winter. These savings will more than cover the cost of buying an additional pair of shoes or an elegant outerwear. At an outgoing wedding, we should also take care of comfortable accommodation for guests, which will either be paid for by the bride and groom or by the guests themselves. When organizing a winter wedding and the savings that go with it, we will be able to offer guests accommodation as a gift. What we spend the saved money on depends only on the invention and creativity of the spouses.
Zimowe wesele = oszczędności
Winter discounts in the wedding venue, discounts provided by the team, photographer, videographer are several thousand zlotys - that is the cost of your honeymoon. That's why it's worth thinking about.
A great advantage is also the beautiful scenography that will accompany you during your winter wedding. Who among us has not been waiting for the first star and does not think that Christmas is the most magical time of the year, let him cast the first stone...

Such impressions of the fairy-tale nature of winter come primarily from the beautiful, white roads and mountains outside the windows. And the possibility of building snowmen, throwing snowballs and admiring trees that are decorated with natural decorations, such as icicles and snow fluff on their branches.
Advantages of winter weddings
Another advantage of a winter wedding is the greater possibility of maneuvering days off after the ceremony. Every young couple needs a moment of respite after the intense time of preparing for the wedding. That is why most people decide to take a short vacation immediately after the wedding.
When deciding to have a wedding in the summer, you have to face the need to organize a week of vacation from days off that fall on us while working full-time. However, in winter, when we have Christmas, it may turn out that you only need 3 to 4 days off to start celebrating with a wedding before Christmas Eve, then rest during the holidays, in the last days of December and finish the celebration on New Year's Eve. Using only part of your days off work.

Czy zimowe wesele ma wady?
Czy wesele w zimie ma jakieś wady? Właściwie nie. Bo przecież każdy minus może stać się plusem, jeśli tylko spojrzymy na daną kwestie z innej strony. Weźmy pod uwagę na przykład strój oraz frekwencję. Oczywiście Panna Młoda musi liczyć się z tym, że jej wybór dotyczący wymarzonej sukni ślubnej zostanie nieco ograniczony.
Jeśli zechce skorzystać z oferty letnich sukienek, które są niezwykle zwiewne, lekkie oraz nie posiadają rękawów, konieczne będzie uzupełnienie tego stroju odpowiednią narzutką, etolą, szalem czy futerkiem, które ochronią przed mrozem i śniegiem. Z drugiej strony to właściwie plus – w tego typu okryciu Panny Młode prezentują się zjawiskowo! Jak księżniczki z Krainy Lodu.

A wedding in December may also be associated with a lower attendance among the invited guests. The vast majority will want to spend the holidays with their loved ones. It may also happen that guests refuse to come for financial reasons. December is always an extremely difficult month for wallets that are getting ready to buy gifts from Santa and under the Christmas tree. On the other hand, during this period, everyone has free time anyway. And that's how they meet their loved ones. So you can use it and organize a wedding.
It turns out that the advantages related to saving money and beautiful landscapes and opportunities definitely compensate for the need for better planning of the ceremony as well as organization and responsibility on the part of the Bride and Groom.
Zimowe wesele w świątecznej atmosferze
Winter weather shouldn't deter anyone - quite the opposite! Christmas decorations on the streets and in churches will give this day an additional, magical character.
It may even turn out that you do not need any additional decorations in the church or in the Registry Office. After all, everything is beautifully decorated for Christmas. All you have to do is add delicate fresh flowers or other subtle decorations that will suggest that a wedding ceremony is taking place here. Wedding in winter - decorations they are actually ready!
This is another saving. You have to spend much less money on decorations and decorating the church. You can use the saved money for beautiful decorations of the wedding hall or decide on an additional attraction, for example a winter competition during the opening ceremony.

How to decorate wedding tables?
What decorations to choose for a winter wedding? Tablecloths with a gold or silver tread will be a perfect setting for the tables. They perfectly reflect light, thanks to which they give a 3D effect. Remember to put candles in crystal candlesticks or candelabra decorated with flowers on them. We guarantee that the effect will be breathtaking. These decorations match classic style weddings.

if you choose theme, do not include it only in the decoration of the room. Think about using it in invitations, guest books, alcohol tags. Try to include it in the design of the table plan, menu and place cards. Thanks to this, you will show your guests that you care about every, even the smallest detail.
Oczepiny during a winter wedding
Oczepiny this is a very special moment at every wedding. Loved by some, hated by others, depending on the experience of each individual. Make sure that after your games each of the wedding guests will love the oczepiny. How to do it?
First of all, make sure that the team, and above all the leader, have a sense of humor and aesthetics similar to yours and your guests. Thanks to this, all the games proposed by them and by you will meet with approval and guests will be happy to take part in them.

On the occasion of a winter wedding, take advantage of the opportunities offered by the weather. Bet on fun that can be moved outside. Who will bring the perfect snowball first? Or find a snowman hidden among the trees in the backyard of the wedding house? Such games will encourage your guests to be active and go outside.
You can also organize games that refer to Christmas. A good idea may be a fiancée guessing game, a Christmas-themed match test or other games that will refer to this magical time of the year.
Wedding in winter - possibilities
Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, points out: “We can use snow and low temperature to stylize our wedding. Using torches, candles, mirrors, crystals or even ice sculptures, we will give our wedding a unique character. It is also an opportunity to provide our guests with additional attractions, such as horse-drawn carriage rides, sleigh rides or a special seasonal menu.” So if we want this special day to become an unforgettable experience for everyone, it is worth considering the possibilities offered by a winter wedding.

Winter wedding and aftermath
Winter wedding in Poland also offers us plenty of opportunities for organization of corrections in the style of your choice. If we want to provide guests with amazing experiences also on the after-party, we can even organize a sleigh ride that will take everyone back to the times of youth and the attractions of that time. In addition, a great idea after a sleigh ride can be a climatic bonfire. Given that the days are very short in winter, the bonfire will be held in the convention of dinners for guests. So unusual improvement guests will surely remember it!
Co powinno się znaleźć w zimowym menu na wesele?
Zaserwować można nie tylko doskonałe dania mięsne, ale także ryby, grillowane warzywa. Oprócz tego, podane zostaną grzane wina, piwa rzemieślnicze, miody pitne, nalewki i wszelkie rozgrzewające trunki, bez których poprawiny przy ognisku nie mogą się odbyć!
Wieczór przy ognisku, a dodatkowo niesamowity widok na góry, to spełnienie marzeń o wyjątkowych poprawinach. Para Młoda z pewnością długo nie zapomni tak zorganizowanych przez siebie poprawin.

Why do we propose such a solution? Remember that improvement do not have to be associated with a stiff dinner and a tense atmosphere. They can be full of slack, laughter and fun. It's enough for everyone to show up in the right mood. However, if anyone is not in the sauce, the return to the years of youth and the bonfire will certainly restore their excellent mood.
Some ideas for a sweet table
Want to stand out from other couples? In that case, bet on creativity, also when preparing a sweet table. Wondering how to decorate it for a winter wedding? Reach for nuts, baubles or decorative ribbons with rhinestones. On the other hand, above the table, hang cones, decorative rosettes or glass candlesticks - baubles, in which you can place tiny candles.
What should appear on sweet table? Of course, it can't miss powdered lollipops, almonds in white icing, candy canes, gingerbread cookies or Christmas tree-shaped cupcakes.

Jakie są koszty wesela organizowanego zimą?
Let's be honest, wedding costs often differ significantly from the standard expenses we incur during the year. They are often more than the cost of all birthday parties, including the eighteenth birthday party. So why do people still choose weddings?
This is a special day in the life of each of you. You are entering a new life and you are starting to perform completely different life roles than before. You want to spend the rest of your life together. You declare it at the wedding.
A winter wedding in the mountains?

This is a special day not only for you. Also for your whole family, which from this day on is one. You are bringing together a lot of people who have been strangers to each other so far. You open new paths of development for them and show them new acquaintances. Doesn't it sound fabulous, exciting and downright amazing?
Everyone wants to celebrate this day with you. You also want to share your joy with other people who are close to you. That is why you organize a wedding where all the people who mean a lot to you will be present.
Wesele zimą, jak już wspominaliśmy, jest znacznie tańsze niż to organizowane latem. Jeżeli dodatkowo zdecydujecie się na uroczystość w piątek lub niedzielę, możecie zaoszczędzić naprawdę duże sumy. Spokojnie z zaoszczędzonych pieniędzy wybierzecie się na ponad tygodniowe wakacje w ramach podróży poślubnej. Wasz miesiąc miodowy może być wspaniały, wesele ekscytujące oraz tanie. Wystarczy, że wybierzecie zimę jako porę swojej uroczystości.
Koszty wesela organizowanego zimą mogą być bardzo niskie. Dzięki temu macie możliwość wynajęcia sani oraz zorganizowania kuligu dla swoich gości. Możecie również postawić fontannę czekoladową lub piękny, kolorowy słodki stół. To wszystko, atrakcje, oczepiny oraz samo wesele mogą być tańsze niż wynajem sali na przyjęcie latem.
Can you see the huge savings? If you want to organize a beautiful wedding, but at low prices, check the dates of wedding houses in December, January and February. Then compare them with summer ones. The difference can be extremely encouraging. Anyway, wedding cost estimate must be carefully prepared.

Jak przyozdobić salę weselną zimą?
Szukacie dekoracji na zimowe wesele? Marzycie o tym, aby goście długo wspominali Wasze przyjęcie? W takim razie wybierzcie akcesoria, które w pełni podkreślą zimową aurę za oknem. Jeśli chodzi o wedding colors, in this case, white, red, green, silver and gold will work best.
Wedding hall decorations
Are you planning to get married over the Christmas period? Then be sure to put the star of Bethlehem, also known as poinsettia or spurge, on the tables. Prepared bouquets can be placed in crystal vases, thanks to which they will perfectly refer to the winter climate. By the way, consider how to include pendants resembling icicles in the arrangement of the room.
How to make wedding hall like a winter wonderland? First of all, bet on a cool color palette. Arctic white, ice blue, silver and dark navy blue may appear in it. To warm up the climate a bit, stock up on mulled wine, plaid plaids, woolen sweaters and forest-scented candles.

Wedding dress for a winter wedding
The wedding dress must be especially well thought out during a winter wedding. It is a creation that is unique for every woman. You have probably known for many years what dress is your dream and you can indicate your ideal model without batting an eyelid.
It is also worth paying attention to the top of the dress. If you have your favorite, spotted and dream dress, but it is not properly matched to winter outfits, you will certainly need to buy an additional cape or fur. This will only enrich your creation and give it a more sophisticated look.
In the case of a winter wedding, however, pay attention to a few important elements. First of all, it is worth buying a dress that has several layers. It's best if it's not lace. It should be warm enough around the legs. So that you don't feel cold when entering the church and during transport between the church or the Registry Office and the wedding hall.
Currently, there is a huge selection of outerwear for brides who decide to have a winter wedding. In the vast majority of cases, they give a woman an amazing look and make her look even more beautiful than in the dress itself.

If you choose the right cover for your outfit and figure, you can notice admiring glances from your guests. This is certainly a very nice feeling for a person who should be the center of attention of all who gathered for the celebration. Thanks to a properly selected wedding dress and a cape, you will even shine during your winter wedding, like snowflakes in the winter sun.
What car will work for a winter wedding?
A winter wedding also requires investing in the right car. For many years, there has been a tradition in Poland that the Young Couple rents a car in which they come to the church and to the wedding house. Usually it is a model that fits the personal tastes of the brides and reflects their approach to the automotive industry. The question of choosing the right car usually belongs to the Groom and his witness. However, it happens that the bride also wants to participate in the selection.

Who drives the car on the wedding day? It is a private space for the Bride and Groom and their witnesses. They are the most trusted people, friends, so the young can relax a bit and forget about the stress associated with the wedding and reception. That is why the bride and groom's car is always driven by a witness. If he does not have a driving licence, then other options may be considered.
It also happens that the Bride and Groom drive alone in a car, while the witnesses have their own car. Then these are sports models that certainly make an amazing impression on all participants of the ceremony who are waiting for the bride and groom in front of the church or the Registry Office. However, in winter, it is better to bet on classic limousines, which are more comfortable at this time of year.

Winter wedding - what about a winter wedding?
The desire for a winter wedding has certainly come to at least half of you after reading this article. However, you are probably wondering, what about the wedding? This issue is no problem! What's more, winter offers amazing opportunities to organize this solemn moment! If you decide to have a civil wedding, you can easily organize it not only in the office, but also in the open air! A winter wedding, even without an outdoor wedding, is beautiful, but it can be even better!
Imagine you, the Bride and Groom, saying a symbolic "YES", looking at the surrounding mountain landscape! Doesn't that sound like a fairy tale? It can become a reality if you want it! It is enough to organize a wedding and reception at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. Your one-of-a-kind wedding will take place in the garden (warm coats will suffice), and the comfortable and spacious ballroom will welcome your guests like royalty!
Prezenty dla gości
Are you wondering how to thank your family and friends for accompanying you on this special day? You don't know where to start your search gifts for wedding guests? First of all, think about what may refer to the chosen leitmotif. When it comes to a winter wedding, baubles, snow globes, a blanket, a scented candle or a scarf will probably come to mind first. The proven ideas also included tea, cocoa, coffee, liqueur and a mug.
Small packages of craft products - coffees, jams, juices or oils - will also be perfect. Such gifts have the advantage that everyone will be happy to try them, and they will not get dusty, forgotten somewhere on the shelf.

Dlaczego warto urządzić wesele w zimie? Podsumowanie
- The charm of winter – the hills of the Jeleniogórska Valley covered with white down, and the swirling flakes of falling snow, create an extremely romantic scenery.
- Holiday time Christmas, New Year's Eve, and the carnival period intensify the significance of the celebration. A wedding over the Christmas period carnival wedding, undoubtedly have a unique atmosphere.

- Greater choice of what is convenient for you weekend date, even in conjunction with numerous long weekends. though wedding on Monday may also be a good solution.
- Short deadlines waiting for the wedding, even in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. You will be greeted by beautiful interiors with competent service, tasty cuisine, and organizational help. This is an important aspect. It is good to be able to count on support in the preparation phase and during the wedding. The service also takes care of the atmosphere of the entire wedding. Wedding hall in the mountains in winter guarantees a unique atmosphere.

- Availability of dates with other proven and recommended performers: a music band, photographer, confectionery shop, etc. As you can see, a winter wedding has many advantages!
- Lower prices – the price can also be negotiated with all contractors, and the resulting savings can be spent on a honeymoon or on arranging your own nest.
- Decoration church, wedding restaurant and streets - it is rarely as beautiful as during the holiday season. Instead of just standard flowers, we are surrounded by beautiful Christmas decorations, lots of lights, the smell of the forest, oranges, ginger and pastries, and the sound of Christmas carols and pastorals. In such circumstances, a winter wedding sounds like a fairy tale…
- Unique atmosphere – this period is accompanied by a feeling of magic, the uniqueness of moments, the need to spend time with family and friends.
- Attractions – these winter wedding offers a lot! We have the ability to offer unattainable summer attractions.
These are just some of the reasons why young couples are increasingly choosing winter weddings. Love does not look at the calendar - the season for it lasts all year!
Frequently Asked Questions
Winter wedding inspirations?
Where do you get inspiration for a winter wedding? Nature is an invaluable mine of ideas. The decor of the wedding hall will be truly fabulous if we use snow-covered pine, spruce and holly branches. Let's add cones, rowan and mistletoe. It will be really atmospheric!
Flowers for a winter wedding?
Are you looking for flowers from which you can conjure up a romantic wedding bouquet and elegant compositions for a church and a wedding venue? There are several types that can be ordered throughout the year. Pay special attention to white roses, freesias, carnations, gypsophila, callas and eustoma. Anyway, decorations can also be made of sprigs of conifers and mistletoe - we will immediately have a ready stand for Christmas kisses!
Is a winter wedding cheaper?
Winter weddings are usually cheaper, due to the fact that it is not the so-called high wedding season. Therefore, the cost of the wedding hall, the fee for the plate or the services of subcontractors can be more friendly to our pocket. The money saved can be spent on a wonderful honeymoon, so a winter wedding is an idea definitely worth considering.
An outdoor wedding in winter?
An outdoor winter wedding may not be very popular, but of course possible. And it has its staunch supporters. Of course, it is rare that the entire wedding event takes place outdoors, but the ceremony itself - civil or humanistic - why not? You can also offer guests a bonfire and a party under the starry sky. Of course, provided that all guests and the bride and groom wear less traditional clothes, i.e. thermal underwear, warm trousers, jackets or fur coats and fluffy snow boots. The atmosphere is inimitable - and we can be sure that our wedding will remain in the memory of the wedding guests forever.
A winter wedding dress?
A dress for a winter wedding does not have to be much different from the one worn in summer or spring. It is enough to complement it with a beautiful shawl or a fur stole. After all, the bride will spend very little time at the court. And the ballroom, registry office or church are heated.