Weddings and weddings in winter have been a hot topic for several years. And although some people cannot imagine the celebrations at any other time than summer, others delight in winter ceremonies. Of course, the truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. A winter wedding has its strengths and weaknesses. It is worth getting to know them before we decide to set a wedding date.
What will you learn from the article?
Zimowy ślub to wyjątkowe i magiczne wydarzenie, które kryje w sobie mnóstwo uroków, ale niesie również wyzwania. W naszym najnowszym wpisie na blogu przyjrzymy się bliżej, jakie zalety ma winter wedding oraz co oferuje Karpacz i jego okolice jako idealne miejsce na tę wyjątkową okazję.
Czy zimowy ślub to tylko piękne zimowe krajobrazy? Jakie są jego wady, a jakie zalety? Czy warto organizować poprawiny po takim weselu? Odpowiemy również na pytania dotyczące stroju na ślub zimą, wyboru zaproszeń, a także stylu wesela, który najlepiej sprawdzi się w mroźne dni.
W zimowej aurze menu powinno być szczególnie rozgrzewające, a kwiaty i dekoracje odpowiednio dobrane do chłodnej pory roku. Nie zabraknie także inspiracji na zimowe atrakcje weselne, które zachwycą Twoich gości. Zastanowimy się również, czy ślub w Święta to dobry pomysł, a także podpowiemy, jak wybrać najlepsze zimowe ślubne zaproszenia. Zapraszamy do lektury!
- Jakie zalety ma zimowy ślub?
- Zimowy ślub – co oferuje Karpacz i okolice?
- A winter wedding and after it… after-party!
- How to dress for a winter wedding
- Wedding in winter - are there any disadvantages?
- Czy ślub w Święta to dobry pomysł?
- Jakie zaproszenia na ślub zimą wybrać?
- Jaki styl wesela zimą się sprawdza?
- Ślub zimą – rozgrzewające menu
- Co z kwiatami na ślub zimą?
- Winter wedding - attractions
Jakie zalety ma zimowy ślub?
For most of us, one of the most beautiful childhood memories is Christmas. Although we become more practical with age, snowflakes dancing in the starlight, colorful lights and baubles or the smell of gingerbread still evoke sentimental feelings in us. And this magic of Christmas in its entirety is transferred to the wedding! The unique atmosphere gives this already extraordinary moment even more romance, sublimity and a hint of mystery. So let's imagine that the magic of Christmas can brighten up our wedding in winter!
Ślub zimą to niezapomniane przeżycie!
Riding a sleigh from a church or office to a wedding hall under a starry sky, passing snow-covered houses and forests, we can feel like in a fairy tale. In addition to their unique atmosphere, winter weddings are also favored by practical considerations. Because if we have a limited budget (or we just prefer to spend money on a house or honeymoon), wedding party w chłodniejszych miesiącach będzie doskonałym rozwiązaniem.
Both wedding hallsand service providers offer lower prices during this time, special promotions are often organized. There is also no problem with booking a convenient date and hiring a photographer, team or decorator for that time.

If we are thinking about a themed wedding, we also have a lot to show off here. After all, it is the time of the carnival and fun until dawn. Could there be a better time for a crazy, original wedding party? Also only in winter, our guests will be able to enjoy additional attractions, such as a sleigh ride, skiing or sledding, as well as a snowball fight and making a snowman. A wedding with the theme of an ice land or the Snow Queen? Why not! An experienced event manager, employed in a good wedding venue, will help organize all attractions and facilities for guests.

Wedding in winter it is also an amazing wedding aura. If the wedding house has a place for an outdoor wedding, the whole scenery will be like out of a fairy tale. The view of the mountain peaks stretching in the distance will take everyone to another land from which they will not want to leave. That is why Dwór Korona Karkonoszy is so crowded all year round.
Zimowy ślub – co oferuje Karpacz i okolice?
Wesele w górach – dlaczego właśnie tam? Bo tylko tam możemy bez przeszkód napawać się pięknem dzikiej przyrody i oglądać zachwycające pejzaże. A to nie wszystkie atuty Karkonoszy! Wspaniała architektura, którą można podziwiać w Dolinie Pałaców i Ogrodów to kolejny argument za organizacją ślubu i weddings in Karpacz or around. Lower Silesia is almost the wedding capital of Poland - there are so many palaces, castles, mansions, manor houses and villas as well as wedding houses offering wedding services that the choice can even make young couples dizzy. This is why wedding Lower Silesia is always successful.
Perfect wedding plan, implementation and service, as well as comfortable accommodation?

A winter wedding and after it… after-party!
If the Young Couple wants to stand out from other couples, they can prepare a lot of attractions for guests. For the money saved due to the deadline, it is worth organizing your dream improvement. It doesn't have to be a completely standard event where guests will be tired of all-night fun.
A better idea is to organize after-school activities in the form of attractions throughout the day. How about a fantastic sleigh ride, a walk through snow-covered valleys or hiking trails, and finally a huge bonfire with a view of the mountains, where there will be endless singing and dancing? If you like this idea, a winter wedding is just for you!

White powder around, everything seems to have slowed down... It's time for more intense emotions. A winter wedding warms everything up and accumulates intimacy. Let's imagine that nature gives us this time for love and wedding.
Winter is also the time of carnival, when everything is possible. A winter wedding can be arranged in this way - as a carnival of joy. And also the beginning of mutual fun and mutual discovery of two people. And above all, sharing the warmth every day.
Even a winter wedding has its own unique charm. After all, you can organize a sleigh ride and ride a sleigh – wedding in the mountains this is the perfect opportunity for such an unusual way to get to the ceremony. Or make an aftermath by the fire with a view of the mountains and warming drinks. It is also an opportunity to invite a highlander band. Because it is in winter that it sounds most authentic.

How to dress for a winter wedding
The first, obvious and at the same time playful answer to the question of how to dress for a winter wedding is: warm. This is of course a joke. Because weddings take place in heated rooms. And weddings, whether in the office or in the church, are also civilized and the temperature is usually right there.
So how to dress for a winter wedding? First, if we're invited to a wedding like this, let's find out where the wedding and the wedding will take place. Will it be, for example, a concordat wedding in a church and then you will have to drive to the wedding hall? Or will the wedding and reception take place in one place? If everything will take place quite close, then we just dress up immediately in elegant outfits in which we want to appear at the wedding. If, on the other hand, the wedding will be held in an unheated church and we know that we will not take off the top coat there, we can put on a wedding dress or a suit only in the hotel, before the wedding party starts.
Jakie sukienki się sprawdzają na wesele zimą?
A winter wedding may turn out to be a great opportunity, not only for the bride, but also for other ladies, to present herself in beautiful winter clothes. For example, faux fur, cashmere, merino or alpaca wool. And it doesn't have to be in white - colored or black will be a great counterpoint against a white or cream dress. In addition, you can show such an interesting element of women's wardrobe as the muff, which has been returning to favor in recent years. The muff looks extremely elegant and refined, and if it is in a contrasting color, it will additionally attract attention.
A dress for a winter wedding does not have to be different from the one chosen for a summer or spring wedding, and especially in autumn. It is enough to put on a shawl, bolero, stole or fur coat or scarf, depending on the style of the wedding and our creation. Because actually how much time does the bride spend in a potentially cold room? Only in the church, if there is a wedding there, there may be a problem and the temperature will not be very comfortable. But after all, apart from clothes, emotions also heat up at such a moment, maybe even more than a dress and outerwear ...

Wedding in winter - are there any disadvantages?
Like everything, a winter wedding has some minor drawbacks, of course. However, we do not always have to worry about them - it is enough that what seems to be a disadvantage can be turned into advantages!
Snowdrifts and icicles look beautiful. But now we can count on real winter mainly in the mountains. So it's worth it winter wedding select mountains, for example the Giant Mountains. Not only does the snow last longer here, but we will also be able to enjoy beautiful views and commemorative photos!

Joanna Hoc-Kopiej, a wedding expert at Dwór Korona Karkonoszy, adds: “If we dream of an after-party in the open air, it can be organized even in winter. A bonfire with sausages and mulled wine, cider or beer will be perfect at any time of the year.
It is worth remembering that by organizing a wedding in winter, we will avoid the heat, which often has a bad effect on guests. In the summer it is very hot lately, and then no one has the appetite or energy to play and dance until dawn. A bit of frosty, fresh mountain air won't hurt anyone, and after entering the room, guests will be warmed by aromatic, winter dishes and delicious drinks.
As for the winter menu, nowadays all products, even exotic ones, can be bought at any time of the year. Instead, we can focus on seasonal cuisine, and then our tables will be dominated by sweet and salty preserves, pickled and pickled products, and meat. A classic wedding feast will surely delight our guests!

In addition, at any wedding, regardless of the season, unforeseen situations can happen. However, an experienced wedding manager in a good wedding house or hotel always has a plan B, which he implements in the event of unexpected events. That is why it is worth choosing a hall, restaurant, hotel or wedding venue that offers not only comfortable accommodation and excellent catering, but also professional service and the care of a wedding advisor.
Wedding photos in winter
An experienced photographer can take good pictures in all conditions and at any time of the year. But even among them there are devotees of a particular time of day or year. Photography is the art of painting with light. It determines the image, contrasts, details and, above all, the mood. Wedding photos in winter will certainly be more subtle. After all, we will mainly use white colors here and on a white background... For example, against the backdrop of snow-covered mountains or in front of a winter-white, wooden country church hidden in the valley. Properly selected frames and rays of the sun or moon reflected from the snow will certainly bring back this magical atmosphere in your memory.
A wedding in the mountains?

Also, accessories, wedding jewelry and make-up against a winter background will be much more visible and emphasized. This will allow you to get great results and additionally emphasize the beauty of the Bride and Groom.
Winter wedding photos can also be taken using Christmas decorations, a feast of colorful lights, Christmas trees, and even Santa Claus. Santa, Elves, Snowflakes and Reindeers! It all depends on our imagination and the convention in which we want to play.

Regardless of whether the wedding photography will be taken by an amateur or a certified professional, the most important thing is to capture and convey emotions. Wedding and reception in winter, and also in summer, is primarily a smile, happiness and joy. Let's try to fix them. And if we can capture even more, it will be the best gift for newlyweds. Especially when years later they will tell their children or grandchildren about this day.
Zimowy ślub – pamiątkowa foto książka
The scenery of a winter wedding, its mood and unique atmosphere beg for some immortalization. Wedding video and photo session of the Bride and Groom, as well as photos from the wedding will allow you to return to these unique moments. However, in order to view images from such popular digital media today, we must have the right equipment at hand. But wouldn't it be much more convenient, for example, sitting on a comfortable couch with a glass of wine, reaching for a photo album?
So why don't we preserve our wonderful winter wedding in the form of an extraordinary book that we can reach at any time? Such a gift: a winter wedding book is convenient, easy to make, and will certainly please our loved ones. Not everyone is a fan of digital novelties and perhaps our grandparents or parents will enjoy such a gift much more than a USB flash drive or an address somewhere in the cloud. Hand on heart - aren't we ourselves sometimes tired of browsing all the content on smartphones, tablets or laptops? Such a book - a winter wedding will be much more tangible and will immediately please the eyes and hearts. In addition, thanks to its classic, album form, it will actually stand out from other souvenirs stored in the digital edition.

Czy ślub w Święta to dobry pomysł?
Boże Narodzenie to chyba najbardziej uroczyste święta w roku. Podobnie jak do ślubu, przygotowanie do nich rozpoczyna się dużo wcześniej. I podobnie wszyscy na nie czekają z niecierpliwością. Można by przecież połączyć ten wyjątkowy moment z życia całej społeczności z naszym osobistym świętem.
For religious people, a wedding on a holiday can also be a symbol of a new beginning and new hope. However, for people with a more secular outlook, it is also a good time to get married - everyone has free time and is in a good mood. Most of us plan meetings with relatives and friends or some skiing trip during this period anyway. This is the perfect time to organize a wedding and reception. The festive setting of many towns and exhibitions, the nostalgic mood and the winter aura also encourage people to celebrate together.
Nowadays, during the holidays, we often see not only family, but also closest friends. If so, it's a perfect excuse to say the sacramental "yes" in the company of people close to us during the holidays.

Ślub w Sylwestra i podczas karnawału
New Year's Eve and other carnival dates seem to be made for weddings! Dances, balls, masquerades - many people let themselves be carried away by the champagne mood of the New Year and willingly participate in grand parties. So let's take advantage of this and have an unforgettable wedding party!
Wedding in winter - superstitions
Of course wedding superstitions by many young couples they are treated with a grain of salt. And yet ... With all one of the most widespread wedding superstitions to te dotyczące daty ślubu. Według powszechnego przekonania ślub powinien odbyć się w miesiącu, który w swojej nazwie ma rzekomo magiczną literkę „r”.
Podobno wróży to nowożeńcom świetlaną przyszłość. Z typowo zimowych miesięcy mamy wtedy, niestety, do dyspozycji jedynie wedding in December. However, is it worth making the wedding date dependent on some ancient beliefs? If you look at all wedding superstitions, it would probably turn out that there is no good date for a wedding at all. So it's worth looking at this issue with distance and humor!

Jakie zaproszenia na ślub zimą wybrać?
The colors of the invitations winter wedding it should reflect the colors of nature or decoration. So – or the red and green of classic Christmas decorations. Or navy blue, white and silver, if we dream of a glamorous or winter Hamptons wedding. Or gold and black, if we dream of a refined, carnival convention, somewhat reminiscent of the Art Deco era in art.
It is also worth trying to decorate the invitations with motifs that match the style and color scheme - peacock feathers, mistletoe twigs, snowflakes or pearls will be a perfect complement to other decorations, even on tables.
Winter wedding inspiration
Może warto dopasować aranżację ślubną – w każdym jej aspekcie – do przyrody, która zimą stroi się właśnie w biel i kryształki? Motyw Królowej Śniegu to pierwsze, co kojarzy się z zimowym ślubem. Panna Młoda w bieli to klasyka. I nic dziwnego, bo wciąż zachwyca. Wystarczy wyobrazić sobie pałac Królowej Śniegu we wszechobecnej bieli…
Wszystko białe, wszystko lśniące. Pompony, pióra, confetti, tkaniny, kryształki, sztrasy, perły. A do tego lustra, w których odbija się cały ten blask. Czy nie brzmi jak fairy tale wedding?

Jaki styl wesela zimą się sprawdza?
There are so many different options when it comes to wedding styles. However, glamor, winter Hamptons and folk are probably the most suitable for a winter wedding. Let's take a closer look at them.

Winter Hamptons
White, navy blue and silver in combination look phenomenal! Blue and navy blue decorations, associated with winter, perfectly harmonize with the ubiquitous white. And if we illuminate such an arrangement with silver mirrors, candlesticks and lanterns, we will feel like on a luxurious winter holiday on the East Coast.
Fairytale winter wedding in glamor style
Winter delights with decorations that she creates herself. Especially when it comes to the frosty Lady Winter, and especially in the mountains. This atmosphere is worth recreating in the wedding hall - silver icicles hanging from the ceiling, snowflakes scattered on the tables, decorations made of silver baubles. All this in the light of lanterns or in the rays of the sun will gleam and sparkle, creating a unique atmosphere of elegance and luxury.
Highland folk in red and green
Or maybe let's decide on a wedding in shades of red and green? It's a classic winter Christmas decoration. Winter is certainly a time full of charm also because cities, towns and villages are beautifully decorated, often with traditional colors of holidays. So if we organize a winter wedding, we have decorations and a festive, festive atmosphere for free. Such green and red decorations are perfect for a folk style wedding. Hand-prepared, traditional ornaments that were made in the past would be perfect for this type of arrangement. Colorful paper and tissue paper chains, heavenly apples, straw ornaments in various shapes, oranges studded with cloves at a folk wedding will be just as he found it.

Ślub zimą – rozgrzewające menu
What to serve to guests during a winter wedding reception, when it is snowing outside the window and the frost is squeaking? The perfect solution is to focus on seasonality. Thanks to this, the food will certainly be fresh and aromatic, and at the same time cheaper.
Winter wedding menu
It is obvious that a winter wedding requires a different menu than one organized in the middle of summer. Food at a winter wedding party should be hearty and warming. Just like the liquors! So it's worth starting with meads, idealnych na rozgrzewkę. Te szlachetne trunki każdemu przypadną do gustu, zwłaszcza że także na ciepło smakują wyśmienicie!
Można zaserwować gościom także mulled wine. This drink is perfect for a wedding in the colder season. Wine, white or red, seasoned with a large amount of cloves, lemons, oranges, ginger and honey will certainly put the guests in a positive mood and give them energy needed for all-night fun. Also our Polish cider it tastes great when warm. In addition, when served in hollow apples, it will be an additional attraction of the wedding.
When it comes to soups, it is worth betting on warming cream soups, for example with pumpkin or mushrooms. Of course, hot broth, a wedding classic in winter, is usually appreciated. Second courses can be based on roasted meats with the addition of mushrooms and roasted vegetables with herbs. Also fried or baked fish should find their amateurs.

Wedding in Poland can't do without desserts. Classic winter cakes are loved by everyone gingerbread, gingerbread and walnuts. It is also worth serving warm desserts, for example tart with jam and whipped cream or apple pie with ice cream. The highlight of the program may be aromatic pears cooked in wine. Guests will surely appreciate such delicacies!
Co z kwiatami na ślub zimą?
Some brides, thinking about a winter wedding, are afraid of the limited selection of flowers at this time of year. But not right! After all, greenhouse species are available all year round, and some flowers really work even in low temperatures. Haughty amaryllises, graceful carnations, elegant roses, delicate freesias and charming tulips also delight in the middle of winter. In addition, flower compositions with the addition of jewelry, beads, feathers or lace are very fashionable, and then the flowers themselves go a little to the background.

Bouquet colors – which one to choose?
Usually, winter wedding bouquets are kept in the colors of the Snow Queen - white, silver, gray and possibly blue accents. Unless we focus on the traditional colors of Christmas - red and green with golden elements. Then it is worth to weave twigs of spruce or mistletoe into the composition - we have a ready place for kisses right away! It is definitely worth matching the bouquet to the style and color of wedding decorations, so that together they form a coherent whole.

Winter wedding - attractions
Quickly falling dusk, frost drawing fabulous patterns on the windows, ubiquitous lights - all this creates a unique atmosphere. What additional attractions can be offered to guests? If darkness means lights... Candles, lanterns and light garlands will create a fairy-tale atmosphere. You can also illuminate the entire way from the parking lot to the entrance of the wedding hall and thus show the way for guests.
Zabawy zimą – cała masa możliwości
Usually, a more or less elegant limousine goes to the wedding. But in winter, you can get from the office or church to the ballroom or restaurant in a different way. How? Sleigh! If we decide to have a wedding in the mountains in the middle of winter, this option is possible. And how romantic!
What else can make our wedding and reception different from everyone else? What if everyone went back to their childhood for a few moments… Carefree fun and lots of free time! And they used it for the simplest winter pleasures - making a snowmansnowball throwing and sledding. Impossible? No, it's just a matter of organization. Just like a sleigh ride and a bonfire at midnight in the garden. Sometimes it is worth betting on unusual attractions that will remain in the memory of all those gathered for a long time.

Last minute winter wedding
Why is it worth choosing a last minute wedding? For example, because the winter weather makes us depressed and we decide to organize a long-postponed wedding party. Why not? Last minute wedding has a lot of advantages! If we just have money and a moment of free time, we don't like to think long and choose, a last-minute wedding is the perfect solution for us.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is a winter wedding cheaper?
Weddings in winter can be cheaper because it is not high wedding season. In addition, you can choose a day other than Saturday for the wedding and reception. This will probably allow you to get better prices for wedding services. A winter wedding, except for Christmas and New Year's Eve, can cost less than in the summer.
How to dress for a winter wedding
When choosing an outfit for a winter wedding, we need to know if the wedding and reception will take place in one place. If the wedding will be in a church, you should definitely dress warmer. In addition, if you need to move, for example to a distant wedding house, you also need to have appropriate, i.e. elegant, but warm clothes. Nowadays, wedding halls are air-conditioned and heated if necessary. So, for the wedding itself, we can dress freely, as long as we maintain style and elegance.
What month is best to get married?
It is best to get married when we are in love and we feel that we want to spend the rest of our lives with the other person. The month doesn't matter. Let's choose the time of the year that we like the most or that will be optimal for us due to the organization of the wedding and reception. If we want to have a large wedding, let's also choose a date that, if possible, everyone can participate in our celebration. So if you dream of a winter wedding and want to go to the wedding in a sleigh - don't hesitate. Let's organize a wedding in the winter in the mountains, because only there we have a chance for snow.
A winter wedding in the mountains?
To emphasize the importance of our ceremony and provide an additional setting for our ceremony, you can get married in the winter in the mountains. Snow-covered peaks, huge white spaces and mountain climate will surely make it an unforgettable experience. Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz is a leader in organizing weddings in the Karkonosze region. You can organize a wedding in the winter in the mountains, starting from the wedding ceremony, through the wedding reception, to the exceptional after-party with a view of the mountains.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia?
In Sosnówka near Karpacz, which is one of the most beautiful places in Lower Silesia, there is also one of the most beautiful and highest wedding halls in the region. It is an over 100-year-old ballroom in Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. It can host weddings for up to 170 people. In addition, it is possible to organize a wedding reception in the manor garden or in a smaller, intimate and atmospheric Refectory Hall.