Imprezy firmowe Łódź

Najlepszy sposób na budowanie silnego zespołu!

A group photo at a corporate event, a hotel ballroom for a conference

Wspólna praca to początek

Mocny zespół to sukces!

Effective team building at a company event in the mountains

What does your team need?

Zdradzamy nasz pomysł na imprezy firmowe – Łódź, zobaczcie sami!

We have on account over 1,150 corporate events organized for clients from Poland and abroad. We are distinguished not only by an attractive location and stylish scenery, but above all original ideas for spending time togetherthat integrate even really demanding people. Groups of employees come to us, and a well-coordinated team leaves!

Our strength is also locality - we serve local delicacies and show how to prepare regional beers, baked goods and cheeses. We are not afraid of challenges – we organize unforgettable rafting trips, balloon flights, bungee jumping, off-road trips and field games. And all this in an amazing mountain scenery.

We take care of the needs of all guests – we offer engaging scenario games, interesting workshops and shows, and events with a funny theme.


Give people the freedom to act and they will surprise you with their ingenuity!

Zalew Sosnówka near Karpacz, view from the side of the Chapel of St. Anna

Gdzie organizować imprezy firmowe Łódź? Zobacz Dwór Korona Karkonoszy!

Firmowe imprezy Łódź? W Karkonoszach atrakcje turystyczne znajdziesz na każdym kroku! To idealne miejsce spacerów, wspinaczek lub podziwiania świata z lotu ptaka. Magia Karkonoszy zachwyca turystów z całego świata.
Trails leading to Śnieżka or Hala Szrenicka are a real feast for lovers of mountains whose peaks are beautifully reflected in the surface of the Lagoon Sosnówka. Liczne zabytki – zamki, kaplice, kościoły i pałace przyciągają nie tylko miłośników historii i architektury. Wiele z nich to pradawne źródła mocy, z których można czerpać po dziś dzień.

  • Chojnik Castle, a destination for integration events near Jelenia Góra

    Chojnik Castle

    The ruins of a brick castle from the 14th century, located on the Chojnik hill (627 m above sea level) above the Jelenia Góra district, are one of the greatest tourist attractions of the region. Beautiful and picturesque routes lead to it from the most popular resorts, which can be covered on foot or by car. Due to its location, the Chojnik castle remained unconquered for many centuries. In 1675, it was destroyed by fire caused by a lightning strike. Today, the castle is an excellent vantage point for admiring the Karkonosze Mountains, the Jizera Mountains, the Kaczawskie Mountains and the entire Jelenia Góra Valley. Tourists are particularly impressed by the 150-meter-high cliff that descends along the castle to the so-called Hell Valley.
  • Karkonosze, surroundings of Karpacz -Schronisko-Samotnia, Mały and Wielki Staw


    This most popular resort in the region attracts record crowds of mountain lovers. Hundreds of walking trails, a rich base of attractive meeting places. interesting architecture, and above all, the openness and cordiality of the inhabitants make Karpacz a perfect place for active recreation. In Karpacz, it is worth visiting the Court Inn from 1735, the Solitude Shelter, a hunting lodge, a former railway station, over 200-year-old tourist houses, charming churches and wooden shelters. The convenient location and excellent communication of Karpacz also allows you to comfortably visit all the neighboring towns.
  • Sosnówka Reservoir near Karpacz, tourist attractions, Karkonosze Mountains

    Sosnowka Reservoir

    This artificial water reservoir, located at the foot of the spectacular peaks of the Karkonosze Mountains, was created in the place of former fish ponds. A walk to the reservoir from Dwór Korona Karkonoszy takes only a few minutes, and the route allows you to admire wonderful views along the way. One of the streams feeding the Sosnówka Reservoir is the Sośniak, the final course of which is hidden underground. Part of the reservoir is limited by a concrete dam and embankments, the highest point of which reaches 370 meters.
  • View of the Śnieżka peak from Sosnówka, Karkonosze

    Śnieżka and mountain trails

    The climb to Śnieżka is considered iconic by many. The peak with a height of 1,603 m above sea level is the highest peak not only in the Polish Karkonosze Mountains, but also in the Czech Republic. The area of Śnieżka is a national park, so you can only move around it within designated trails. It takes about 3 hours to reach the very top. The Karkonosze National Park is not only about Śnieżka. Also worthy of special attention are the following waterfalls: Kamieńczyk, Szklarka and Podgórna, as well as Śnieżne Kotły, i.e. two twin glacial rock formations separated by the rocky Grzęda.
  • Dobre Źródło at the chapel of St. Anna on Mount Grabowiec, Sosnówka on the trail to Karpacz

    Good Source at the Chapel of St. Anna

    It is one of the most interesting objects of sacral tourism. St. George's Chapel Anny is located on a forested slope of a 784-meter-high summit. The chapel has a very interesting, elliptical shape. It was built in such a way that the altar was located exactly above the place where the spring flows from the rock. The altar itself was brought from the chapel of St. Lawrence on Śnieżka. According to archaeologists, this place was worshiped already in Neolithic times.

Company team building statistics confirm that employee satisfaction increases by up to 50% when surrounded by people they are friends with. By nurturing these relationships, organizations can make significant improvements.

Sosnówka near Karpacz, a historic summer resort in the mountains

Imprezy dla firm Łódź? To przepis na sukces Twojej firmy!

Każdy zespół jest inny, a my tak dobieramy atrakcje, by impreza integracyjna pozytywnie zaskoczyła wszystkich gości.

Chcesz poprawić relacje międzyludzkie panujące w Twojej firmie? Zależy Ci, by wzmocnić zaangażowanie i lojalność pracowników? Chcesz, by pracownicy na chwilę zapomnieli o swoich problemach i nabrali sił do nowych wyzwań? Chcesz podziękować zespołowi za codzienne współtworzenie Twojej marki?

Impreza firmowa Łódź to naprawdę dobra okazja, by osiągnąć wszystkie te cele!



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