What is a company event?
1A company event is a term for parties and events organized by the company. The goals of company events are: increasing customer interest, brand promotion, employee integration or training purposes. Company events can take the following forms: conferences, trainings, company events, galas, banquets, shows, exhibitions, integration events, company picnics or anniversaries or sports events.
Company events what is worth knowing?
1Organization of company events brings many benefits. For example? Integrating the team, improving the company's image, increasing the commitment and motivation of employees, acquiring customers, as well as establishing new business contacts. To make a company event interesting, it is worth using creative ideas and unusual solutions. It is important that the event is in line with the company's values and attracts the attention of the participants.
How to plan a company event?
1Organizing an event requires careful planning. You should define the purpose of the event, choose the date of the event and the place of the company meeting, as well as set the budget and create a guest list. Constant communication with the organizational team, suppliers and guests is also important. Make sure everyone is familiar with the corporate event program and what their responsibilities are.
Organization of a company event?
1The first step is to define the purpose of the event, i.e. what the company wants to achieve thanks to its organization. It can be increasing brand awareness, acquiring new customers, increasing employee motivation, their integration or training goals.
Then set the budget for organizing the event. The costs of a corporate event may include venue rental, catering, audio-video equipment, decorations, attractions, etc.
Choose a date and place for your company event. The location should be adapted to the purpose and nature of the event, as well as to the number of participants.
Finally, you need to create a detailed program of the event, including presentations, speeches, training, attractions and other elements that are consistent with the purpose of the event.
Corporate events Lubin?
1Idealnym miejscem na eventy dla firm z Lubina jest położony tuż obok Karpacza Dwór Korona Karkonoszy. Jest to stylowy obiekt z pełnym zapleczem szkoleniowym i hotelowym, a jednocześnie doświadczona firma eventowa. Dzięki temu w jednym miejscu otrzymamy kompleksową pomoc w organizacji imprezy integracyjnej czy szkolenia oraz w przygotowaniu niespodzianek i atrakcji dla uczestników.
What distinguishes Dwór Korona Karkonosze?
1Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz is distinguished by professionalism and experience in organizing successful integration events. It is not only a place for a company event, but also an experienced event company. This stylish manor is also distinguished by its original interiors: an over 100-year-old ballroom, the Refectory conference room, and boutique suites and rooms. The cuisine of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy surprises guests with the quality and unique flavors of the dishes.
A place for an integration party?
1An ideal place for an integration event should provide the opportunity for free fun and at the same time be attractive in itself. The point is that the participants of the integration could actually get to know each other better. But also for them to have the opportunity to take advantage of original entertainment and relaxation.
A good example of such a place for an integration event is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz. This beautifully situated, stylish facility provides both an intimate atmosphere, conducive to establishing and deepening relationships, as well as many interesting attractions tailored to the taste of the participants.
Integration events ideas?
1Ideas for integration events are easiest to find by checking the offer of experienced and popular event agencies. For example, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka near Karpacz presents over 100 ideas for integration events. It also suggests what to pay attention to and how to organize a successful integration meeting for employees. There are also ideas for theme parties and team building games.