We are already determined. Yes, that's her. Or yes, it's the One! This is the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Everything seems so simple. Just the wedding and reception, and then we start a new life together. Let's make sure that our first official moments together are successful. Let's do it the way we want to build the future. So let everything, both planned and spontaneous, succeed. As you know, happiness is worth a little help... Organization of weddings from A to Z - let's start!
What will you learn from the article?
Planowanie ślubu i wesela to jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń w życiu każdej pary. To wyjątkowy dzień, który wymaga szczególnej uwagi i precyzji w organizacji, aby wszystko przebiegło zgodnie z planem i abyście mogli cieszyć się każdą chwilą. W tym wpisie przeprowadzimy Was krok po kroku przez wszystkie etapy organizacji wesela, odpowiadając na najważniejsze pytania i podpowiadając, jak uniknąć najczęstszych błędów.
Na początek zastanowimy się, kto może pomóc w organizacji wesela oraz jak zaplanować ten wyjątkowy dzień. Dowiecie się również, jak wybrać odpowiedni termin i od czego najlepiej zacząć przygotowania. Poruszymy temat wyboru świadków, organizacji wieczoru panieńskiego i kawalerskiego, a także podpowiemy, jak przygotować się na sam dzień ślubu.
Przygotowaliśmy dla Was także wskazówki dotyczące wyboru zaproszeń ślubnych, muzyki na wesele oraz obrączek. Podpowiemy, czym można pojechać do ślubu, jak wybrać tort weselny i jaki alkohol najlepiej sprawdzi się na weselu. Nie zapominamy również o tym, jak odpowiednio posadzić gości, zastanowimy się nad organizacją poprawin oraz dekoracją sali, a także omówimy, czy hotel na wesele to dobry pomysł.
Z nami organizacja wesela stanie się przyjemnością, a Wasz wielki dzień będzie niezapomnianym przeżyciem. Zapraszamy do lektury!
- Organizacja wesel – kto się tym zajmuje?
- How to plan a wedding?
- Kiedy wesele, czyli jaki termin wybrać?
- Organizacja wesela – od czego zacząć?
- How to choose witnesses?
- Jak zorganizować wieczór panieński i wieczór kawalerski?
- Wedding day - how to prepare?
- Jakie zaproszenia ślubne wybrać?
- Jaka muzyka na wesele będzie najlepsza?
- Jakie obrączki na ślub wybrać?
- What for the wedding?
- Wybieramy tort weselny
- Alkohol na wesele – jaki, ile a może wcale?
- How to seat guests at a wedding?
- Organizacja wesel – poprawiny. Robić czy nie?
- Organization of weddings - room decoration
- Hotel na wesele – czy dobry pomysł?
Organizacja wesel – kto się tym zajmuje?
Preparing for a wedding can seem daunting. However, it is certainly a rewarding job and can certainly bring a lot of satisfaction. How to go about it and not forget anything? It's best to make a to-do list. We can make it ourselves or find it on the Internet. This will make the organization of the wedding much easier. It is best to start well in advance of the planned wedding. We can also prepare a sheet or table and enter in it the dates by which a given thing should be done and how much time - and money! - we will spend on it.
If we use the services of a wedding manager, our list will certainly be much shorter. We will also save a lot of time, and probably also unnecessary stress.

Organization of weddings - work or passion?
A wedding is a very important moment in our lives, but it is a one-time experience. This is a unique event and the beginning of a new stage in life, which is why it is of such great importance to us and we will do everything to make it happen from A to Z the way we dreamed it. Wedding organization usually accompanied by great emotions related to the need to make certain choices, such as the wedding hall, hairstyle or wedding outfit. It often seems to us that we cannot experience it again. That it's too much for us, especially when emotions reach their zenith.

However, there are people for whom wedding planning is a profession. These are wedding consultants or, in English, wedding planners or wedding managers. For most of them, it's just a profession. Organizing weddings is work like everyone else, you might say. But there are also those who experience the wedding with the Bride and Groom every time as if it was their own wedding. For them, every wedding is special, every emotion is important. Such people do not let anything go, only the here and now matters - the wedding they are dealing with is their whole life at this moment. It's hard to call it anything other than passion or talent. Because to make someone a great wedding and enjoy it as your own is a great art.
How to plan a wedding?
Where to start planning a wedding and reception (usually the wedding takes place immediately after the wedding)? Of course, assuming that we already have someone to get involved with and we are 100 percent determined to do it ... If we do not want to surprise our family and friends with our wedding, let's start by sharing this wonderful news with them. It may turn out that among them there are people who will be happy to help us with the organization of the wedding and reception. Or maybe they will even declare to take on some of the matters to be dealt with. Or that, for example, parents or grandparents have been looking for a venue for a wedding for some time, or they want to cover some of the costs associated with it. It will make our life much easier.
wedding date
However, regardless of whether we take care of the organization of the wedding ourselves or someone else will help us, there are still a few things to do. One of them is date selection. While there should be no problem at the Registry Office when it comes to setting the wedding date, there may be a problem with renting the dream venue for the wedding. We must act well in advance. Of course if it's not last minute wedding. Because in this case, we just take the opportunity, take the first available dates and organize a spontaneous wedding.

Kiedy wesele, czyli jaki termin wybrać?
Choosing a wedding date is quite an important issue. If we are superstitious, we can play various fortune-telling and even use numerology hints. Many young couples, supposedly just in case, check wedding and wedding superstitions, by dowiedzieć się, kiedy organizacja wesel jest najlepszym pomysłem.
If, on the other hand, we want to approach the subject of organizing weddings in a matter-of-fact and practical way, then let's just think about how much time we need to complete all the formalities. And also for choosing a venue, buying a wedding dress or wedding rings. If you already have an eye on a wedding venue, let's check the availability of dates there. Sometimes it is even worth waiting a bit, but to organize a wedding where we really want, and not in the first better venue just because it is available at the moment. Therefore, when choosing the date of the wedding, let's initially specify only the time range or, for example, the month and year. Because when it comes to the days of the week, it is now possible to organize weddings practically on each of them. What's more, wedding on Friday or deadlines wedding in a week are already becoming the norm. Then it will also be easier with the availability of a photographer or a band or a DJ.
Interestingly, many newlyweds today decide on slightly shorter dates than it was customary a few years ago. The volatility of the situation, such as a pandemic that no one had predicted before, means that not everyone wants to postpone the wedding and reception for a distant and uncertain future. And in fact, most things are available immediately, and official deadlines are not too far away. So what are you waiting for?
Organization of weddings?

Organizacja wesela – od czego zacząć?
You can start organizing a wedding, for example, by deciding what it should look like wedding hall or a dream hotel for a wedding. You can also choose the style and theme of the wedding. People who like order and good planning can also start by setting a budget. This approach will be very helpful when it comes to keeping your expenses in check. However, compromises may have to be made on some issues. So let's set our priorities. Let's think about what we care about the most and let's consider these items first.
Ustalcie liczbę gości
If we want it to be a large wedding, let's at least predetermine the number of guests and check the average prices for a wedding for a certain number of people. A good way is to calculate cost of a wedding per 100 people, and refer to it in our calculations. Wedding venues usually give the price for the so-called plate, i.e. how much does catering for one guest at the wedding cost. In general, wedding hall rental and catering are the highest items in the budget. You can start from it and other elements can be simply adapted to our capabilities.

Na pewno dość szybko należy dokonać wyboru miejsca na wesele i rezerwacji wymarzonego lokalu. Dajemy sobie wtedy czas na inne sprawy do załatwienia. Na spokojnie, z dużym wyprzedzeniem zapraszamy gości, wybieramy suknię ślubną i inne niezbędne rzeczy.
How to choose a wedding hall?
wedding halls… If we want to give our holiday a unique character, let's avoid places that we associate with everyday matters. Theoretically, you can imagine that someone will organize a wedding in the gym of a nearby school or the common room of their workplace. But is it really a good place for a wedding? NO. Simply, a wedding is a unique event and it requires such a setting.
There are so many wedding and banquet halls, hotels and restaurants where you can organize a wedding that everyone will surely find something for themselves. For example wedding hall in the mountains, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy Sosnówka near Karpacz, will surely delight the young couple and guests. Karpacz wedding and the surrounding area - it will always work.
Organization of weddings price list, czyli ile to kosztuje?
Nie ma jednego cennika, który można by podać. Dlaczego? Wesele to zawsze impreza szyta na miarę – pod oczekiwania i możliwości finansowe danego klienta. Dlatego choć firmy zajmujące się organizacją wesel mają oczywiście swoje cenniki, to zawsze są to kwoty orientacyjne, mieszczące się w widełkach od-do.
Wszystko zależy od zakresu usług, jakich oczekujemy, liczby podwykonawców, których trzeba zatrudnić, czasu, jaki trzeba poświęcić na przygotowanie akurat naszego wesela. Na pewno warto zatrudnić sprawdzoną firmę, która ma doświadczenie w branży weddingowej. I choć wpisując w wyszukiwarce frazę „organizacja wesel cena” spotkamy się na pewno z dużą rozpiętością cenową, warto pamiętać, że jakość kosztuje. Nie kierujmy się więc przy wyborze jedynie ceną – ten jedyny dzień w naszym życiu powinien być cudowny. Po to właśnie zatrudniamy specjalistów. A nie po to, by stresować się brakiem doświadczenia i kompetencji wedding managera.
Organizacja ślubu krok po kroku
Where to start wedding and reception organization? The first step should be choosing the type of wedding. Marriage can be legalized in Poland in three ways. Taking a civil, church or concordat wedding. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
Civil marriage
For example, a civil wedding is limited to a visit to the Civil Registry Office or a visit of a representative of the Registry Office in a place of our choice (of course, for an additional fee). Civil marriage it means a minimum of formalities, for example, you do not need to use premarital studies. It can be very elegant, or it can be more of a casual wedding. Its setting depends only on us.
For many people, a church wedding is important because of their faith and tradition. The bride's father can lead her - dressed in a long white dress with a veil - to the altar, the organ will play Mendelssohn's wedding march. Such an image is cherished in pop culture and many people cannot imagine that it could be otherwise.

However, let's remember that religious wedding does not automatically have legal consequences. To church wedding was honored by Polish law, a concordat wedding should be concluded. It is then recognized both by the Church and by all secular offices. Such a wedding must be reported to the parish in advance and the required documents must be submitted. Concordat wedding is a civil and religious wedding in one. The priest is obliged to report the ceremony, which takes place in the church, at the Registry Office. Only then does the marriage have legal force.

Humanist wedding - organization of the ceremony
Humanist weddings – organizing such celebrations is really simple. This is a relatively new – and quite private, it should be emphasized – form of getting married. Often this wedding is taken by young couples who care about a more solemn form than a civil wedding, and do not want to take a religious wedding.
We can arrange such a ceremony wherever we wish, it will be led by the Master or Mistress of Ceremonies. It often takes place outdoors. The bride and groom take an oath, which they prepare beforehand. She pronounces it in the presence of the gathered, as at any other wedding, but she decides what she will vow to the Beloved / Beloved.
Śluby humanistyczne mają bardzo indywidualny charakter, za każdym razem taka uroczystość wygląda inaczej. W tym przypadku to Para Młoda decyduje o wszystkim, nie musząc wpasowywać się w dość sztywne jednak ramy ślubu cywilnego czy wyznaniowego.

How to choose witnesses?
Wedding witnesses are people we want to be able to rely on. It is also an extraordinary distinction for them and a clear declaration that they are important people in our lives. So how to choose wedding witnesses in harmony with yourself, and at the same time not offend anyone? Usually, we choose a sibling or closest friend for this role. And if there are many of them? We have to decide. Of course, it is worth talking about this with our future spouse or spouse. However, if we reserve this decision for ourselves, let's choose a person who has never let us down and with whom we want to be friends for the rest of our lives. Let it be a person with whom we share genuine friendship and perhaps even common passions. Choosing a family member usually works well too. After all, a brother or sister is forever.
Witness and witness tradycyjnie są zobowiązani do pełnienia pewnej roli nie tylko w czasie ślubu, ale także wesela. Część osób będących świadkami ślubu uważa też, że powinni wręczyć Parze Młodej nieco większy prezent albo grubszą kopertę. Jednak nie jest to żadną regułą i wszystko zależy od relacji, jakie łączą nas z daną osobą.
Na przykład when is the wedding young people, especially during their studies or only at the beginning of their professional career, often call friends in a similar financial situation as witnesses. It is difficult to expect very expensive gifts from them then. A good and elegant solution in such a situation is a direct conversation or making a gift list. You can find things that are inexpensive, and at the same time, things that will give us real pleasure.

Organization of weddings - duties of witnesses
Being a witness at a wedding is a great honor and a privilege of being the closest person for the Bride and Groom in the most important time for them. But it's also responsibilities. Some of them start even before the wedding. Witnesses should be of assistance during the organization of the wedding. Also in the form of ordinary human support in difficult times. Another, slightly happier duty is to help organize and participate in hen and stag parties.
During the wedding, witnesses must have their documents with them. They also have to take care of the little things that the bride and groom may not be able to do on this day. Meaning to help other guests if needed. Obvious people also need to remember about wedding rings. If it is necessary to pay some small fees or negotiate with the organizers of the so-called wedding gates, it is the witness who should take care of it.
During the wedding ceremony and reception, the witnesses should help the Bride and Groom pick up flowers, gifts and envelopes. And then take care of them. But not only about them - above all, they should take care of the wedding guests, so that they don't miss anything and that they have fun.
Jak zorganizować wieczór panieński i wieczór kawalerski?
When planning a wedding and reception, we sometimes forget that stag and hen parties are - or can be - one of the important elements of celebrating getting married. Too late their organization can affect the course of the entire wedding. If we decide on this form of so-called farewell to bachelor or maiden freedom and carefreeness, then let's do it with our heads. Not the day before the wedding, because then we may be a bit tired and not fully experience the emotions associated with this event. It is best to plan such a celebration at least a week in advance.
Let's not overdo it with attractions either. After all, a wedding is the beginning of a new, better life, and with the support of a loved one, not a heavy sentence. If one sees it that way, then why get married at all? It is commonly known that a stag or hen party is an event rather for buddies, and in the case of ladies for close friends. And so be it. The wedding and reception is for us and it's just our holiday. Therefore, let's make it to him alive, healthy and in full strength.

Wedding day - how to prepare?
Dzień ślubu i wesela – prawdopodobnie będzie to długi i dość wyczerpujący dzień. Jednak na tych, którzy wytrwają, czeka wspaniała nagroda! Choć noc poślubna po hucznym weselu to też nie lada wyzwanie… Zwłaszcza jeśli impreza trwała do białego rana, a za chwilę będzie jeszcze wspólne śniadanie i rozpoczną się poprawiny. Jak się przygotować, żeby mieć siłę na taki maraton i jeszcze się nim cieszyć? Miłość powinna wystarczyć za paliwo. Dajmy jednak szansę również fizjologii.

The basis is to go to the wedding rested and take everything, even minor mistakes, at face value. You need to sleep well and eat a normal breakfast and at least a light dinner, regardless of the fact that there will be plenty of good food at the wedding. Let us not let hunger distract us or even make us feel bad on this day. At the wedding, as the main characters, we will be very busy and sought after, so we won't eat much.
Jakie zaproszenia ślubne wybrać?
Invitations prepared and written by hand are not only elegant. It is also a sign of respect for the recipient. But not everyone has artistic skills and a nice and legible handwriting. Then it is better to use ready-made patterns or order invitations in a printing house. Ready invitations are also classy.
Styl zaproszeń powinien być dopasowany do motywu przewodniego i stylu wesela, w ten sposób dając gościom przedsmak tego, co ujrzą w sali weselnej. Jeśli chcemy zamówić spersonalizowane zaproszenia, to jednak trzeba to zrobić z wyprzedzeniem.
Samo przygotowanie i wydruk zaproszeń ślubnych zajmuje trochę czasu. A przecież najważniejsze to wysłać je lub osobiście doręczyć zapraszanym gościom z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem. Tak, aby mieli oni czas przygotować się do wesela. Na przykład załatwić sobie wolne w pracy albo od innych obowiązków. Wedding organization list is long.

How to deliver wedding invitations? In a time when everyone has a mobile phone, all you have to do is call and make an appointment. However, if the distances are considerable, it is more convenient to send invitations by mail. However, let's call the people we want to invite to our wedding and reception and warn them about it. There are various life situations and if someone will not be able to enjoy our happiness at the wedding, they will probably inform us right away. For us, this means reducing the cost of the event or the possibility of inviting other people.
It is worth mentioning on wedding invitations that we ask you to confirm your presence. It is enough to add the well-known formula RSVP, which abbreviation means répondez s'il vous plaît, which literally means - please answer.
Do you dream of an exceptional wedding?

If we order wedding invitations, you can immediately order in the same style, for example, wedding vignettes. These are cards with information on who sits at which table. To maintain a uniform style, you can also order, for example, alcohol labels or a wedding schedule.
Dzięki temu, że poszczególne elementy weselnej galanterii papierniczej będzie łączył ten sam motyw, kolor i czcionka, przyjęcie zyska odpowiednią oprawę.
Jaka muzyka na wesele będzie najlepsza?
It is hard to imagine a wedding without music and dancing. Especially if you are planning a large and boisterous wedding, you must take care of the musical setting. In the case of an intimate party, we can prepare a playlist ourselves, but for a larger party, it is better to let a professional take care of the music. Music live, i.e. a music band is the optimal option at a wedding. A good band can move and entertain guests. He can also perfectly sense the mood and choose songs that match it. Musicians who often play at weddings also know the tastes of wedding guests, and if necessary, the right songs. While some people have a choice - band or DJ – but they choose a DJ.
Zespół czy DJ?
When considering hiring a band or DJ, meet them live and ask for a short presentation. The point is to select musicians representing musical trends close to us. Because we are supposed to have fun above all else. But if we listen to avant-garde music or niche artists on a daily basis, let us remember that for some reason these artists are considered to be such artists ... So they do not create for the general public, and certainly not for wedding guests. Weddings have their rights and if the majority of participants will have fun with some relatively simple song, then let's think about whether it's worth making a compromise this once?

Don't forget the first dance. Not all young couples decide to perform such a performance, but if we feel like it, let's determine in advance what song it should be. If possible, let's hear how it sounds performed by our wedding artists. All that remains is to learn the chosen routine, at home or at a dance school - many of them offer such services.
Organization of weddings - videographer or photographer?
Photography is a classic. A moment frozen in the frame will always be more interesting than a precise recording. A photo leaves a lot of room for interpretation, and a good photo is also about emotions and the kind of image that we can remember. But wedding videographer this is obvious for some young couples. The movie has its advantages too. If something funny happens, a slight gaffe or an interesting slip of the tongue, it's worth having such a recording. Years later, the memory of this moment will bring a smile to our faces. By the way, maybe we'll remember what we actually vowed to our chosen one...
Or maybe opt for both? Engagement and post-wedding photo session, as well as wedding and wedding video. Why not? Especially that the equipment sometimes fails, and everyone has a different eye for photos or recordings. Photography is drawing with light, and people feel it differently. Let's talk to your photographer. Let's ask for a portfolio and then decide if that's what we're after. Wedding photography is the art of telling the important story of two people through images. There won't be a second chance, so let's choose well. Maybe we should ask for a few photos before the wedding and see how the photographer sees us. Is its aesthetics close to us or do we feel comfortable in its company? It's hard to get good photos without it.

Jakie obrączki na ślub wybrać?
How to choose wedding rings? Nowadays, there is no single design of wedding rings. Classic - wide and gold - these are the wedding rings our grandparents wore. However, a lot has changed since then. Today, wedding rings are made of virtually all possible materials. And their color and style depends only on the imagination and dreams of the buyer.
Zresztą – pamiętajmy, że obrączki to jedynie symbol. Miłości i stałości uczuć. Chyba że ktoś traktuje je jak lokatę kapitału, to wtedy kupujmy najdroższe, na jakie nas stać. Jeśli chodzi o obrączki ślubne, kluczowa jest jedna kwestia. Nie wolno zapomnieć ich na ślub!
Marriage symbol
So how do you choose wedding rings? Let's start with whether we will actually wear them every day. Because not everyone can. There are some professions where, for safety reasons, they should not be worn. For example, the operator of certain devices or a doctor who operates in sterile conditions. Or an undercover agent. However, if we are not one of these people, let's choose wedding rings that we really like and match our personality. No matter what others think of them. And what material will they be made of? There is one condition - it must be quite durable. Color - why don't we match it to the sparkle of our bride's or future husband's eye? In the case of women, it may be better to choose a universal one, because women usually want jewelry to match the outfit, and these will change.

What for the wedding?
There are places where such issues are resolved by tradition. For example, in Sosnówka, a beautifully situated summer village near Karpacz, you can go to a wedding… with a litter! This is how people traveled in the mountains in the eighteenth century, of course, if you had the money. There was even a separate union of porters in Sosnówka! In this way, the Bride and Groom and wedding guests did not have to worry about soiling and damaging wedding clothes and shoes. And there was no fear that they would get tired before the wedding started.
Some go to the wedding in a fire engine or a horse-drawn carriage. You can also go by scooter or sleigh, although the latter is only in the mountains in the middle of winter. So much for unusual vehicles. It is the personality, passion and imagination of the bride and groom or their friends that will tell you what to choose. Only railway enthusiasts may have difficulties, because it is not possible to lay rails everywhere. Or glider pilots. But parachute jumpers... well, maybe it's not worth risking so much. After all, the wedding itself is a kind of jump into deep water.
Most often, however, the wedding vehicle is simply a wedding limousine, i.e. a festively decorated elegant car. And if the Wedding Palace or the church is nearby, why don't we choose a walk with a wedding procession?

Watch out for wedding gates!
Robienie tak zwanych bram weselnych ma długą tradycję. Chodziło o to, że Pan Młody musiał wykupić Pannę Młodą z jej środowiska, na ogół „płacił” za nią alkoholem albo słodyczami. Pół biedy, jeśli bramę weselną przygotują przyjaciele. Jest wtedy na ogół zabawnie i pewnie wiązać się to będzie z jakimś żartem.
However, it may happen that some local gentlemen from the neighborhood shop will block our way. The trick is not to lose your sense of humor. It is up to the Groom's witness to settle such a case. It's best to just have a small souvenir or a bottle of wedding tincture on hand in the car. If we assume that something like this may happen, let's also have some sweets on hand. This always works, especially if the gate is organized by children or teenagers.

Let's remember that wedding gates It is an element of tradition, although less and less common. And it should be treated simply with a smile, just like an element of folklore.
Wybieramy tort weselny
Cutting the wedding cake is one of the first joint activities of the spouses. Even if we do not cut it to the end ourselves and the staff will help us, this first moment is for us. It is also a grateful scene for the photographer and videographer. And for some guests, awaited with curiosity - and appetite! - moment.
Przygotowanie tortów weselnych na ogół zleca się profesjonalistom. Bo w tym wypadku nie warto ryzykować – uda się czy się nie uda? Tort weselny to nie tylko smak, to też wygląd i przede wszystkim dekoracja. Piętrowe torty, lukrowane albo białe i w dodatku z figurkami Pary Młodej to obrazki z popkultury. Ale to właśnie one kształtują gusta i oczekiwania klientów.
The appearance of the wedding cake today often depends on the style of the entire wedding. The leitmotif of the wedding may appear on it, you can repeat the leading colors. Nevertheless, let's remember that all guests want to enjoy the cake - apart from its beauty, the taste is also important!
Speaking of taste, when ordering a cake, it is also worth taking into account the time of year in which the wedding takes place. In winter or late autumn, we usually have a greater desire for heavy, sweet cakes, for example chocolate or marzipan. On the other hand, when it gets warmer, we are more attracted to lighter pastries, preferably with a lot of seasonal fruit. And in the middle of summer, let's bet on an ice cream cake! Guests will be delighted with a cool, sweet snack and everyone will be happy to try our wedding cake.

Obok tortu – słodki stół
Life together - may it be sweet! – you can start with the wedding table with sweets. Such a view always pleases the senses and the palate.
Sweet table i.e. a candy bar is not the same as platters with traditional cakes - cheesecakes, poppy seed cakes, roulades. These are wonderfully decorated various types of chocolates, truffles, jellies, gummies. It is important that they can be held in the hand, so they are usually mini pastries - tartlets, cream puffs, donuts, eclairs and muffins. Also cupcakes and mini tarts. These sweets can be supplemented with shakes.
Experienced wedding organizers they cooperate with proven pastry shops. So let's not worry about who will prepare it all. We can commission the whole thing or stipulate that we will do the setting and decoration of the sweet table ourselves. If we already have a concept of the style of the wedding or room decoration, we can decorate the sweets in such a way that they are consistent with the whole. Although, of course, in this case, their taste will be the most important.

Alkohol na wesele – jaki, ile a może wcale?
How to choose alcohol for a wedding? Ile kupić wódki, ile wina czy innych trunków? To jedno z najczęściej zadawanych pytań przez Młode Pary. Ale też część z nich rozważa, choć rzadko, wesele bez alkoholu. Według statystyk gusta alkoholowe Polaków nieco zmieniły się w ostatnich latach. Coraz częściej odchodzimy od wódki na rzecz wina, piwa albo cydru. Ten trend jest też o tyle zasadny i zrozumiały, że mamy obecnie dostęp do naprawdę wybornego wina czy piw rzemieślniczych w dość przystępnych cenach. Przechodzimy więc na degustację dobrych trunków i delektowanie się smakiem i dobrym towarzystwem.
Jak powszechnie wiadomo, nie każdy wytrzyma nawet kilka toastów wzniesionych bardzo mocnym alkoholem. A przecież na weselach bywają i samogony, i markowe trunki wysokoprocentowe. Wtedy podstawową zasada jest umiar i niemieszanie różnych alkoholi podczas zabawy.

How to use the alcohol per capita ratio? It is generally accepted 0.5 liters of vodka per adult guest. If we also decide on other drinks, such as wine, it seems that this proportion will also be appropriate. However, always remember to anticipate a small stock. Unless we know in advance that our guests are the first league among gourmets. Then change the proportions accordingly.
Another important issue is the fact that alcohol is not included in the so-called wedding plate. So you have to order and buy it separately or commission the purchase to the organizers, if we hire them.

Also remember that the way you serve alcohol is also important! Wine in elegant decanters, vodka with their own wedding labels immediately look better.
How to seat guests at a wedding?
Once you know how many people will be attending your wedding, it's time to decide how to seat your wedding guests. It will largely depend on the type of tables and their arrangement. Wedding table settings they can be very different - a long, single table, oblong tables arranged in a horseshoe, in the letter L or parallel to each other. The most elegant is the use of round tables, as at banquets or American weddings. What to choose? Much depends on the size of the hall, its shape and the number of guests. An experienced wedding manager will surely tell us the best solution.
Gdy już wybraliśmy układ stołów, wciąż pozostaje kwestia, jak posadzić gości? Czy na przykład „mieszać” gości z obydwu rodzin, czy też raczej posadzić obok siebie rodzinę Panny Młodej i oddzielnie rodzinę Pana Młodego? Taki układ ma swoje zalety. Z pewnością będą mieli sobie dużo do powiedzenia, przecież łączą ich wspólne wspomnienia. A jednak może warto postawić na integrację gości i nieco „przemieszać” towarzystwo.
Ten drugi wariant może sprawić, że wszyscy będą bawić się razem i nie będzie małych, rodzinnych enklaw. A może posadzić razem gości, w miarę możliwości oczywiście, podobnych sobie wiekiem? Albo pogrupować ich zgodnie z zainteresowaniami, lub profesją? Ale wtedy ryzykujemy, że na przykład wędkarze będą całą noc rozprawiać o przynętach, a medycy o ciekawych przypadkach…

Here it comes - how important! - character mayor at the wedding. He, as well as the witnesses, should immediately get the company moving and get them to play together. A good DJ or entertainer can also make it easier to break the first ice.
Organizacja wesel – poprawiny. Robić czy nie?
A wedding in a traditional style also involves the organization of a post-party. Who wouldn't want to have endless fun and the need to return to work or other duties... There have been weekly weddings in Poland, but that's rather a thing of the past. Well, unless someone feels like upholding noble or even magnate traditions.
A dream wedding?

Today, the standard is a wedding with a post-wedding party, i.e. a joint dinner for the wedding guests on the day after the wedding. Often it is also a late breakfast instead of dinner. Some of the guests are already slowly getting ready to leave anyway. The bride and groom usually just want to enjoy themselves, unwrap gifts or go on a honeymoon. That is why rarely anyone plans a wedding longer than two days.
Afternoons are also a great time to pamper those guests to whom, for some reason, we paid less attention the previous evening. And also to calmly thank and say goodbye to those who are slowly packing up. If we have any small gifts for wedding guests, it is only after corrections that they should be handed over.

What wedding style to choose?
Choosing a wedding style is no easy task. Mainly because there are so many possibilities. The most popular styles for a wedding are glamor (which of us has not wanted to feel like a princess at least once in her life?…), rustic or boho. But greenery weddings, Hamptons weddings and folk parties are common these days. They can all be beautiful and unforgettable. It's up to us what we choose. It's not worth blindly following fashion at this point. Styling for a rusalka or a folk accent arouse reluctance in us? Let's give up rustic and folk weddings. The excess of patterns and colors seems unbearable to us? Boho is not for us either… Crystals and shiny surfaces cause us allergies? The glamor is gone too.
It is clear that it is worth thinking about this issue and choosing a style and motifs that we really like, in which we will feel good. Especially since a specific style usually also entails the choice of specific colors for the wedding. If we do not like some colors very much, it will be difficult for us to bear them at our own wedding.
A motyw przewodni wesela? Wesela militarne albo survivalowe nie są jeszcze zbyt popularne, podobnie rzadko spotykana jest organizacja wesel piłkarskich, ale dla pasjonatów – why not? Then, as part of the attractions for guests, you can even organize a mini football tournament! The most common are motifs taken from the world of film - a wedding in the style of Casino Royal, for example.
Organization of weddings - room decoration
There are many companies on the wedding market that professionally deal with the decoration of wedding halls and, for example, churches. They cooperate with local florists and can provide us with a full floral or other setting, depending on the concept. But you can also prepare the wedding hall yourself. Flowers for wedding tables can simply be harvested in a nearby meadow if the season is right. When organizing a wedding in a country or rustic style, we can easily make flower decorations ourselves. It is also worth using some grains and decorate the wedding hall with them. Also mosses, ferns, vines will be suitable for decorating the room.

Hotel na wesele – czy dobry pomysł?
A comfortable situation at a wedding is when we can come to the room at any time, freshen up or change clothes. Especially for the Bride and Groom it will be important to have an apartment on site during the wedding. Some brides change their dress to a slightly less formal, but more practical one, and continue the fun. Wedding guests also appreciate the accommodation on site. It is very convenient to drive to the hotel by car, leave things in the room. And also be able to change clothes and freshen up after the trip.

Hotel for a wedding slowly becoming a wedding standard. However, there is a delicate issue - who pays for accommodation for guests? Schools are different. Accommodation for wedding guests may be paid by the Bride and Groom. According to the principle that it is the host of the wedding, i.e. the Young Couple, who covers the accommodation costs. Although it is not the rule. If we decide that guests should pay for accommodation themselves, we should inform them in advance. Just come to an agreement on this issue and determine how it will be. Either way, we need to book the correct number of rooms and ask for a booking confirmation if needed.
Organization of outdoor weddings
The organization of outdoor weddings is not much different from the organization of weddings taking place in ballrooms or restaurants. Of course outdoor wedding it is a bit more "demanding" in terms of weather phenomena. We must take into account possible rain, wind or heat. So umbrellas - sun or rain, pergolas, canopies will come in handy. A pond or fountains would also be welcome, giving a pleasant feeling of coolness on warm days.
Outdoor - garden is the most common choice. If it is located next to a wedding hall or restaurant, we have all the necessary facilities at once. However, if we dream of a wedding in a remote area, in a forest glade in the middle of a forest or a remote beach, we must also take care of water and electricity supply, as well as the organization of sanitary facilities and lighting.
W sumie w każdym przypadku organizacja ślubów i wesel oznacza sporo pracy. W przypadku wesela w plenerze, w odludnym miejscu tych kwestii do załatwienia będzie jeszcze więcej. Jeśli chcemy zaoszczędzić czas i nerwy, a czasem nawet – wbrew pozorom! – pieniądze, warto organizację wesela w plenerze powierzyć profesjonalistom. Wedding in the garden can be a truly unforgettable celebration!

Organization of weddings under a tent
In the case of an outdoor wedding, a good option is to rent a tent. Specialized companies offer tents in various sizes, they protect against rain and heat. You can also install special platforms for dancing in them. Let us remember, however, that we cannot set them up everywhere - a wedding lasting long into the night may disturb the local residents. These tents do not suppress noise, and hardly any wedding party ends at 10 pm.

Organizacja wesel – Dolnośląskie ma się czym pochwalić
Lower Silesia occupies a special place on the wedding map of Poland. For what reason? It's simple, only there we will find so many palaces, manor houses, castles, restaurants, inns offering the organization of weddings. Especially in the Valley of Palaces and Gardens, in the area of Jelenia Góra, we have a huge selection of wedding venues. So what place for a wedding will be the best?
The capital of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, is a wonderful city. Lots of monuments, great green areas, and countless restaurants and hotels where you can arrange wedding – Wroclaw będzie idealny! Jednak wesele w dużym mieście oznacza zwykle, że będzie stosunkowo drogo i dość tłoczno. Zabraknie spokoju, intymności i prywatności, tak potrzebnych w tym szczególnym dniu.
Dlatego może lepiej wybrać jakiś urokliwy rejon poza miastem, gdzie życie biegnie wolniej, gdzie będziemy mogli liczyć na obiekt na wyłączność, gdzie nie zabraknie miejsc noclegowych dla gości oraz pięknego ogrodu na biforek i poprawiny. Tam na pewno zostaniemy potraktowani indywidualnie, a nasze wesele nie stanie się kolejną imprezą do odhaczenia w grafiku.
Frequently Asked Questions
Karpacz wedding organizer?
For several years, Karpacz has been a real event and tourist center. Every year, numerous business, individual and wedding guests come there. A wedding in the mountains is a dream of many young couples. In Karpacz, you can easily meet them. Numerous venues for weddings - restaurants, mansions, castles, palaces or villas allow each bride and groom to find the right venue. The surrounding mountain resorts are also willingly chosen as wedding venues, such as Sosnówka, located on the lagoon, just a few kilometers from Karpacz.
How to go about organizing weddings?
The organization of a wedding requires a good plan and a list of all matters to be dealt with. Broken down into: persons who are to deal with a given case; terms; costs; place. A lot depends on whether we are planning a wedding away or on site. Of course, a large and grand wedding also requires more preparation than an intimate party for loved ones. However, if we do not have any experience in organizing events, we have a problem with meeting deadlines or counting costs, it is better to leave the organization of the wedding to professionals.
Wedding hall Lower Silesia?
There are so many wedding halls in Lower Silesia that it is difficult to decide which one to choose. It is definitely worth trusting experienced wedding organizers. If an event or wedding company has already organized hundreds of such celebrations, we can be sure that it will cope with any situation. In addition to the professional approach of wedding organizers, let's pay attention to the decor of the wedding hall and catering.
How much does a wedding organizer cost?
It is impossible to clearly state how much the service of organizing a wedding costs. Wedding managers will price their activities depending on how many things they will have to arrange and how long it will take them. It is worth renting a wedding hall or a restaurant that offers this type of help if we decide to organize our wedding in a given venue. Many wedding venues employ wedding assistants whose experience and contacts guarantee the organization of an unforgettable wedding.
Where to organize a wedding?
When it comes to weddings in Poland, the Karkonosze Mountains are currently the most popular. Weddings in the mountains are invariably popular, also among couples from abroad. An example is Dwór Korona Karkonoszy in Sosnówka, which is willingly chosen by young couples, where almost 780 weddings have already taken place, including many international weddings.